The IJECS is a double-blind referred academic journal for all fields of Electronic Commerce. To serve as an international platform, the IJECS encourages manuscript submissions from authors all around the world. As a multi-discipline journal, The IJECS welcome both technology oriented and business oriented electronic commerce research articles. The purpose of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies is to promote electronic commerce research and provide worldwide scholars a place to publish their innovative work in electronic commerce. To be published in the journal, the manuscript must make strong empirical, theoretical, or practical contributions and highlight the significance of the contributions to the electronic commerce field. Thus, preference is given to submissions that test, extend, or build strong theoretical frameworks for electronic commerce theory, electronic commerce system development, and electronic commerce practice. The journal is not tied to any particular national context; the geographic distribution of authors publishing in the journal came from countries around the world. Articles introducing cases of innovative applications in electronic commerce around the world are also published in the journal. The journal provides scholars opportunities to realize the electronic commerce research and development around the world. Articles in the International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies will include, but are not limited to the following areas.