QUINTANA is a journal about the history of art, issued annually, which publishes original research papers about any of the specialities related to the Arts, including interdisciplinary approaches that enrich their study. The publication of research papers is structured in two sections: the first one -SUBJECT- is of a monographic character, and its content is planned beforehand by the Editorial Board, who invites well-known specialists in the chosen theme, whilst the second one -ARTICLES- is open to contributions about any theme. The papers which are presented in the ARTICLES section will be subjected to assessment using a double-blind review process with anonymity for both authors and reviewers (peer-review process). The journal will use two reviewers, members of the Scientific Committee or academic experts, to assess each article received, and will resort to a third reviewer in the case of discrepancy. The articles which are finally published will include reception and acceptance dates. The journal’s Director and the Editorial Board will have ultimate responsibility for the selection process, and will communicate the editorial decisions to the authors.