The Journal of ISSAAS is published semiannually, every June and December, by the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences (ISSAAS), which seeks to encourage the holistic approach to problems and to promote the progress and advancement in science and technology through research and publications, the outcome of which is for regional agricultural development. Articles published may be invited papers from the presentations at the plenary session of the ISSAAS International Congress or contributed technical papers on tropical agricultural science and related areas including agronomy, forestry, fishery, agricultural economics, crop protection, environmental science, food science, molecular biology and biotechnology, engineering, rural development, agroforestry and other fields related to agriculture. Active membership is a requirement for publication of an article in the Journal. Active membership requires that one should have fully paid the membership fees for the current year. Thus, only article submissions by paid members will be accepted. All articles should first be submitted to the Country Editors who will in turn endorse the articles to the Editor-in-Chief for review. Articles submitted for publication undergo a double-blind peer review process. The Editor-in-Chief on the other hand will have the articles reviewed by peers from other Chapters based on the standard review guidelines. Only articles which have been favorably reviewed and edited would eventually be published.