The International Journal of Pediatrics was founded in 1974. Its original title was Foreign Medicine·Pediatrics. It was renamed the International Journal of Pediatrics in the first issue of 2006. The magazine is under the jurisdiction of the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, sponsored by the Chinese Medical Association, and the second sponsored by the China Medical University. It is one of the series of journals of the Chinese Medical Association. In 2006, it was the first to join the Chinese Science and Technology Paper Statistics Source Journal among the international series of journals, becoming a core journal of Chinese science and technology.
The International Journal of Pediatrics mainly publishes reviews, monographs, clinical application research, etc. that reflect new progress, new trends, new technologies and new methods in the field of international pediatrics. It also has columns such as reviews, expert forums, continuing medical education and foreign academic trends. The content of the report focuses on both pediatric clinical and basic research. It is the only national pediatric professional academic journal in China that specializes in introducing the latest progress and latest trends in the field of contemporary pediatrics.