Russkii Zhunal Detskoi Nevrologii
print: 2073-8803
on-line: 2412-9178
Medicine-Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
Gold OA文章占比:
Gold OA文章占比是指一个总体中金色OA文章数量占总体文章数量的比重。OA期刊的文章主要通过金色通道(Gold road,也称为Gold OA,即期刊官网)和绿色通道(Green road,或Green OA)实现开放获取。金色通道是开放获取期刊通过自己的官网来实现的,而绿色通道是通过把文章自存档于机构知识库(Institutional Repositories,比如哈佛大学学术库DASH)或学科知识库中来实现。
Scopus (CiteScore) || Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Among the main focuses of interest of Russian Journal of Child Neurology is the publication of articles addressing basic research and comprehensive management of patients with neurological disorders. Unfortunately, the lack of close collaboration with colleagues all over the world that was in the XX century, as well as insufficient equipment of pediatric neurological hospitals had a negative influence on the development of neurology in Russia and led to the delays in the understanding of the child’s developing brain. This could be easily proved by the fact that since the 1930s no new nosological form or syndrome was given a Russian name. Such “isolation” led to the appearance of “our own” classifications, disease names and “our own” treatment approaches. Pediatric neurology is a highly complicated branch of medicine. This is mainly due to the significant polymorphism in children’s diseases and their drastic changes as they age. Moreover, the variety of types and clinical courses of neurological disorders in children highly exceeds the one that adults suffer. One of the obvious examples is epilepsy that has over 40 types of seizures, including of both favorable and poor prognosis. In comparison with the traditional approach of highlighting common neurological disorders, Russian Journal of Child Neurology primarily covers rare and atypical neurological diseases. This is mainly due to the assessment of neurological signs in rare syndromes that allows to view ordinary neurological disorders from a different perspective, be critical in the questions of their diagnostics and treatment, move forward into in-depth understanding of neurology.
引用分数(英语:CiteScore,CS)是一种用来反映学术期刊最近发表文章“年平均被引用次数”的衡量指标。该指标由Elsevier于 2016 年 12 月推出,以替代常用的JCR影响因子(由Clarivate计算)。 CiteScore是Scopus中系列期刊指标的一部分,包括 SNIP(源文档标准化影响),SJR (SClmago杂志排名),引用文档计数以及引用百分比。
CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | CiteScore排名 |
0.2 | 0.112 | 0.090 | 大类:Medicine 小类:Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health 303 / 330 8% 大类:Medicine 小类:Neurology (clinical) 378 / 400 5% |
2015年 | 2016年 | 2017年 | 2018年 | 2019年 | 2020年 | 2021年 | 2022年 |
22 | 36 | 30 | 17 | 23 | 27 | 24 | 19 |
Russian Federation
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