Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment (JESE) is a bimonthly international journal that publishes in Chinese high quality original research articles and timely reviews in interdisciplinary fields of earth and environment sciences. JESE aims to bridge innovative, provocative and challenging concepts and models related to various fields of research including petrology and geochemistry in understanding lithospheric architecture and mantle dynamics, global tectonics, economic geology and fuel exploration, geophysics, stratigraphy, paleontology, hydrogeology, applied geophysics, environment geosciences and engineering geology with new insights on correlations and evolution.
《地球科学与环境学报》面向从事地学研究工作的科技人员、专家、院校师生以及国家重点实验室、科研院所、高等院校、企事业单位等相关人员。该刊物为双月刊,国内外公开发行,同时拥有ISSN 1672-6561和CN 61-1423/P的标识号。