Studii si Cercetari Fliologice, Seria Limbi Romanice
print: 1843-3979
on-line: 2344-4851
Social Sciences-Linguistics and Language
Gold OA文章占比:
Gold OA文章占比是指一个总体中金色OA文章数量占总体文章数量的比重。OA期刊的文章主要通过金色通道(Gold road,也称为Gold OA,即期刊官网)和绿色通道(Green road,或Green OA)实现开放获取。金色通道是开放获取期刊通过自己的官网来实现的,而绿色通道是通过把文章自存档于机构知识库(Institutional Repositories,比如哈佛大学学术库DASH)或学科知识库中来实现。
Scopus (CiteScore) || Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
The journal Philological Studies and Research. Romance Languages Series hosts original works in literature and linguistics written in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Our journal only publishes texts that have not already been published in other journals, collective volumes, conference papers etc. By proposing a text, an author certifies the originality and authorship of the text and agrees not to send it to another publication before getting a reply from the editorial board and / or the reviewers of our journal. The process of selecting the texts is “blind peer-review” and is performed by members of the scientific committee and reviewers. The authors that want to publish an article in the journal Philological Studies and Researches. The Romance Languages Series will send an electronic copy of the article to the editorial board of the journal which, in turn, will send the text to two reviewers and/or members of the scientific committee, without revealing the author’s name and coordinates. The reviewers will evaluate the text and will propose, if necessary, corrections to be done by the author, so that the text could correspond to the scientific standard of the journal.
引用分数(英语:CiteScore,CS)是一种用来反映学术期刊最近发表文章“年平均被引用次数”的衡量指标。该指标由Elsevier于 2016 年 12 月推出,以替代常用的JCR影响因子(由Clarivate计算)。 CiteScore是Scopus中系列期刊指标的一部分,包括 SNIP(源文档标准化影响),SJR (SClmago杂志排名),引用文档计数以及引用百分比。
CiteScore | SJR | SNIP | CiteScore排名 |
0.0 | 0.101 | 0.000 | 大类:Social Sciences 小类:Linguistics and Language 1139 / 1167 1% 大类:Arts and Humanities 小类:Language and Linguistics 1063 / 1088 1% |
French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish
Editura Universitatea din Pitesti