It is a veterinary scientific journal, referenced, arbitrated, online, monthly and with access to full articles. Publishes scientific and research papers, reviews, theses, dissertations, lectures, short communications, posters, case studies, informative articles or opinion pieces regarding any aspect of technical expertise in the field of Veterinary Sciences (medical and health sector, health, surgery, agriculture , animal husbandry, nutrition, environmental) at regional, national and international levels. The topics may be addressed from the clinical, educational, experimental, research, outreach and other aspects. Is available free of charge as an Open Access journal on the Internet. He preferably publishes scientific, research, review, thesis, doctoral thesis, clinical cases, but also informative, opinion, technical or other articles of any specialty in the field of Veterinary Sciences or related internationally. It is also an official means of scientific, technical and professional communication of the thematic portal Veterinaria.org, of the Spanish Association of Veterinarians Specialists in Diagnostic Imaging (AEVEDI) and of the Spanish Society of Internal Veterinary Medicine (SEMIV) after integrating RECVET in 2008 and invites other veterinary entities to join forces.