Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science)(ISSN 1671-6833; CN 41-1339/T)is an open access and internationally peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by Zhengzhou University, bimonthly. Its predecessor is Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Technology(ISSN 1000-517X; CN 41-1130/T), Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology(ISSN 1007-6492; CN 41-5057/T), which was founded in 1980.Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science) has been included in Guide to the Core Journal of China for 6 consecutive times (2008,2011,2014,2017,2020,2023), at the same time, it has been the Key Magazine of China Technology and the Core Academic Journal (A) in China in RCCSE. The journal has won the first prize of Excellent Sci-Tech Journal in Chinese University of the Ministry of Education, China University Excellent Journal of Natural Science, China University Science and Technology Journal Construction Demonstration Case Base · Excellent Team, First Prize of Henan Province Excellent Science and Technology Journal, First Prize of Excellent Journal of Universities in Henan Province, Henan Province First-Class Journal and Other Honorary Titles.
Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science) has been collected by many important data retrieval systems at home and abroad. Overseas: CA, AJ of VINITI, SA, ProQuest CSA, EBSCO, MR, UPD, IC. Domestic: Chinese Science and Technology Paper Citation Database (CSTPCD), China Science and Technology Journal Open Platform, China Academic Journal Online Publishing Database and CNKI Series Database, China Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database, Wanfang Data, Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database, Chinese Science Abstracts(Chinese Edition), China Science and Technology Journal Open Platform, China Mathematics Abstracts, China Physics Abstracts, China Mechanics Abstracts and other more than 20 retrieval systems.
《郑州大学学报(工学版)》(ISSN 1671-6833,CN41-1339/T),创刊于1980年,原名《郑州工学院学报》 (ISSN 1000-517X; CN 41-1130/T)、《郑州工业大学学报》 (ISSN 1007-6492; CN 41-5057/T),是郑州大学主办的国内外公开发行的综合性学术期刊,双月刊。本刊一直是北大中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊、RCCSE中国核心学术期刊。主要刊登计算机、机械、动力、控制科学、水利、电气、土木、交通、环境、通信、化工、材料等工程学科以及交叉学科领域的学术论文。