Russian Journal of Forest Science (Lesovedenie) started from 1967. The founder is the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Co-founders – Centre for Forest Ecology and Production, Russian Academy of Sciences (CFEP) and Institute of Forest Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (ILAN). Comes out 6 times a year in the Publishing house «Nauka». Russian Journal of Forest Science is unique for Russia Journal, existing nearly half a century and covering a wide range of science about the forest. This spectrum covers typology, functioning, diversity and dynamics of forest ecosystems. The journal deals with the theoretical basis of the measures to increase productivity, optimization of the forest management, and the conservation of biodiversity in the forest ecosystems. The interest area involves the studies of the effect of human impact on the forest ecosystems as well as the forest resilience to such alterations. The journal considers the forests as the sophisticated natural complex of the utmost importance for the energy accumulation and the matter transformation in the biosphere. It provides reader with the information on the best advances of Russian and International science in this field as well as on the biospheric role of the forest. The journal covers new methods for the study of forest cover and its dynamics, including methods of mathematical modeling and using of satellite monitoring technologies. The journal publishes reviews of new monographs and textbooks on management and informational about congresses, conferences, meetings. On pages of the journal you can get acquainted with the history of forest science, read the commemorative articles on our colleagues-foresters and forest ecologists.