The aim of the journal is to publish original scholarly and popular articles written by specialists working in these areas and to provide a decent platform for communication about the interaction between these fields of study. The Journal is on the List of non-impacted periodicals published in the Czech Republic. Within its orientation on Christian reflections in the context of social sciences and humanities the journal Caritas et Veritas is devoted primarily to practical matters related to ethics, the assisting professions and pedagogy.The aim of the journal is to publish original scholarly and popular articles written by specialists working in these areas and to provide a platform for communication about the interaction between these fields of study. That is why it is the editorial board''s aim to keep the entire journal easily accessible for practitioners in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The scholarly and popular sections of the journal as well as reviews of publications in Czech and Slovak language are therefore published in Czech. At the same time the editorial board strives to ensure that the scholarly studies published in the journal take account of international discourse and are accessible to it. The editorial and scholarly studies are therefore published also in English translation, scholarly studies written originally in English or another world language are also published in this way.