"Preventive Medicine Tribune" was founded in 1995, formerly known as "Preventive Medicine Literature and Information", and was renamed to its current name in 2004. This journal is a preventive medicine academic journal managed by the National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention and sponsored by the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
This journal has columns such as special articles, treatises, survey research, experimental research, monitoring, and review. It mainly reports on the scientific research results and advanced experience in the fields of public health and preventive medicine in my country, highlighting the characteristics of combining academic and practical aspects.
《预防医学论坛》创刊于1995年,前身是《预防医学文献信息》,2004年更名为现刊名。本刊是由国家疾病预防控制局主管,中华预防医学会、山东省疾病预防控制中心主办的预防医学类学术期刊。ISSN 1672-9153,CN 37-1428/R。为原国家新闻出版广电总局第一批认定学术期刊。现为月刊。