Prikladnaya Fizika (Applied Physics) is a Russian journal published since 1994 year. The Founder and Publisher of the Applied Physics journal is ORION Research-and-Production Association, a State Research Center of the Russian Federation. Applied Physics is published 6 times a year . A volume of each issue is more than 100 pages. Applied Physics is the journal for the publication of high-quality, original short-form papers, information notes and advertisement on all main aspects of the science, technology, design and introduction of new devices, techniques and technologies, based on new principles of advance branch science: microelectronics, laser, optoelectronics, radiophysics, superconductivity, physics and chemistry of solid state and plasma, semiconductors and dielectrics, accelators, materials and its treatment and so on. The Applied Physics journal gives the latest information on new technology, applications and continuing research of defense manufacturing and dual-use extension programs. In Russia the Applied Physics is distributed to qualified engineers, scientists, and other professionals primarily involved in the research and development, and application of new technologies in the Russian industry. The journal deals with applied problems discussed on main local and foreign conferences.