Disease Surveillance, editor in chief Xu Jianguo .The Editorial Committee is made up of experts and scholars from all over the world, and is absorbing more prominent scientists throughout the world to join. At the same time, it welcomes excellent contributions worldwide.Disease Surveillance is a monthly academic journal at the international level, which is sponsored by Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and published by Editorial Department of Disease Surveillance of Institute of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control (ICDC).
Aims and Scope:Disease Surveillance is an open access and peer-reviewed journal published monthly by China CDC. It accept scientifically rigorous and influential research in public health, including the surveillance and monitoring of communicable disease, chronic disease, food-borne disease,vector-bome disease, natural focal disease, burden of disease, drug resistant,poisoning,Injury anddeath,as well as the direct network report, laboratory safety, survival quality and warming and forecast. In addition.Disease Surveillance includes data-type articles reporting epidemic situation ofinfectious disease of China monthly. Disease Surveillance targets readership including researchers, students, and educators in a broad range of public health,epidemiology,immunology,disease control and prevention, etc.
主要报道:急、慢性传染病,慢性非传染性疾病、伤害、寄生虫病、地方病等防治成果;卫生统计、环境医学、职业卫生、学校卫生、健康促进、健康教育等方面的研究成果;与疾病控制关系密切的实践经验;新理论、新技术、新方法等具体而最详实的监测工作和最先进的检测技术;述评、专题讲座以及反映国内外相关学科重要进展的综述及公共卫生突发事件调查等。主要栏目:热点聚焦、述评、专家论坛、疫情快讯、传染病监测、慢性非传染病监测、自然疫源性疾病监测、院内感染监测、突发公共卫生事件监测、环境卫生监测、食品卫生监测、技术与方法、综述、网络直报、死因监测、耐药监测、案例分析、海外动态、科普知识、行业动态、国外媒体、简讯等。本刊为中国科技精品期刊、中国学术期刊影响力指数Q1期刊、中国科技核心期刊、北大中文核心、CSCD和RCCSE 中国核心学术期刊。