Aiming at bringing together the research workers and all that sympathize with the subject, like also all that are interested in bohemistic, the journal will consist of – apart from the scientific – the review and the report sections. That is why I have decided to focus on this three main sections: 1. Scientific section, with information on current scientific-research output in the field of bohemistic, and with articles on Czech literary studies and linguistics, together with comparative works. 2. Review and report section with information concerning books on bohemistic that appear on the Czech, Polish and world market. It will surely help the readers with being up-to-date with all novelties. For this purpose we will also supplement the journal with critical review of what is going on in the publishing market, the reviews of the novelties and reports on scientific researches. 3. Annalistic section in which I would like to include complete and useful information concerning bohemistic centers in the world, jubilees of Czech and world bohemists, scientific conferences devoted to the issues of Czech literature and language etc. This section will also run the reports from conferences, articles on anniversaries and jubilees of Polish and world bohemists, and also reports on bohemistic institutions and organizations all over the world.
English, Russian, German, Polish, Czech