Finance and accounting are seen as essential components for the successful implementation of market-based development policies supporting economic liberalisation in the rapidly emerging economies in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia. AAJFA aims to foster greater discussion and research of the development of the finance and accounting disciplines in these regions. A major feature of the journal will be to emphasise the implications of this development and the effects on businesses, academics and professionals. Topics covered include: -Asset pricing, corporate finance, banking; market microstructure -Behavioural and experimental finance; law and finance -Emerging economies: finance, audit committees, corporate governance -Islamic finance, accounting and auditing -Equity analysis and valuation, venture capital and IPOs -National GAAP and IASs compliance, harmonisation and strategies -Financial measurement/disclosure, and the quality of information reported -Accountability and social/ethical/environmental measurement/reporting -Cultural, political, institutional impact on financial measurement/disclosure -Accounting practices for intellectual capital and other intangible assets -Provision of non-audit services and impairment to auditor independence -Audit quality and auditor skills; internal control/auditing -Management accounting, control and /use of key performance indicators -Accounting education and professional development, accounting history -Public sector and not-for-profit accounting