bilig aims to present the cultural riches as well as the historical and contemporary realities of the Turkic world within a scientific framework. It also aims to inform the public of scientific studies of international quality focusing on the Turkic World. bilig publishes articles that approach the current and historical problems of the Turkic world from a scientific perspective and propose solutions to these issues. Submissions to bilig should be original articles producing new and worthwhile ideas and perspectives or evaluating previous studies in the field. bilig also publishes essays introducing authors and works and announcing new and recent activities related to the Turkic world. An article to be published in bilig should not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers presented at a conference or symposium may be accepted for publication if this is clearly indicated. bilig is published quarterly: Winter/January, Spring/April, Summer/July and Autumn/October. At the end of each year, an annual index is prepared and published in the Winter issue. Each issue is forwarded to subscribers, libraries and international indexing institutions within one month after its publication.