Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung (ZfW) – Journal for Research on Adult Education is a leading academic journal for high-quality original research of adult and continuing education. It was launched in the 1970s as the first and only German academic journal dedicated exclusively to all aspects of adult learning. Since 2015, ZfW has been published as a fully Open Access journal with the editorial infrastructure being provided by German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE).
Supporting the dialogue between all associated disciplines involved in adult and continuing education, the journal specifically contributes to the integration of German adult education in the international context. All original articles undergo a double-blind peer review process in accordance with international standards.
While the journal primarily publishes German-language research, the editorial board explicitly welcomes manuscripts submitted in English by authors from around the world.
Article Publication Charges/APCs
As of January 1, 2021, Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung (ZfW) – Journal for Research on Adult Education as a Fully Open Access journal participates in the German Publish and Read licensing agreement DEAL between Springer Nature and "Projekt DEAL". Over 900 participating German universities and research institutions cover the Article Publication Charge (APC) for the publication of an Open Access Article by their researchers, who are the corresponding authors of the article.
German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE) provides financial support to aid any authors who require assistance with the APC (1200 EUR/ 940 GBP/ 1475 USD) for their manuscript. Authors who are not working at an institution participating in "Projekt DEAL" are asked to provide a code upon submission of their article in the electronic submission and peer review system in order to have APC covered by German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE): BB-DIE-ZWFW-1220. Please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office if you have any questions about funding opportunities. More information can be found here. No further fees are charged for the submission and processing of articles.