The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology (ISSN 1001-7089, CN 61-1197/R) was founded in 1987, which was initiated by Professor Liu Furen and Xi'an Medical University. It was officially published in May 1989 with the approval of the National Science and Technology Commission and the Ministry of Health, sponsored by Xi’an Medical University and governed by the Ministry of Health. Since April 2000, the journal is sponsored by Xi’an Jiaotong University and governed by the Ministry of Education. The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology is a monthly open access journal. The full text of all articles published can be downloaded from this website free of charge.
The editorial board of the journal is composed of renowned dermatology and venereology experts. The journal is aimed at reporting research results of modern medicine and integrated Chinese medicine in the prevention, treatment, education and scientific research of dermatovenereal diseases in China. The columns include expert experience, original research article, venereology,case report, traditional Chinese medicine, review, etc. In addition, the journal advocates the improvement and popularization of knowledge for community medical staff, and persists in scientificity, practicality, innovation, and continuing medical education for young dermatologists. The aimed readers are senior and intermediate practitioners of clinical, teaching and research in dermatology, venereology and related disciplines.
The circulation of the journal has been increasing for all these years, with readers and authors coming from all over China. The journal also has communication with Japan, the United Kingdom, Chinese Taiwan and Chinese Hong Kong. About 1400 articles are published each year. The journal is listed by many provinces as the designated publication for professional title evaluation and promotion.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology is indexed by the Key Chinese Core Journals, the Core Journal of Dermatology and Venereology, the Efficient Core Journal of Venereology by the Ministry of Health, the "Double Effect Journal" of the Chinese Journal Matrix. It is also the Statistical Source Journal of Chinese Scientific and Technological Journals, the SinoMed and The Source Journal of The Comprehensive Evaluation Database of Chinese Academic Journals. It has been successively indexed by Wanfang Database, Chinese Academic Journals (CNKI), Weipu Database, China Biology Medicine disc, Chinese Medical Journal Network and Biomedical Database. At the same time, it has been indexed by more than 10 retrieval system in China.
《中国皮肤性病学杂志》在著名皮肤科专家刘辅仁教授倡导下,于1987年在西安医科大学的关怀支持下创办,1989年5月经国家科委和卫生部批准正式发刊的国家级皮肤性病学专业期刊。国内外公开发行,原由卫生部主管、西安医科大学主办,2000年4月合校后由教育部主管、西安交通大学主办。国际连续出版物号为ISSN 1001-7089,国内统一刊号CN 61-1197/R,邮发代号52-17,月刊。