Boletín de Arte, founded in 1980, is the academic journal edited by the Department of History of Art at the University of Málaga. Boletín de Arte fosters research and academic discussion based upon all periods of the history of art, as well as art theory, aesthetics and visual culture. This scientific journal is published annually in both paper and digital formats, only accepting original proposals which have not been previously edited or published in any other journal, book, conference proceedings, seminar, etc. The journal follows a peer-reviewed policy in the selection of articles. This double-blind peer review process contains the standard criteria for serial scientific publishing. Boletín de Arte welcomes submissions in Spanish, English, French and Italian. Paper titles, abstracts and keywords will be also published in English. The journal publishes scholarly articles but it also devotes different sections to book reviews, art criticism and Varia/Miscellanea. Boletín de Arte publishes leading research in art history as practiced by art historians, artists, architects, aesthetic specialists, researchers and those professionals related to history, and art theory and practice.