Journal of Isotopes is organised by the Isotopes Branch of the Chinese Nuclear Society and is a Chinese scientific and technological core journal with domestic and foreign public circulation. The journal is an OA journal and the full text can be accessed online for free.
The journal mainly publishes creative and practical new results, techniques and experiences in isotope preparation methods; isotope separation and analysis techniques; isotope coordination (labelling) chemistry; isotope behavioural chemistry, including technical studies in the environment, biology, plants, soil, and extreme conditions; isotope stoichiometry and standards, as well as theoretical simulations; radioactive waste disposal techniques, as well as the behaviours and materials involved in the disposal process. It aims to comprehensively reflect the development of isotope technology and the theory and practice of its application in various fields of the national economy. It aims to promote academic exchanges on isotope and radiation technologies at home and abroad, publicise their economic and social benefits, and promote the application of isotope technologies in all aspects of national economic construction.
At present, the journal is included in the following domestic and international databases:
CA Chemical Abstracts (USA)
JST Japan Science and Technology Agency Database (Japan)
DOAJ Open Access Database of Swedish University
Chinese Biological Abstracts
Chinese Academic Journals (CD-ROM)
Founder Apabi Electronic Journal
Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database (Core Edition) Statistical Source Journal
CEPS Chinese Electronic Journal Service
Shusheng Digital Journal
Wanfang Data - Digital Journals Cluster
EuroPub Database
1992 (first edition), 2004 edition of Peking University ‘Chinese core periodicals summary’ source journals
本刊主要刊登同位素的制备方法;同位素的分离和分析技术;同位素配位(标记)化学;同位素的行为化学,包括在环境、生物、植物、土壤,以及极端条件中的技术研究;同位素的计量学和标准,以及理论模拟;放射性废物处置技术,以及处置过程中涉及的行为、材料等方面的具有创造性和实用性的新成果、新技术和新经验,力求能全面反映同位素技术的发展及其在国民经济各领域中应用的理论与实践。旨在推进国内外同位素与辐射技术的学术交流,宣传其经济效益和社会效益,促进同位素技术在国民经济建设各方面的应用。 涉及有特色的领域有:同位素及其制剂的研制;石油矿藏的同位素探测技术研究;工业用同位素仪器仪表的研制;用于环境保护的同位素技术;同位素技术在辐照育种、土壤测试等方面的应用研究;医用核素在基础医学和临床医学中的研究和应用。
目前,该刊被国内外数据库收录情况如下:CA 化学文摘(美)、JST 日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(日)、瑞典大学DOAJ开放获取数据库、《中国生物学文摘》、《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》、《方正Apabi电子期刊》、《中文科技期刊数据库》(核心版)统计源期刊、《CEPS中文电子期刊服务》、《书生数字期刊》、《万方数据——数字化期刊群》、EuroPub Database开放获取平台收录;1992年(第一版)、2004年版北京大学《中文核心期刊要目总览》来源期刊。期刊荣誉:Caj-cd规范获奖期刊,国防优秀期刊三等奖。