Colombia Forestal Journal publishes original manuscripts on themes of the forest field and various aspects of natural resources and the environment, which are discriminated in the categories of research article, review, reflection and technical notes of agreement with the stipulations of COLCIENCIAS for scientific publications. According to the classification of scientific areas of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Colombia Forestal Journal belongs to the large area of Agricultural Sciences (4), Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (4A) and to the discipline Forestry (4A02). Since its creation in 1978, the journal has been edited and published by the Francisco José de Caldas District University with headquarters in Bogotá. The quality of the content of the journal has been strengthened with the collaboration of national and international external evaluators in a double blind arbitration system and the dissemination has been extended by publishing manuscripts in a language different from Spanish and with inclusion in bibliographical databases such as Scopus. , DOAJ, Scielo, Redalyc, Ebsco, CAB Abstracts of CAB International, Forestry Abstracts, Ulrich''s, Latindex, Publindex. Likewise, it has academic profiles at Mendeley, Academia and Researchgate. The articles that are submitted to Colombia Forestal Journal must be original and unpublished and have not been postulated in other journals.