The Journal will serve and provide a forum for exchange of ideas among business executives and academicians concerned with global business and economic issues. With the rapid evolution of corporate business from international to global in recent years, general business has been one of the areas of greatest added complexity and concern for corporate managers. It is no longer sufficient for the corporate manager to limit his/her study simply to the domestic aspects of general business. Almost every single topic that can be studied in general business now has global dimensions that are equally important. As such, practitioners and academicians, each with a unique perspective on global business, must go beyond the presently limited sharing of information and ideas. The Journal will be an academic journal combining academic inquiry and informed business practices. It will publish empirical, analytical, review, and survey articles, as well as case studies related to all areas of global business and economics. A sentiment often expressed by practitioners is that academic research in general may not be addressing the most relevant questions in the real world. To bridge some gaps in our knowledge of the real world, the Journal is thereby willing to sponsor a field research (such as surveys, in-depth interviews, on-site studies, etc.). It is fair to say that the Journal will publish high-quality applied-research papers. Nevertheless, studies that test important theoretical works and shed additional light on the issue with some business implications will also be solicited.