The motivation for this new journal is the tremendous increasing of useful articles in the field of Physical Chemistry and the related subjects in recent years, and the need of communication between Physical Chemists, Physicists and Biophysicists. We attempt to establish this fruitful communication and quick publication. High quality original papers in English dealing with experimental, theoretical and applied research related to physics and chemistry are welcomed. This journal accepts your report for publication as a regular article, review, and Letter. Review articles discussing specific areas of physical chemistry of current chemical or physical importance are also published. Subjects of Interest: Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Statistical Thermodynamics, Molecular Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Life Sciences, Surface Chemistry, Catalysis, Physical Chemistry of Electrochemistry, Kinetics, Nanochemistry and Nanophysics, Liquid Crystals, Ionic Liquid, Photochemistry, Experimental article of Physical chemistry. Mathematical Chemistry.