Not-So-Secret Secret Police: Yugoslavia’s Intelligence Apparatus

Florina Cristiana Matei
{"title":"Not-So-Secret Secret Police: Yugoslavia’s Intelligence Apparatus","authors":"Florina Cristiana Matei","doi":"10.1080/08850607.2023.2270370","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"AbstractIntelligence agencies in former Yugoslavia served as the regime’s political police, which carried out domestic security roles in an internally divided country that was caught at the crossroads of a geopolitical cleavage between great powers. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe author thanks and gives credit to Ms. Natasha Hunsberger, Dr. Irena Chiru, and Mr. Claudiu Crivat for their support of the research associated with the writing of this article; and Dr. Jeff Rogg for reviewing an earlier draft. The author’s deepest gratitude goes to her colleague, Dr. Alexandar Matovski, for his guidance, assistance, and insights throughout the writing of this article.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Herrick notes, “In efforts to avoid repeating the policies of the pre–Second World War government which exacerbated the ethnic differences, the communist regime established a federation which provided considerable autonomy to the ethnic groups while supporting a movement toward a strong central government and dissolution of ethnic, religious, and cultural differences.” R. C. Herrick, 1980, “The Yugoslav People’s Army: Its Military and Political Mission” (M.A. thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, 1980), In 1945, emboldened by their military victory during WWII, the Partisans established “the so-called second Yugoslavia.” The Soviet troops assisted Yugoslavia’s liberation endeavors but did not occupy Yugoslavia after the war. F. Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations,” University of Belgrade, Department of Political Science, 30 July 2020, Tito was the leader of the ruling communist party as well as the commander in chief of the overall Yugoslav armed forces. Florina Cristiana Matei, “Civilian Influence in Defense: Slovenia,” in Routledge Handbook of Civil-Military Relations, edited by T. C. Bruneau and Florina Cristiana Matei (New York: Routledge, 2012).3 Ibid.4 J. Baev, “US Intelligence Community Estimates on Yugoslavia (1948–1991),” National Security and the Future, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2000), pp. 95–106; J. J. Linz and A. Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996).5 Linz and Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation.6 V. P. (Chip) Gagnon, Jr., “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After,” Nationalities Papers, Vol. 38, No. 1 (2010), pp. 23–39. Another term used for the “enemies of the state” was “the internal enemy.” According to Nielsen, “this term encompassed categories that were expansively and often arbitrarily defined and could include, inter alia, former members of noncommunist political parties, religious believers, Cominformists, spies, economic “saboteurs,” and anyone else deemed to be “reactionary” or engaged in “anti-state” activities.” C. A. Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship: The Record of Tito’s Yugoslavia, 1945–1953,” Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 23, No. 4 (2021), pp. 124–152. Ibid.9 Ibid.10 The military comprised a federal component, the Yugoslav National Army (JNA), also known as the Yugoslav People’s Army, and various militia units, functioning within the six Yugoslav republics, and known as the Territorial Defense. The military was under the party and Tito’s direct control, but after Tito’s death in 1980, military autonomy increased. Matei, “Civilian Influence in Defense”; Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations.”11 As such, in Sell’s view “Poverty, hunger, and disease stalked the land.” L. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia (Durham, NC: Duke University Press Books, 2002). Kindle edition, p. 12.12 In this connection, Gagnon highlights: “From an overwhelmingly peasant, illiterate, and underdeveloped country, Yugoslavia by the early 1960s had become an industrialized and modern society.” He further notes, “The fact that Yugoslav communists allowed peasants to continue farming their own land rather than collectivizing did of course mean that Yugoslavia maintained a significant rural population. But by the 1960s the heroes of the revolution and those who had run the party and the country since the end of World War II—most of whom were from rural backgrounds, often with little formal education—were facing a rising new middle class, a more educated, technocratic, and urban population with rising expectations in terms of standards of living as well as control over working conditions.” Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.” Yugoslavia in the 1950s experienced some of the highest growth rates in the world. These efforts boosted the Tito regime’s popularity across the country. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia. It should be noted, however, that Yugoslavia still followed the Soviet-style planned economy and nationalization of large economic enterprises; yet it did not capitalize on the support.13 Tito’s personalistic rule shaped the country and the intelligence apparatus. Barbara Geddes, Paradigms and Sand Castles: Theory Building and Research Design in Comparative Politics (University of Michigan Press, 2003).14 Lees argues that, between 1945 and 1947, Yugoslavia was the Soviet Union’s “most loyal satellite.” L. M. Lees, Keeping Tito Afloat: The United States, Yugoslavia, and the Cold War, 1945–1960 (University Park: Penn State University Press, 2010), pp. 1–41; J. Mihaljević and G. Miljan, “‘Humanist’ Marxism and the Communist Regime with ‘Sparkles’ of Totalitarianism: The Yugoslav Communist Totalitarian Experiment (Response to Flere and Klanjšek),” Istorija 20.veka, Vol. 2 (2021), pp. 479–500, Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.” In this context, the Partisans killed some 30,000 former enemies: Ustashi, Croatian Homeguard soldiers, Slovenian opponents, and Moslem people. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 12.16 D. McClellan and N. Knez, “Post-World War II Forced Repatriations to Yugoslavia: Genocide’s Legacy for Democratic Nation Building,” International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. VII, No. 2 (2018).17 Sell argues that “[t]he Yugoslavs were prickly proud of their own independent path to power and quickly grew to resent the overbearing approach the Soviets took toward them.” Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 14.18 SFRY never rejoined Cominform. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 14; B. B. Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966,” The History of 20 Century Journal of the Institute of Contemporary History, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 9–28; Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship; I. Banac, With Stalin against Tito: Cominformist Splits in Yugoslav Communism (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018).19 The West feared an armed conflict between Yugoslavia and the USSR. Lees, Keeping Tito Afloat; Baev, “US Intelligence Community Estimates on Yugoslavia (1948–1991),” pp. 95–106.20 Banac, With Stalin against Tito.21 The United States even discussed the possibility for Yugoslavia to join NATO—an idea that some countries in Europe did not embrace. In this context, JNA strengthened its readiness for a potential Soviet invasion—to which end it received significant resources and autonomy from the federal government. JNA had also an internal security role, as stipulated in all Constitutions (1953, 1963, and 1974). Taken together, these developments paved the way for JNA’s involvement in politics. In this connection, Ejdus reveals that “JNA provided an unconditional support to the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (SKJ), its interpretation of Marxism…” Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations.” The military collaboration with Yugoslavia continued to be on the U.S. agenda even after the death of Stalin, when USSR–Yugoslavia relationships improved; especially after a meeting that took place between Tito and Khrushchev in Belgrade in the spring of 1955. It should be noted, however, that Yugoslavia continued its (U.S.-led) anticapitalism propaganda, despite these relationships. Baev, “US Intelligence Community Estimates on Yugoslavia (1948–1991),” pp. 95–106; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 15; Banac, With Stalin against Tito, pp. 136–257; Lees, Keeping Tito Afloat, pp. 40–79 and 81–118.22 Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 12. It should be noted that political imprisonment decreased after the mid-1960s, but did not disappear until the end of SFRY. Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.”23 Herrick explains that the party’s attempts to “balance regional-ethnic autonomy with centralized nationbuilding … coopted the army into the political decisionmaking process.” Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army.”24 Input from Dr. Alexandar Matovski, March 2022.25 The communist party continued, however, to exercise its grip over these entities. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 19.26 Ibid., p. 36.27 With the reconstruction done, and emboldened by his successful standing against Stalin on the one hand, and public support on the other, Tito was opened to new ideas. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”28 Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army”; Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”; B. Robionek, “State Security out of Control? The Influence of Yugoslavia’s Political Leadership on Targeted Killings abroad (1967–84),” OEZB Working Paper (Berlin: Osteuropa Zentrum Berlin e.V., 2020), Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”30 SFRY reduced its party’s politburo. Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army”; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, pp. 21–22.31 Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army.”32 Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 22; B. Milinkovic, “The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Suppression of Dissent to Protect ‘the National Interest,’” in Secrecy and Liberty: National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, edited by S. Colliver, P. Hoffman, J. Fitzpatrick, and S. Bowen (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1999); D. Jovic, Yugoslavia: A State that Withered Away (Purdue University Press, 2009).33 Via five-year plans, the federal government constantly intervened in the market, by, for example, subsidizing unprofitable companies, and investing based on social and political versus economic criteria. Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army.”34 Sell explains, “Prices for Yugoslav goods were adjusted to reflect world prices—although not freed completely. Enterprises were given more latitude in business decisions and allowed to keep more of their hard currency earnings.” Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 20. The unified market, and other basic centralization approaches, continued, though. Republics could not stop the free flow of capital, goods, and labor among themselves, while common laws on foreign trade, customs, and duties, as well as a common currency, continued. Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army.”35 Yugoslavia’s Gross Domestic Product rose, while tourism and foreign trade grew. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, pp. 21–22.36 Ibid., p. 37.37 Also, in the 1960s, reformists started to involve rank-and-file party members in decisionmaking processes, in order to diminish the power of the party bureaucracy. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”; and V. P. Gagnon, Jr., The Myth of Ethnic War: Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s (Cornell University Press, 2006).38 Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War; Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.” The fall of Ranković in particular, which will be addressed in detail later in this article, marked the success of reformers. Baev, “US Intelligence Community Estimates on Yugoslavia (1948-1991),” pp. 95–106; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, pp. 20–22.39 Gagnon highlights that the conservatives insisted, “The loosening of state and party vigilance and control … had allowed the rise of nationalism and the open activity of nationalist and fascist forces which were undermining the socialist system…” Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”40 Gagnon indicates that the grand finale of the conservatives’ plot against the reformists occurred between 1971 and 1972, when conservatives persuaded Tito to eliminate reformists from the leadership of the Croatian party and the Serbian party, and to stop economic liberalization. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”41 Paradoxically, Tito’s decentralist approach deepened the interrepublic divide and ultimately heightened ethnic differences, as the majority national group in each republic started to view opposing national groups in other republics as the enemy. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 24.42 Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War; Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”43 Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War; Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, pp. 22–28.44 Ibid., pp. 23–28.45 Ibid., pp. 23–28.46 In June 1972, nineteen armed anti-Yugoslav Croats entered Yugoslavia from Austria seeking to instigate pro-reform riots in Croatia, where reforms stopped earlier that year. According to Sell, “The intruders reached central Bosnia, killing 13 members of Yugoslav forces before being stopped. Most of the combat took place in the Raduša region, giving the counterinsurgency operation its name.” Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 23; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”; Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations.” These events fueled interethnic antagonism and challenged the Yugoslav sense of unity and solidarity.47 Yugoslavia in the mid-1970s had enough social, political, and economic liberalization to allow it to transition to democracy. What it lacked was (Tito’s) political will to establish political pluralism—which would have enabled it to democratize. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 23.48 All federal institutions—except for the armed forces—lost most of their authority. Main decisions required the consensus of all six republics and two autonomous provinces. Tito was still the president, but after his death, Yugoslavia was run by an eight-member collective presidency. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 23.49 As a result, political and economic progress halted. In addition, International Monetary Fund sanctions and pressure challenged the country’s economy. These developments led to a renewed debate about the future of SFRY. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”; Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 24.50 In this context, Gagnon explains, “In the face of growing reformist successes by the mid-1980s, embattled conservatives resorted to a strategy of conflict, first with the goal of recentralizing the Yugoslav party and state, and then, from 1990 onward, destroying that state in order to maintain their control over and access to resources, which was threatened by the proposed reforms.” Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”51 Ibid.52 Conservatives, worried about the reformers’ progress/success, started to use violence as a way to thwart these transformations, which ultimately led to the conflicts in the 1990s. They framed these conflicts in terms of “ethnic hatreds,” but the root causes were protracted political struggles between elite factions over economic and political liberalization.. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”53 The majority of recentralizers were the security services.54 Gagnon further stresses, “The growing violent clashes that occurred over the last half of 1990, and that broke out into open warfare in 1991, were purposeful, strategic policies on the part of conservative elites to demobilize the wider population and to ensure their own continued control over structures of power that were changing.” Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.” Also see Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War. Nationalism started to accentuate in the early 1980s, when the legitimacy of the SKJ waned, and the communist parties of the various republics started to describe themselves as custodians of the national interest, and accused other republics for the problems befalling SFRY.55 It should be noted that the predecessor of Yugoslavia’s intelligence apparatus was the Department for Secret Police Work, created in October 1899 by law on amendments of the Central State Administration. Housed by the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the agency was charged with ensuring “the preservation of the internal state order and worldly security in general,” as Boda explains. J. Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,” National Security Review—Special Issue 5 (2017).56 Drvar was the command center of the Partisan Main Stuff. Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944-1966.”57 Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”; Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966”; B. B. Dimitrijević, “ALEKSANDAR RANKOVIĆ: OSNIVAČ OZNE—SLUŽBE BEZBEDNOSTI PARTIZANSKOG POKRETA,” HERETICUS—Časopis za preispitivanje prošlosti, Vol. 1–2 (2020), pp. 53–75, Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”59 Ibid.60 Ibid.61 Ibid.62 Ibid.63 S. Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism,’” Serbian Society in the Yugoslav State in the 20th Century: Between Democracy and Dictatorship, No. 177016 (2017), pp. 111–144; Dimitrijević, “ALEKSANDAR RANKOVIĆ.”64 Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.” A constitution was also enacted in 1946.65 He also held additional high-level positions since the late 1950s.66 Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism’”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”67 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”68 J. Hadalin, “The Civil Repressive Apparatus of the Second Yugoslavia and Its Perception among the Slovenian Public,” Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.”70 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”71 Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.”72 Also known as informants.73 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”74 As Nielsen notes, “The UDBA had to use the prisoners to recruit informants while simultaneously preventing hostile activity among the prisoners.” Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.”75 Ibid.76 Ibid.77 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”78 Ibid.79 The army officer corps in particular was difficult to control and to know where the personnel loyalties laid, as the majority was trained in the USSR. Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”80 Regrettably, the government and UDBA did not imprison only those who were clear supporters of Cominform or the USSR. Scholars indicate that many of the Goli Otok political prisoners were not necessarily supporters of Cominform, while others were totally apolitical people, who did not have even the vaguest idea what Cominform actually was. Scholars attribute these developments to laziness—versus some agenda to imprison all people who were inconvenient to the regime—yet irrespective of the reason, the fact that UDBA did not take any action to acknowledge and/or rehabilitate the individuals who were wrongly convicted or condemned is still an indicator of human rights violations. The only get-out-of-jail card was becoming an UDBA informant. It should be noted that, while the authorities tortured and subjected thousands of prisoners accused of being pro-Stalin to forced labor for years, and treated non-ibeovci prisoners better than the ibeovci, the government did not employ the targeted killings modus operandi of the mid-1940s. Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship; Banac, With Stalin against Tito, pp. 136–257; J. Mihaljević, “‘Comrade Tito, Help!’ Letters of Prisoners and in Favor of Prisoners Addressed to Authorities of Communist Yugoslavia as a Historical Source,” Hrvatski institut za povij est.81 One of these targets was Ante Pavelić, former dictator of the Axis-allied wartime regime in Croatia, who established the Croatian Liberation Movement (HOP), “a more or less implicit reference to the People’s Liberation Movement (NOP), as the Communist-led anti-Fascist resistance during the Second World War was called”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?” HOP recruited new members from the Yugoslav refugees to Austria or West Germany who targeted SFRY leadership and institutions in Western Europe.82 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”83 Ibid.; Banac, With Stalin against Tito, pp. 136–257. In this context, Nielsen explains, “Although the mortality rate at the Goli Otok camp in the first years after 1948 was frighteningly high, and although the deaths of at least some of those confined there were undoubtedly deemed acceptable by the regime, the Yugoslav security services never again after 1945 resorted to large-scale, systematic killings of political opponents.” Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.”84 Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.”85 Ibid.86 NATO countries helped UDBA procure wiretapping equipment. Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”87 Wiretapping occurred with Tito’s approval. Ibid.88 Ibid.89 It had operatives inside Yugoslav embassies throughout the world. It also had an analytical branch, which provided leadership with reports, analyses and estimates. Ibid.90 Reformists view UDBA personnel and leadership as obstacles to liberalization reforms.91 Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”92 Research reveals that the wiretapping affair might have been a setup by Tito and some Croat UDBA branch leaders—who were in favor of reform. Some scholars indicate that the SB was actually involved in the setup. Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism’”; Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966”; Banac, With Stalin against Tito.93 However, all wiretapping devices were set legally, with Tito’s approval, as part of UDBA’s formal mission, as previously explained. As Cvetković indicates, “All the republic services participated in this action including DSNO [State Secretariat of National Defense], SSUP [Federal Secretariat for Internal Affairs], and SSIP [Federal Secretariat for Foreign Affairs], which were personally praised by Tito and there was extensive technical and other documentation on it.” Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”94 Scholars indicate that the new SB leadership, seeking Tito’s trust, were also involved both in setting up Ranković and planting evidence for his guilt. Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism’”; Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966”; Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations.”95 “Ranković retired from public life but continued to be loyal to Tito and the Party until his death in August 1983.” Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”96 UDBA underwent a process of decentralization, which emulated the decentralization policies at the political level; a downsizing of its federal level personnel; and a purging of leaders who were loyal to Ranković (who were either fired or forced into early retirement). Massive investigations into the wiretapping affair resulted in arrests and torture of UDBA personnel to extract confessions. Additional changes included downsizing of the archives (or, rather, getting rid of some archives by burning) under a façade of “de-bureaucratization.” Input provided by Dr. Alexandar Matovski, June 2021. Additionally, UDBA was stripped of its executive functions; its main role was combating hostile activities. To avoid a concentration of power in Belgrade, the reformists strengthened the autonomy of the republic-based agencies versus the federal. UDBA looked more like a constellation of different services than a single agency. In this context, UDBA’s interference in the Yugoslavs’ lives started to wane. SID also underwent some personnel reduction. Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”; Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966”; Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”97 The military services’ helpfulness in the Ranković affairs boosted SB’s autonomy from UDBA. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 20.98 It operated both internally and abroad. Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”99 Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”100 SDB in Slovenia and Bosnia, for instance, had high autonomy. The SDB was housed by the Ministry of Interior but reported directly to the secretary-general of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav Communist Party, while each SDB republic branch reported to the Central Committee in the respective republic. H. Lurås, “Democratic Oversight in Fragile States: The Case of Intelligence Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 29, No. 4 (2014), pp. 600–618. Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”102 Lurås, “Democratic Oversight in Fragile States.”103 Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”104 Some of the targets included, for example, Dragisa Kasikovic, the editor of the Serbian-American journal Sloboda-Liberty; his successor, Marijan Šimundić, who was one of the organizers of a failed attack of Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood (HRB) combatants in Yugoslavia in 1963; and Nikica Martinović, a Croatian right-wing nationalist. Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”105 These criminals carried false personal documentation courtesy of SDB and rented SDB-owned houses. Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.”106 These assassinations prompted the party leaders (Dolanc in particular) to emphasize the need to keep the intelligence services under control. Despite these objections, assassination attempts—some successful—continued. Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”107 R. W. Dean, “Civil-Military Relations in Yugoslavia, 1971–1975,” Armed Forces & Society, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1976), pp. 17–58, Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”; Yugoslavia Internal Security Forces, December 1990, U. Komlenovic, “State and Mafia in Yugoslavia,” East European Constitutional Review, Vol. 6, No. 4 (1997), pp. 70–73; Stojanovic, “Arkan’s ‘Tigers’ Unpunished 20 Years after Leader’s Death”; M. Vivod, “Criminals and Warriors: The Use of Criminals for the Purpose of War—The Serbian Paramilitary Units,” in Crime: Causes, Types and Victims, edited by A. E. Hasselm (Nova Science Publishers, 2009), pp. 1–28; S. Tanner and M. Mulone, “Private Security and Armed Conflict: A Case Study of the Scorpions during the Mass Killings in Former Yugoslavia,” British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2013), pp. 41–58.110 Komlenovic, “State and Mafia in Yugoslavia”; Stojanovic, “Arkan’s ‘Tigers’ Unpunished 20 Years after Leader’s Death”; Vivod, “Criminals and Warriors”; Tanner and Mulone, “Private Security and Armed Conflict”; Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”111 Input by Dr. Alexandar Matovski, March 2022.112 Assassinations continued. For details on targeted killings, see Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”113 For details on intelligence democratization, see F. C. Matei and T. C. Bruneau, “Intelligence Reform in New Democracies: Factors Supporting or Arresting Progress,” Democratization, Vol. 18, No. 3 (2011), pp. 602–630; D. Trifunovic and Z. Dragišić, “The Security Intelligence System of the Republic of Serbia,” International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 28 February 2022, Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of Prison, translated by Alan Sheridan Alan. (London: Penguin, 1975), p. 333; F. D. Dino, “On Panoptic and Carceral Society,” in Introductory Guide to Critical Theory (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University College of Liberal Arts, Modules on Foucault, 2012); J. Ron, “Boundaries and Violence: Repertoires of State Action Along the Bosnia/Yugoslavia Divide,” Theory and Society, Vol. 29, No. 5 (2000), pp. 609–649,; M. Wheeler, “White Eagles and White Guards: British Perceptions of Anti-Communist Insurgency in Yugoslavia in 1945,” The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 66, No. 3 (1988), pp. 446–461.115 McClellan and Knez, “Post-World War II Forced Repatriations to Yugoslavia.”116 Even today, people in Croatia use a play of words for UDBA. They dub it SUDBA, which means fate or destiny, joking that the fate of UDBA awaits for those who do something wrong. Discussion with NS3155—Intelligence and Democracy—M.A. students, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 8, 10, and 15 August 2022.117 S. C. Greitens, Dictators and their Secret Police: Coercive Institutions and State Violence (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics) (Cambridge University Press, 2016).Additional informationNotes on contributorsFlorina Cristiana MateiFlorina Cristiana (Cris) Matei is a Senior Lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where she teaches for Homeland Security and Department of National Security Affairs. She is the coeditor of The Routledge Handbook of Civil-Military Relations; The Conduct of Intelligence in Democracies: Processes, Practices, Cultures; and The Handbook of Latin American and Caribbean Intelligence Cultures. She is the Chair of the Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association. The author can be contacted at","PeriodicalId":45249,"journal":{"name":"International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.4000,"publicationDate":"2023-11-14","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q4","JCRName":"INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS","Score":null,"Total":0}
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AbstractIntelligence agencies in former Yugoslavia served as the regime’s political police, which carried out domestic security roles in an internally divided country that was caught at the crossroads of a geopolitical cleavage between great powers. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe author thanks and gives credit to Ms. Natasha Hunsberger, Dr. Irena Chiru, and Mr. Claudiu Crivat for their support of the research associated with the writing of this article; and Dr. Jeff Rogg for reviewing an earlier draft. The author’s deepest gratitude goes to her colleague, Dr. Alexandar Matovski, for his guidance, assistance, and insights throughout the writing of this article.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Herrick notes, “In efforts to avoid repeating the policies of the pre–Second World War government which exacerbated the ethnic differences, the communist regime established a federation which provided considerable autonomy to the ethnic groups while supporting a movement toward a strong central government and dissolution of ethnic, religious, and cultural differences.” R. C. Herrick, 1980, “The Yugoslav People’s Army: Its Military and Political Mission” (M.A. thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, 1980), In 1945, emboldened by their military victory during WWII, the Partisans established “the so-called second Yugoslavia.” The Soviet troops assisted Yugoslavia’s liberation endeavors but did not occupy Yugoslavia after the war. F. Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations,” University of Belgrade, Department of Political Science, 30 July 2020, Tito was the leader of the ruling communist party as well as the commander in chief of the overall Yugoslav armed forces. Florina Cristiana Matei, “Civilian Influence in Defense: Slovenia,” in Routledge Handbook of Civil-Military Relations, edited by T. C. Bruneau and Florina Cristiana Matei (New York: Routledge, 2012).3 Ibid.4 J. Baev, “US Intelligence Community Estimates on Yugoslavia (1948–1991),” National Security and the Future, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2000), pp. 95–106; J. J. Linz and A. Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996).5 Linz and Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation.6 V. P. (Chip) Gagnon, Jr., “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After,” Nationalities Papers, Vol. 38, No. 1 (2010), pp. 23–39. Another term used for the “enemies of the state” was “the internal enemy.” According to Nielsen, “this term encompassed categories that were expansively and often arbitrarily defined and could include, inter alia, former members of noncommunist political parties, religious believers, Cominformists, spies, economic “saboteurs,” and anyone else deemed to be “reactionary” or engaged in “anti-state” activities.” C. A. Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship: The Record of Tito’s Yugoslavia, 1945–1953,” Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 23, No. 4 (2021), pp. 124–152. Ibid.9 Ibid.10 The military comprised a federal component, the Yugoslav National Army (JNA), also known as the Yugoslav People’s Army, and various militia units, functioning within the six Yugoslav republics, and known as the Territorial Defense. The military was under the party and Tito’s direct control, but after Tito’s death in 1980, military autonomy increased. Matei, “Civilian Influence in Defense”; Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations.”11 As such, in Sell’s view “Poverty, hunger, and disease stalked the land.” L. