Shanghai Journalism Review was founded in 1983, adhering to the principle of advancing with the times, following the guidelines of orienting journalists, helping journalists to make progress, serving journalists and helping journalists to speak, writing journalists, journalists writing, letting people inside the circle enhance communication and letting people outside the circle understand journalists, so as to make it become a big school for fostering journalistic talents and a big family attracting readers inside and outside the circle.
《新闻记者》与其他新闻专业期刊不同的是,“《新闻记者》不仅仅给新闻记者读”,所刊文章既重理论深度,又紧密联系实际 ,作者队伍包括专业新闻研 究人员,也包括工作在采编一线的记者编辑,还包括那些活跃在媒体机构外围的业余记者、未来记者们。近年来,《新闻记者》本着理论联系实际的原则,始终保持对新闻工作实践的敏感,对新闻界出现的新现象、新观念、新问题,及时从理论高度加以探讨、研究;对学术界的最新理论成果,及时介入探索,介绍给新闻界同仁。因此,这本杂志既受到业界同行的欢迎,也受到学术界人士的普遍重视。