Journal of Ethnology is a professional ethnologic reviewed journal. It is published four-times a year, always at the end of the corresponding quarter. The first special issue was presented to the reading public in 1990; the first periodic issue was published in 1991. Journal of Ethnology began as a free instalment of a professional journal that was published between 1964 and 1990 under the name Ethnographic News. After November 1989, the journal was modified: not only its name but also its content and format changed. With new graphic appearance and manifold content, the editors at that time aimed to disseminate the contemporary ethnological investigation more distinctly and so to extend the group of the reading public. Nevertheless, the journal made again a name for itself as a professional periodical focused on the ethnologic (and the resulting interdisciplinary) problems within social and historical contexts. The main intention of the editors is to reflect the discipline as flexibly as possible. The Journal of Ethnology presents the themes in the field of traditional culture and researches within the contemporary society; it reflects the live research terrain that brings new initiatives for the discipline. In the above connections, it pays attention also to folklorism and to the tasks investigated by the National Institute of Folk Culture that is the publisher of the journal. In addition to studies and material papers in Czech and Slovak languages (the studies by foreign authors, written in other languages, are translated into Czech), the journal publishes also the theme photographic enclosures documenting the ethnographic photography in the last century predominantly (the section Stopping with Photos).