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia (Durham, NC: Duke University Press Books, 2002). Kindle edition, p. 12.12 In this connection, Gagnon highlights: “From an overwhelmingly peasant, illiterate, and underdeveloped country, Yugoslavia by the early 1960s had become an industrialized and modern society.” He further notes, “The fact that Yugoslav communists allowed peasants to continue farming their own land rather than collectivizing did of course mean that Yugoslavia maintained a significant rural population. But by the 1960s the heroes of the revolution and those who had run the party and the country since the end of World War II—most of whom were from rural backgrounds, often with little formal education—were facing a rising new middle class, a more educated, technocratic, and urban population with rising expectations in terms of standards of living as well as control over working conditions.” Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.” Yugoslavia in the 1950s experienced some of the highest growth rates in the world. These efforts boosted the Tito regime’s popularity across the country. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia. It should be noted, however, that Yugoslavia still followed the Soviet-style planned economy and nationalization of large economic enterprises; yet it did not capitalize on the support.13 Tito’s personalistic rule shaped the country and the intelligence apparatus. Barbara Geddes, Paradigms and Sand Castles: Theory Building and Research Design in Comparative Politics (University of Michigan Press, 2003).14 Lees argues that, between 1945 and 1947, Yugoslavia was the Soviet Union’s “most loyal satellite.” L. M. Lees, Keeping Tito Afloat: The United States, Yugoslavia, and the Cold War, 1945–1960 (University Park: Penn State University Press, 2010), pp. 1–41; J. Mihaljević and G. Miljan, “‘Humanist’ Marxism and the Communist Regime with ‘Sparkles’ of Totalitarianism: The Yugoslav Communist Totalitarian Experiment (Response to Flere and Klanjšek),” Istorija 20.veka, Vol. 2 (2021), pp. 479–500, Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.” In this context, the Partisans killed some 30,000 former enemies: Ustashi, Croatian Homeguard soldiers, Slovenian opponents, and Moslem people. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 12.16 D. McClellan and N. Knez, “Post-World War II Forced Repatriations to Yugoslavia: Genocide’s Legacy for Democratic Nation Building,” International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. VII, No. 2 (2018).17 Sell argues that “[t]he Yugoslavs were prickly proud of their own independent path to power and quickly grew to resent the overbearing approach the Soviets took toward them.” Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 14.18 SFRY never rejoined Cominform. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 14; B. B. Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966,” The History of 20 Century Journal of the Institute of Contemporary History, Issue 2 (2019), pp. 9–28; Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship; I. Banac, With Stalin against Tito: Cominformist Splits in Yugoslav Communism (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018).19 The West feared an armed conflict between Yugoslavia and the USSR. Lees, Keeping Tito Afloat; Baev, “US Intelligence Community Estimates on Yugoslavia (1948–1991),” pp. 95–106.20 Banac, With Stalin against Tito.21 The United States even discussed the possibility for Yugoslavia to join NATO—an idea that some countries in Europe did not embrace. In this context, JNA strengthened its readiness for a potential Soviet invasion—to which end it received significant resources and autonomy from the federal government. JNA had also an internal security role, as stipulated in all Constitutions (1953, 1963, and 1974). Taken together, these developments paved the way for JNA’s involvement in politics. In this connection, Ejdus reveals that “JNA provided an unconditional support to the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (SKJ), its interpretation of Marxism…” Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations.” The military collaboration with Yugoslavia continued to be on the U.S. agenda even after the death of Stalin, when USSR–Yugoslavia relationships improved; especially after a meeting that took place between Tito and Khrushchev in Belgrade in the spring of 1955. It should be noted, however, that Yugoslavia continued its (U.S.-led) anticapitalism propaganda, despite these relationships. Baev, “US Intelligence Community Estimates on Yugoslavia (1948–1991),” pp. 95–106; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 15; Banac, With Stalin against Tito, pp. 136–257; Lees, Keeping Tito Afloat, pp. 40–79 and 81–118.22 Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 12. It should be noted that political imprisonment decreased after the mid-1960s, but did not disappear until the end of SFRY. Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.”23 Herrick explains that the party’s attempts to “balance regional-ethnic autonomy with centralized nationbuilding … coopted the army into the political decisionmaking process.” Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army.”24 Input from Dr. Alexandar Matovski, March 2022.25 The communist party continued, however, to exercise its grip over these entities. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 19.26 Ibid., p. 36.27 With the reconstruction done, and emboldened by his successful standing against Stalin on the one hand, and public support on the other, Tito was opened to new ideas. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”28 Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army”; Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”; B. Robionek, “State Security out of Control? The Influence of Yugoslavia’s Political Leadership on Targeted Killings abroad (1967–84),” OEZB Working Paper (Berlin: Osteuropa Zentrum Berlin e.V., 2020), Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”30 SFRY reduced its party’s politburo. Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army”; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, pp. 21–22.31 Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army.”32 Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 22; B. Milinkovic, “The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Suppression of Dissent to Protect ‘the National Interest,’” in Secrecy and Liberty: National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, edited by S. Colliver, P. Hoffman, J. Fitzpatrick, and S. Bowen (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1999); D. Jovic, Yugoslavia: A State that Withered Away (Purdue University Press, 2009).33 Via five-year plans, the federal government constantly intervened in the market, by, for example, subsidizing unprofitable companies, and investing based on social and political versus economic criteria. Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army.”34 Sell explains, “Prices for Yugoslav goods were adjusted to reflect world prices—although not freed completely. Enterprises were given more latitude in business decisions and allowed to keep more of their hard currency earnings.” Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 20. The unified market, and other basic centralization approaches, continued, though. Republics could not stop the free flow of capital, goods, and labor among themselves, while common laws on foreign trade, customs, and duties, as well as a common currency, continued. Herrick, “The Yugoslav People’s Army.”35 Yugoslavia’s Gross Domestic Product rose, while tourism and foreign trade grew. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, pp. 21–22.36 Ibid., p. 37.37 Also, in the 1960s, reformists started to involve rank-and-file party members in decisionmaking processes, in order to diminish the power of the party bureaucracy. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”; and V. P. Gagnon, Jr., The Myth of Ethnic War: Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s (Cornell University Press, 2006).38 Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War; Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.” The fall of Ranković in particular, which will be addressed in detail later in this article, marked the success of reformers. Baev, “US Intelligence Community Estimates on Yugoslavia (1948-1991),” pp. 95–106; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, pp. 20–22.39 Gagnon highlights that the conservatives insisted, “The loosening of state and party vigilance and control … had allowed the rise of nationalism and the open activity of nationalist and fascist forces which were undermining the socialist system…” Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”40 Gagnon indicates that the grand finale of the conservatives’ plot against the reformists occurred between 1971 and 1972, when conservatives persuaded Tito to eliminate reformists from the leadership of the Croatian party and the Serbian party, and to stop economic liberalization. