"Computer Engineering & Science", started in 1973, is a comprehensive academic journal in computer industry sponsored by College of Computer Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology. It is a member periodical of the Chinese Computer Federation. Currently it is a monthly journal, and published on 25th of each month.
"Computer Engineering & Science" is a key retrieval resource recognized by domestic authoritative search publications, and is included in Chinese core journals, Source journal for Chinese Scientific and Technical papers and citations, Chinese science and technology papers statistical analysis source journals, CSCD extended journals, China academic journals (CD-ROM version) full-text journals, Chinese academic journals comprehensive evaluation database source journals, China Journals Network full-text journals, Wanfang database full-text journals, EBSCO host (U.S.), Ulrichsweb (U.S.).
《计算机工程与科学》被国内权威性检索刊物列为重点检索对象,先后被列入中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊、中国科技论文统计分析源期刊、中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)扩展期刊、中国学术期刊(光盘版)全文入编期刊、中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊、中国期刊网全文入编期刊、万方数据库全文入编期刊、美国《史蒂芬斯全文数据库》(EBSCO host)、美国《乌利希期刊指南(网络版)》。