The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) is a peer-reviewed open access interdisciplinary journal owned by the European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS). The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) aims to engage scholars, clinicians and researchers in the vital issues of how to understand, prevent and treat the consequences of stress and trauma, including but not limited to, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depressive disorders, substance abuse, burnout, and neurobiological or physical consequences, using the latest research or clinical experience in these areas. The journal shares ESTSS’ mission to advance and disseminate scientific knowledge about traumatic stress. Papers may address individual events, repeated or chronic (complex) trauma, large scale disasters, or violence. Being open access, the European Journal of Psychotraumatology is also evidence of ESTSS’ stand on free accessibility of research publications to a wider community via the web. The European Journal of Psychotraumatology seeks to attract contributions from academics and practitioners from diverse professional backgrounds, including, but not restricted to, those in mental health, social sciences, and health and welfare services. Contributions from outside Europe are welcome. The journal welcomes original basic and clinical research articles that consolidate and expand the theoretical and professional basis of the field of traumatic stress; Review articles including meta-analyses; short communications presenting new ideas or early-stage promising research; study protocols that describe proposed or ongoing research; case reports examining a single individual or event in a real‑life context; clinical practice papers sharing experience from the clinic; letters to the Editor debating articles already published in the Journal; inaugural Lectures; conference abstracts and book reviews. Both quantitative and qualitative research is welcome.
European Journal of Psychotraumatology(EJPT)是由欧洲创伤压力研究学会(ESTSS)主办的一本同行评审的开放式跨学科期刊。该杂志致力于利用最新的研究和临床经验,促进学者、临床医生和研究人员对理解、预防和治疗压力和创伤后果的深入探讨,其研究主题包括但不限于创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)、抑郁症、药物滥用、职业倦怠以及神经生物学或身体后果等。EJPT与ESTSS的使命一致,旨在推进和传播有关创伤应激的科学知识,其论文内容可能覆盖个人事件、反复或慢性(复杂)创伤、大规模灾难或暴力等多种情况。作为一本开放获取的期刊,EJPT体现了ESTSS通过网络向更广泛社区免费提供研究出版物的承诺,并鼓励来自心理健康、社会科学、健康和福利服务等不同专业背景的学者和从业人员积极投稿,以促进多学科知识的交流与合作。