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”41 Paradoxically, Tito’s decentralist approach deepened the interrepublic divide and ultimately heightened ethnic differences, as the majority national group in each republic started to view opposing national groups in other republics as the enemy. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 24.42 Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War; Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”43 Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War; Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, pp. 22–28.44 Ibid., pp. 23–28.45 Ibid., pp. 23–28.46 In June 1972, nineteen armed anti-Yugoslav Croats entered Yugoslavia from Austria seeking to instigate pro-reform riots in Croatia, where reforms stopped earlier that year. According to Sell, “The intruders reached central Bosnia, killing 13 members of Yugoslav forces before being stopped. Most of the combat took place in the Raduša region, giving the counterinsurgency operation its name.” Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 23; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”; Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations.” These events fueled interethnic antagonism and challenged the Yugoslav sense of unity and solidarity.47 Yugoslavia in the mid-1970s had enough social, political, and economic liberalization to allow it to transition to democracy. What it lacked was (Tito’s) political will to establish political pluralism—which would have enabled it to democratize. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 23.48 All federal institutions—except for the armed forces—lost most of their authority. Main decisions required the consensus of all six republics and two autonomous provinces. Tito was still the president, but after his death, Yugoslavia was run by an eight-member collective presidency. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 23.49 As a result, political and economic progress halted. In addition, International Monetary Fund sanctions and pressure challenged the country’s economy. These developments led to a renewed debate about the future of SFRY. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After”; Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War; Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 24.50 In this context, Gagnon explains, “In the face of growing reformist successes by the mid-1980s, embattled conservatives resorted to a strategy of conflict, first with the goal of recentralizing the Yugoslav party and state, and then, from 1990 onward, destroying that state in order to maintain their control over and access to resources, which was threatened by the proposed reforms.” Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”51 Ibid.52 Conservatives, worried about the reformers’ progress/success, started to use violence as a way to thwart these transformations, which ultimately led to the conflicts in the 1990s. They framed these conflicts in terms of “ethnic hatreds,” but the root causes were protracted political struggles between elite factions over economic and political liberalization.. Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.”53 The majority of recentralizers were the security services.54 Gagnon further stresses, “The growing violent clashes that occurred over the last half of 1990, and that broke out into open warfare in 1991, were purposeful, strategic policies on the part of conservative elites to demobilize the wider population and to ensure their own continued control over structures of power that were changing.” Gagnon, “Yugoslavia in 1989 and After.” Also see Gagnon, The Myth of Ethnic War. Nationalism started to accentuate in the early 1980s, when the legitimacy of the SKJ waned, and the communist parties of the various republics started to describe themselves as custodians of the national interest, and accused other republics for the problems befalling SFRY.55 It should be noted that the predecessor of Yugoslavia’s intelligence apparatus was the Department for Secret Police Work, created in October 1899 by law on amendments of the Central State Administration. Housed by the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the agency was charged with ensuring “the preservation of the internal state order and worldly security in general,” as Boda explains. J. Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,” National Security Review—Special Issue 5 (2017).56 Drvar was the command center of the Partisan Main Stuff. Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944-1966.”57 Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”; Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966”; B. B. Dimitrijević, “ALEKSANDAR RANKOVIĆ: OSNIVAČ OZNE—SLUŽBE BEZBEDNOSTI PARTIZANSKOG POKRETA,” HERETICUS—Časopis za preispitivanje prošlosti, Vol. 1–2 (2020), pp. 53–75, Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”59 Ibid.60 Ibid.61 Ibid.62 Ibid.63 S. Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism,’” Serbian Society in the Yugoslav State in the 20th Century: Between Democracy and Dictatorship, No. 177016 (2017), pp. 111–144; Dimitrijević, “ALEKSANDAR RANKOVIĆ.”64 Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.” A constitution was also enacted in 1946.65 He also held additional high-level positions since the late 1950s.66 Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism’”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”67 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”68 J. Hadalin, “The Civil Repressive Apparatus of the Second Yugoslavia and Its Perception among the Slovenian Public,” Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.”70 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”71 Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.”72 Also known as informants.73 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”74 As Nielsen notes, “The UDBA had to use the prisoners to recruit informants while simultaneously preventing hostile activity among the prisoners.” Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.”75 Ibid.76 Ibid.77 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”78 Ibid.79 The army officer corps in particular was difficult to control and to know where the personnel loyalties laid, as the majority was trained in the USSR. Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”80 Regrettably, the government and UDBA did not imprison only those who were clear supporters of Cominform or the USSR. Scholars indicate that many of the Goli Otok political prisoners were not necessarily supporters of Cominform, while others were totally apolitical people, who did not have even the vaguest idea what Cominform actually was. Scholars attribute these developments to laziness—versus some agenda to imprison all people who were inconvenient to the regime—yet irrespective of the reason, the fact that UDBA did not take any action to acknowledge and/or rehabilitate the individuals who were wrongly convicted or condemned is still an indicator of human rights violations. The only get-out-of-jail card was becoming an UDBA informant. It should be noted that, while the authorities tortured and subjected thousands of prisoners accused of being pro-Stalin to forced labor for years, and treated non-ibeovci prisoners better than the ibeovci, the government did not employ the targeted killings modus operandi of the mid-1940s. Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship; Banac, With Stalin against Tito, pp. 136–257; J. Mihaljević, “‘Comrade Tito, Help!’ Letters of Prisoners and in Favor of Prisoners Addressed to Authorities of Communist Yugoslavia as a Historical Source,” Hrvatski institut za povij est.81 One of these targets was Ante Pavelić, former dictator of the Axis-allied wartime regime in Croatia, who established the Croatian Liberation Movement (HOP), “a more or less implicit reference to the People’s Liberation Movement (NOP), as the Communist-led anti-Fascist resistance during the Second World War was called”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?” HOP recruited new members from the Yugoslav refugees to Austria or West Germany who targeted SFRY leadership and institutions in Western Europe.82 Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”83 Ibid.; Banac, With Stalin against Tito, pp. 136–257. In this context, Nielsen explains, “Although the mortality rate at the Goli Otok camp in the first years after 1948 was frighteningly high, and although the deaths of at least some of those confined there were undoubtedly deemed acceptable by the regime, the Yugoslav security services never again after 1945 resorted to large-scale, systematic killings of political opponents.” Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.”84 Nielsen, “Imprisoning ‘Enemies of the State’ in a Communist Dictatorship.”85 Ibid.86 NATO countries helped UDBA procure wiretapping equipment. Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966.”87 Wiretapping occurred with Tito’s approval. Ibid.88 Ibid.89 It had operatives inside Yugoslav embassies throughout the world. It also had an analytical branch, which provided leadership with reports, analyses and estimates. Ibid.90 Reformists view UDBA personnel and leadership as obstacles to liberalization reforms.91 Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”92 Research reveals that the wiretapping affair might have been a setup by Tito and some Croat UDBA branch leaders—who were in favor of reform. Some scholars indicate that the SB was actually involved in the setup. Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism’”; Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966”; Banac, With Stalin against Tito.93 However, all wiretapping devices were set legally, with Tito’s approval, as part of UDBA’s formal mission, as previously explained. As Cvetković indicates, “All the republic services participated in this action including DSNO [State Secretariat of National Defense], SSUP [Federal Secretariat for Internal Affairs], and SSIP [Federal Secretariat for Foreign Affairs], which were personally praised by Tito and there was extensive technical and other documentation on it.” Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”94 Scholars indicate that the new SB leadership, seeking Tito’s trust, were also involved both in setting up Ranković and planting evidence for his guilt. Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism’”; Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966”; Ejdus, “Serbia’s Civil-Military Relations.”95 “Ranković retired from public life but continued to be loyal to Tito and the Party until his death in August 1983.” Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”96 UDBA underwent a process of decentralization, which emulated the decentralization policies at the political level; a downsizing of its federal level personnel; and a purging of leaders who were loyal to Ranković (who were either fired or forced into early retirement). Massive investigations into the wiretapping affair resulted in arrests and torture of UDBA personnel to extract confessions. Additional changes included downsizing of the archives (or, rather, getting rid of some archives by burning) under a façade of “de-bureaucratization.” Input provided by Dr. Alexandar Matovski, June 2021. Additionally, UDBA was stripped of its executive functions; its main role was combating hostile activities. To avoid a concentration of power in Belgrade, the reformists strengthened the autonomy of the republic-based agencies versus the federal. UDBA looked more like a constellation of different services than a single agency. In this context, UDBA’s interference in the Yugoslavs’ lives started to wane. SID also underwent some personnel reduction. Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”; Dimitrijević, “Intelligence and Security Services in Tito’s Yugoslavia 1944–1966”; Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”97 The military services’ helpfulness in the Ranković affairs boosted SB’s autonomy from UDBA. Sell, Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, p. 20.98 It operated both internally and abroad. Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”99 Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”100 SDB in Slovenia and Bosnia, for instance, had high autonomy. The SDB was housed by the Ministry of Interior but reported directly to the secretary-general of the Central Committee of the Yugoslav Communist Party, while each SDB republic branch reported to the Central Committee in the respective republic. H. Lurås, “Democratic Oversight in Fragile States: The Case of Intelligence Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Intelligence and National Security, Vol. 29, No. 4 (2014), pp. 600–618. Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”102 Lurås, “Democratic Oversight in Fragile States.”103 Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”104 Some of the targets included, for example, Dragisa Kasikovic, the editor of the Serbian-American journal Sloboda-Liberty; his successor, Marijan Šimundić, who was one of the organizers of a failed attack of Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood (HRB) combatants in Yugoslavia in 1963; and Nikica Martinović, a Croatian right-wing nationalist. Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”105 These criminals carried false personal documentation courtesy of SDB and rented SDB-owned houses. Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.”106 These assassinations prompted the party leaders (Dolanc in particular) to emphasize the need to keep the intelligence services under control. Despite these objections, assassination attempts—some successful—continued. Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”107 R. W. Dean, “Civil-Military Relations in Yugoslavia, 1971–1975,” Armed Forces & Society, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1976), pp. 17–58, Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”; Yugoslavia Internal Security Forces, December 1990, U. Komlenovic, “State and Mafia in Yugoslavia,” East European Constitutional Review, Vol. 6, No. 4 (1997), pp. 70–73; Stojanovic, “Arkan’s ‘Tigers’ Unpunished 20 Years after Leader’s Death”; M. Vivod, “Criminals and Warriors: The Use of Criminals for the Purpose of War—The Serbian Paramilitary Units,” in Crime: Causes, Types and Victims, edited by A. E. Hasselm (Nova Science Publishers, 2009), pp. 1–28; S. Tanner and M. Mulone, “Private Security and Armed Conflict: A Case Study of the Scorpions during the Mass Killings in Former Yugoslavia,” British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2013), pp. 41–58.110 Komlenovic, “State and Mafia in Yugoslavia”; Stojanovic, “Arkan’s ‘Tigers’ Unpunished 20 Years after Leader’s Death”; Vivod, “Criminals and Warriors”; Tanner and Mulone, “Private Security and Armed Conflict”; Cvetković, “Fall of Aleksandar Ranković and Condemnation of ‘Rankovićism.’”111 Input by Dr. Alexandar Matovski, March 2022.112 Assassinations continued. For details on targeted killings, see Boda, “The Secret Police of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”; Robionek, “State Security out of Control?”113 For details on intelligence democratization, see F. C. Matei and T. C. Bruneau, “Intelligence Reform in New Democracies: Factors Supporting or Arresting Progress,” Democratization, Vol. 18, No. 3 (2011), pp. 602–630; D. Trifunovic and Z. Dragišić, “The Security Intelligence System of the Republic of Serbia,” International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 28 February 2022, Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of Prison, translated by Alan Sheridan Alan. (London: Penguin, 1975), p. 333; F. D. Dino, “On Panoptic and Carceral Society,” in Introductory Guide to Critical Theory (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University College of Liberal Arts, Modules on Foucault, 2012); J. Ron, “Boundaries and Violence: Repertoires of State Action Along the Bosnia/Yugoslavia Divide,” Theory and Society, Vol. 29, No. 5 (2000), pp. 609–649,; M. Wheeler, “White Eagles and White Guards: British Perceptions of Anti-Communist Insurgency in Yugoslavia in 1945,” The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 66, No. 3 (1988), pp. 446–461.115 McClellan and Knez, “Post-World War II Forced Repatriations to Yugoslavia.”116 Even today, people in Croatia use a play of words for UDBA. They dub it SUDBA, which means fate or destiny, joking that the fate of UDBA awaits for those who do something wrong. Discussion with NS3155—Intelligence and Democracy—M.A. students, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 8, 10, and 15 August 2022.117 S. C. Greitens, Dictators and their Secret Police: Coercive Institutions and State Violence (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics) (Cambridge University Press, 2016).Additional informationNotes on contributorsFlorina Cristiana MateiFlorina Cristiana (Cris) Matei is a Senior Lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where she teaches for Homeland Security and Department of National Security Affairs. She is the coeditor of The Routledge Handbook of Civil-Military Relations; The Conduct of Intelligence in Democracies: Processes, Practices, Cultures; and The Handbook of Latin American and Caribbean Intelligence Cultures. She is the Chair of the Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association. The author can be contacted at
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摘要前南斯拉夫的情报机构充当了政权的政治警察,在一个处于大国地缘政治分裂的十字路口、内部分裂的国家执行国内安全任务。作者感谢并感谢Natasha Hunsberger女士、Irena Chiru博士和Claudiu Crivat先生对撰写本文相关研究的支持;和杰夫·罗格博士审阅之前的草稿作者对她的同事Alexandar Matovski博士表示最深切的感谢,感谢他在本文写作过程中的指导、帮助和见解。披露声明作者未报告潜在的利益冲突。注1赫里克指出:“为了避免重蹈第二次世界大战前政府加剧民族差异的政策覆辙,共产党政权建立了一个联邦,为各民族提供了相当大的自治权,同时支持建立一个强大的中央政府,消除民族、宗教和文化差异。”R. C. Herrick, 1980,“南斯拉夫人民军:其军事和政治使命”(硕士论文,海军研究生院,1980),。1945年,在二战中取得军事胜利的鼓舞下,南斯拉夫游击队建立了“所谓的第二南斯拉夫”。苏联军队协助南斯拉夫的解放事业,但战后并没有占领南斯拉夫。F. Ejdus,“塞尔维亚的军民关系”,贝尔格莱德大学政治学系,2020年7月30日,铁托是执政的共产党领导人,也是南斯拉夫武装部队的总指挥官。2 . Florina Cristiana Matei,“平民对国防的影响:斯洛文尼亚”,见t.c. Bruneau和Florina Cristiana Matei编辑的《劳特利奇军民关系手册》(纽约:劳特利奇出版社,2012)同上4 J. Baev,“美国情报界对南斯拉夫的估计(1948-1991)”,《国家安全和未来》,第1卷,第1期(2000年),第95-106页;J. J.林茨和A.斯捷潘,《民主转型和巩固的问题》(巴尔的摩:约翰霍普金斯大学出版社,1996)林茨和斯捷潘:《民主过渡和巩固问题》,第6卷。P. (Chip) Gagnon, Jr.,《1989年及之后的南斯拉夫》,《民族论文》,Vol. 38, No. 1 (2010), pp. 23-39。另一个用来表示“国家敌人”的词是“内部敌人”。根据尼尔森的说法,“这一术语包含了广泛且经常是任意定义的类别,除其他外,可以包括非共产主义政党的前成员、宗教信徒、共产主义者、间谍、经济“破坏者”以及任何被认为是“反动”或从事“反国家”活动的人。”C. a . Nielsen,“在共产主义独裁统治下监禁‘国家的敌人’:铁托的南斯拉夫记录,1945-1953”,《冷战研究杂志》,第23卷,第4期(2021),第124-152页。同上。9同上。10军队包括一个联邦组成部分,即南斯拉夫国民军(也称为南斯拉夫人民军)和在南斯拉夫六个共和国内运作的各种民兵部队,称为领土国防军。军队在党和铁托的直接控制下,但在1980年铁托去世后,军事自治增加了。马泰:《国防中的平民影响》;Ejdus, <塞尔维亚军民关系>。因此,在塞尔看来,“贫穷、饥饿和疾病在这片土地上肆虐。”《斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇与南斯拉夫的毁灭》(达勒姆,北卡罗来纳州:杜克大学出版社,2002)。在这方面,加格农强调:“南斯拉夫从一个绝大多数是农民、文盲和不发达的国家,到20世纪60年代初已经成为一个工业化和现代化的社会。”他进一步指出,“南斯拉夫共产党人允许农民继续耕种自己的土地,而不是集体化,这当然意味着南斯拉夫保持了大量的农村人口。但到了20世纪60年代,革命的英雄们和二战结束后掌管党和国家的人——他们大多来自农村,通常没有受过什么正规教育——面对的是一个正在崛起的新中产阶级,一个受过更多教育的技术官僚和城市人口,他们对生活水平的期望越来越高,对工作条件的控制也越来越高。”加格农,《1989年及其后的南斯拉夫》。南斯拉夫在1950年代经历了一些世界上最高的增长率。这些努力提高了铁托政权在全国的声望。《斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇与南斯拉夫的毁灭》 这些事态发展重新引发了关于SFRY未来的辩论。加格农:《1989年及其后的南斯拉夫》;加农:《民族战争的神话》;在这种背景下,加格农解释说:“面对20世纪80年代中期日益增长的改革派的成功,四面楚歌的保守派诉诸于冲突战略,首先以重新集中南斯拉夫党和国家为目标,然后,从1990年开始,摧毁这个国家,以保持他们对资源的控制和获取,这受到提议的改革的威胁。”1989年及之后的南斯拉夫。保守派担心改革者的进步/成功,开始使用暴力作为阻止这些变革的一种方式,这最终导致了20世纪90年代的冲突。他们将这些冲突描述为“民族仇恨”,但根本原因是精英派系之间围绕经济和政治自由化的长期政治斗争。1989年及之后的南斯拉夫。“53重新集中的大多数是安全部门加格农进一步强调,“1990年下半年发生的日益增长的暴力冲突,并在1991年爆发为公开战争,是保守派精英有目的的战略政策,目的是遣散更广泛的人口,并确保他们自己继续控制正在变化的权力结构。”加格农,《1989年及其后的南斯拉夫》。参见加格农的《种族战争的神话》。民族主义在1980年代初开始加剧,当时南斯拉夫人民共和国的合法性减弱,各共和国的共产党开始把自己描述为国家利益的保管人,并指责其他共和国造成南斯拉夫的问题。55应当指出,南斯拉夫情报机构的前身是秘密警察工作部,它是根据1899年10月国家中央行政当局修正案设立的。博达解释说,该机构隶属于塞尔维亚内务部,其职责是确保“维护国家内部秩序和世界安全”。“南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国的秘密警察”,《国家安全评论》2017年第5期,第56页德瓦尔是游击队主力部队的指挥中心。迪米特里耶维奇,《铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门,1944-1966》。”57博达,“南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国的秘密警察”;罗比奥内克,《国家安全失控?》迪米特里耶维奇,“铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门1944-1966”;B. B.迪米特里耶维奇,“ALEKSANDAR RANKOVIĆ: OSNIVAČ OZNE-SLUŽBE BEZBEDNOSTI PARTIZANSKOG POKRETA,”HERETICUS -Časopis za preispitivanje prošlosti, Vol. 1-2 (2020), pp. 53-75,迪米特里耶维奇,“铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全服务1944-1966。”(59同上。60同上。61同上。62同上。63 S. cvetkoviki,“Aleksandar rankoviki的垮台与对' Rankovićism '的谴责”,《20世纪南斯拉夫国家的塞尔维亚社会:在民主与独裁之间》,第177016期(2017),第111-144页;迪米特里耶维奇,ALEKSANDAR RANKOVIĆ。博达,《南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国的秘密警察》。1946年还制定了一部宪法。自20世纪50年代末以来,他还担任了其他高级职位克维特科维奇,“亚历山大·兰科维奇的倒台和对' Rankovićism '的谴责”;《国家安全失控?》67迪米特里耶维奇,“铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门,1944-1966。”68 J. Hadalin,“第二南斯拉夫的民间镇压机构及其在斯洛文尼亚公众中的看法”, Boda,“南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国的秘密警察”。70迪米特里耶维奇,“铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门,1944-1966。”71博达,南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国的秘密警察。也被称为线人迪米特里耶维奇,《铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门,1944-1966》。正如尼尔森所指出的,“UDBA必须利用囚犯招募线人,同时防止囚犯之间的敌对活动。”尼尔森,“在共产主义独裁政权中监禁‘国家的敌人’”。75同上,76同上,77迪米特里耶维奇,“铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门,1944-1966。”“78同上。79陆军军官团尤其难以控制,也难以知道他们的忠心在哪里,因为大多数军官都是在苏联受训的。迪米特里耶维奇,《铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门,1944-1966》。“80遗憾的是,政府和民主联盟并没有只监禁那些明显支持情报机构或苏联的人。 学者们指出,许多戈利奥托克政治犯不一定是Cominform的支持者,而其他人则是完全不关心政治的人,他们甚至不知道Cominform到底是什么。学者们将这些发展归因于懒惰,而不是把所有给政权带来不便的人都关进监狱。然而,不管原因是什么,UDBA没有采取任何行动承认和/或恢复那些被错误定罪或谴责的人的身份,这一事实仍然是侵犯人权的一个迹象。唯一的出路就是成为UDBA的线人。应该指出的是,尽管当局多年来折磨并强迫成千上万被控亲斯大林的囚犯从事强迫劳动,对待非伊贝奥维奇的囚犯比对待伊贝奥维奇的囚犯更好,但政府并没有采用20世纪40年代中期的定点杀人手法。尼尔森(Nielsen),“在共产主义独裁政权中监禁‘国家的敌人’;巴纳克:《斯大林反对铁托》,第136-257页;J.米哈耶维奇,“铁托同志,救命!罗比奥内克,《国家安全失控?》HOP从逃往奥地利或西德的南斯拉夫难民中招募新成员,他们的目标是南斯拉夫联邦共和国在西欧的领导和机构。82 dimitrijeviki,“铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门,1944-1966。“83如上。巴纳克,《斯大林反对铁托》,第136-257页。在这方面,尼尔森解释说,"虽然戈利奥托克集中营在1948年后的头几年里的死亡率高得吓人,虽然该政权无疑认为至少有一些被关在那里的人的死亡是可以接受的,但南斯拉夫安全部门在1945年以后再也没有大规模、有系统地杀害政治对手。"尼尔森,“在共产主义独裁政权中监禁‘国家的敌人’”。84尼尔森,《在共产主义独裁政权中监禁‘国家的敌人’》。85同上。86北约国家帮助UDBA采购窃听设备。迪米特里耶维奇,《铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门,1944-1966》。窃听得到了铁托的批准。它在世界各地的南斯拉夫大使馆内都有特工。它还设有一个分析处,向领导提供报告、分析和估计。改革派认为民主联盟的人员和领导是自由化改革的障碍cvetkovic,“Aleksandar rankovic的堕落和谴责”Rankovićism。1992年的研究表明,窃听事件可能是铁托和一些赞成改革的克罗地亚民主联盟分支领导人安排的。一些学者认为SB实际上参与了这一设置。克维特科维奇,“亚历山大·兰科维奇的倒台和对' Rankovićism '的谴责”;迪米特里耶维奇,“铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门1944-1966”;然而,所有的窃听设备都是合法设置的,得到了铁托的批准,作为UDBA正式任务的一部分,如前所述。正如cvetkoviki所指出的,“共和国的所有部门都参与了这次行动,包括DSNO(国家国防秘书处)、SSUP(联邦内务秘书处)和SSIP(联邦外交秘书处),铁托亲自赞扬了这些部门,并提供了大量的技术和其他文件。”cvetkovic,“Aleksandar rankovic的堕落和谴责”Rankovićism。’”94学者指出,新的SB领导层为了寻求铁托的信任,也参与了陷害兰科维奇和为他栽赃的活动。克维特科维奇,“亚历山大·兰科维奇的倒台和对' Rankovićism '的谴责”;迪米特里耶维奇,“铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门1944-1966”;Ejdus, <塞尔维亚军民关系>。“兰科维奇退出了公共生活,但继续忠于铁托和党,直到1983年8月去世。”cvetkovic,“Aleksandar rankovic的堕落和谴责”Rankovićism。“96民联经历了一个权力下放的过程,在政治一级仿效权力下放政策;裁减联邦级别的人员;以及对忠于兰科维奇的领导人的清洗(他们不是被解雇就是被迫提前退休)。对窃听事件的大规模调查导致了UDBA人员的逮捕和酷刑逼供。 其他变化包括在“去官僚化”的幌子下缩小档案的规模(或者更确切地说,通过焚烧来摆脱一些档案)。Alexandar Matovski博士于2021年6月提供的输入。此外,UDBA被剥夺了其执行功能;它的主要作用是打击敌对活动。为了避免权力集中在贝尔格莱德,改革派加强了共和机构相对于联邦机构的自治权。UDBA看起来更像是不同服务的集合,而不是单一的机构。在这种情况下,南斯拉夫联盟对南斯拉夫人民生活的干涉开始减少。SID也进行了一些人员裁减。罗比奥内克,《国家安全失控?》迪米特里耶维奇,“铁托南斯拉夫的情报和安全部门1944-1966”;cvetkovic,“Aleksandar rankovic的堕落和谴责”Rankovićism。军队在兰科维奇事件中的帮助促进了SB从UDBA的自治。《斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇与南斯拉夫的毁灭》,第20.98页。博达,“南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国秘密警察”;《国家安全失控?》" 99 robbionek "国家安全失控?例如,斯洛文尼亚和波斯尼亚的SDB拥有高度自治权。SDB由内务部管理,但直接向南斯拉夫共产党中央委员会秘书长报告,而每个SDB共和国分支都向各自共和国的中央委员会报告。H. lur<s:1>,“脆弱国家的民主监督:波黑情报改革的案例”,《情报与国家安全》,第29卷,第4期(2014),页600-618。 robbionek,“国家安全失控?102 lur<s:1>, <脆弱国家的民主监督>。103 cvetkovich,“亚历山大·兰科维奇的堕落和谴责”Rankovićism。104其中一些目标包括,例如塞尔维亚裔美国人《斯洛博达-自由》杂志的编辑德拉吉萨·卡西科维奇;他的继任者Marijan Šimundić是1963年克罗地亚革命兄弟会(HRB)战斗人员在南斯拉夫失败袭击的组织者之一;以及克罗地亚右翼民族主义者尼基卡·马蒂诺维奇。《国家安全失控?》“105这些犯罪分子携带由深发展提供的虚假个人文件,并租用深发展拥有的房屋。博达,“南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国秘密警察”。“106 .这些暗杀事件促使党的领导人(特别是多兰)强调必须控制情报部门。尽管有这些反对意见,暗杀企图——有些成功了——仍在继续。博达,“南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国秘密警察”;《国家安全失控?》107 R. W. Dean,“1971-1975年南斯拉夫的军民关系”,《武装力量与社会》,第3卷,第1期(1976),第17-58页,罗比奥内克,“国家安全失控?”;南斯拉夫内部安全部队,1990年12月, U. Komlenovic,“南斯拉夫的国家和黑手党”,《东欧宪法评论》,第6卷,第4期(1997年),第70-73页;斯托亚诺维奇,《领导人去世20年后,阿肯的“老虎”未受惩罚》;M. Vivod,“罪犯和战士:为战争目的而使用罪犯——塞尔维亚准军事部队”,载于A. E. Hasselm编辑的《犯罪:原因、类型和受害者》(新星科学出版社,2009),第1-28页;S. Tanner和M. Mulone,“私人安全和武装冲突:前南斯拉夫大屠杀期间蝎子的案例研究”,《英国犯罪学杂志》,第53卷,第1期(2013),第41 - 58页。斯托亚诺维奇,《领导人去世20年后,阿肯的“老虎”未受惩罚》;Vivod,《罪犯与勇士》;坦纳和穆隆,《私人安全和武装冲突》;cvetkovic,“Aleksandar rankovic的堕落和谴责”Rankovićism。’”亚历山大·马托夫斯基博士输入,2012.2年3月。关于定点清除的详细情况,见博达,“南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国的秘密警察”;《国家安全失控?》113关于情报民主化的详细信息,见F. C. Matei和T. C. Bruneau,“新民主国家的情报改革:支持或阻碍进步的因素”,民主化,第18卷,第3期(2011),第602-630页;D. Trifunovic和Z. Dragišić,“塞尔维亚共和国的安全情报系统”,《国际情报与反情报杂志》,2022年2月28日,米歇尔·福柯,《纪律与惩罚:监狱的诞生》,由艾伦·谢里丹·艾伦翻译。(伦敦:企鹅出版社,1975年),第333页;f . D。 迪诺,“论泛视与社会”,载于《批判理论导论》(西拉斐特,印第安纳州:普渡大学文理学院,《福柯模块》,2012);J. Ron,“边界和暴力:沿着波斯尼亚/南斯拉夫分裂的国家行动的曲目”,《理论与社会》,第29卷,第5期(2000),第609-649页,;M. Wheeler,“白鹰与白卫兵:1945年英国人对南斯拉夫反共叛乱的看法”,《斯拉夫与东欧评论》,第66卷,第3期(1988年),第446-461.115页。直到今天,克罗地亚人还用一种文字游戏来形容UDBA。他们将其命名为“SUDBA”,意思是“命运”或“命运”,并开玩笑说,“做错事的人的命运就是SUDBA”。讨论ns3155 -情报与民主-硕士。S. C. Greitens,独裁者和他们的秘密警察:强制制度和国家暴力(剑桥研究争议政治)(剑桥大学出版社,2016年)。作者简介:弗洛里娜·克里斯蒂安娜·马泰是加利福尼亚州蒙特雷海军研究生院的高级讲师,在那里她为国土安全部和国家安全事务部授课。她是《劳特利奇军民关系手册》的共同编辑;民主国家的情报行为:过程、实践和文化以及《拉丁美洲和加勒比情报文化手册》。她是国际研究协会情报研究部的主席。可以通过cmatei@nps.edu与作者联系。
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