Collective reincorporation of FARC-EP and social and solidarity economies: beyond moral imagination

IF 1.4 3区 社会学 Q2 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Peacebuilding Pub Date : 2023-11-09 DOI:10.1080/21647259.2023.2278913
Isabel Lopera-Arbeláez, Francisco López Gallego, Solveig Richter, Ángel Espina Barrio
{"title":"Collective reincorporation of FARC-EP and social and solidarity economies: beyond moral imagination","authors":"Isabel Lopera-Arbeláez, Francisco López Gallego, Solveig Richter, Ángel Espina Barrio","doi":"10.1080/21647259.2023.2278913","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACTCollective productive projects are an effective strategy to bring reconciliation and development to the most remote parts of the national territory. Incipient rural development was recognised in the peace agreement, signed between the Colombian government and the Armed Forces of Colombia People’s Army (FARC-EP), as one of the causes of the armed conflict. However, social margins and precarious conditions are not exclusive to the countryside; exclusion also occurs in urban centres. Using ethnographic methods, we visited three areas of reincorporation to identify the socio-economic practices of collective productive projects. The findings suggest that the social solidarity economy is a promising alternative led by FARC-EP ex-combatants and host communities to resist socio-economic exclusion.KEYWORDS: Collective turnsocial and solidarity economyhost communityFARC-EPterritorial developmentDDR Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Gobierno de Colombia, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP). Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera (2016). Bogotá November 10, 2021.2 Presidency of the Republic of Colombia, National Planning Department. National Council for Economic and Social Policy. National Policy for the Social and Economic Reincorporation of former FARC-EP members, Pub. L. No. Document CONPES 3931, 1 (2018).3 In the case of the FARC-EP, since it is collective and does not obey a process of surrender, it has been called Reincorporation, although in international literature still named Reintegration.4 Peace Accords Matrix (PAM), Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. Five Years of Peace Agreement Implementation in Colombia: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities to Increase Implementation Levels, December 2016 – October 2021 (2021). ARN – Agencia para la Reincorporación y Normalización. Resolución 4309. Por el cual se establece la Ruta de Reincorporación, Pub. L. No. 4309, 1 (2019). Resoluciones/Resolucion_4309.pdf.6 Gobierno de Colombia, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo, Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera (2016).7 ECOMUN, ‘Economías Sociales Del Común’ Website’, (accessed July 28, 2022).8 Luis Peña, ‘Territorializing Peace: How Do We Make Peacebuilding Territorial?’ Policy Brief, 2022. PRIO and PNUD, Lights and Shadows of the Implementation of the Peace Agreement in Colombia: Attitudes and Perceptions in the PDET Territories (Bogotá, December 9, 2020) John Paul Lederach, The Little Book of Conflict Transformation (The Little Books of Justice & Peacebuilding. Good Books, 2014); John Paul Lederach, Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997); and John Paul Lederach, The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005).11 Oliver Ramsbotham, ‘Tom Wooodhouse, and Hugh Miall’, in Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The Prevention, Management and Transformation of Deadly Conflicts. 4th ed. (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016), 274.12 Ramsbotham, ‘Tom Wooodhouse, and Hugh Miall’, 276.13 German Dario Valencia, Fredy Alexánder Chaverra, German Dario Valencia Agudelo and Fredy Alexánder Chaverra Colorado, ‘Cooperativismo y Reincorporación Socioeconómica de Exintegrantes de Las Farc-EP En Colombia’, Revista de Paz y Conflictos 12, no. 2 (February 26, 2020): 227–48. Ernesto Cardenas, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch and Luis Carlos Guevara. ‘Network Structure of Insurgent Groups and the Success of DDR Processes in Colombia’, Small Wars and Insurgencies 29, no. 4 (2018).; and McEvoy Kieran and Peter Shirlow, ‘Re-Imagining DDR: Ex-Combatants, Leadership and Moral Agency in Conflict Transformation’, Theoretical Criminology 13, no. 1 (January 14, 2009): 31–59. Andrés Escobar-Espinoza, Jorge Armando Luna-Amador and Nicolas López-Verhelst, ‘Reintegración Económica: Conceptualización y Estrategias Implementadas En Colombia y Otros Países’, Saber, Ciencia y Libertad 14, no. 1 (2019): 118–39.–3240/saber.2019v14n1.5211.16 UN – United Nations Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Resource Centre, ‘The Integrated DDR Standards’, UN. March 25, 2021); and ‘What Is DDR?’, (accessed January 13, 2019).17 Vicenç Fisas, ‘Introducción Al Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR) de Excombatientes’, Quaderns de Construcción de Pau, no. 24 (2011); Guáqueta Alexandra and Gerson Arias, ‘Transitional DDR in Colombia: Useful or Counterproductive?’ (2008); and Theidon Kimberly, ‘Transitional Subjects: The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Former Combatants in Colombia’, The International Journal of Transitional Justice 1, no. 1 (2007): 66–90. Robert Muggah and Chris O’Donnell, ‘Next Generation Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration’, Stability, (2015): 4. Simon Saldner, ‘Contextualizing Reintegration: Conceptualizing and Measuring Ex-Combatant Reintegration Relative to Civilians’, (2019).20 Saldner, ‘Contextualizing Reintegration’, 2.21 Alpaslan Özerdem, ‘A Re-Conceptualisation of Ex-Combatant Reintegration: ’Social Reintegration’approach’, Conflict, Security and Development 12, no. 1 (March 2012): 51–73. Regional Development Index, ‘IDERE LATAM’,–1.23 See DANE – Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, ‘Empleo y Desempleo’, Bogotá, (accessed November 30, 2020).24 See Monetary and Multidimensional Poverty DANE – Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, ‘Pobreza Monetaria y Multidimensional En Colombia 2019’, (accessed December 31, 2019).25 See Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), ‘Crisis Group’, See Post-Farc Armed Groups, ‘Fundación PARES’ See INDEPAZ, Since the signing of the Final Agreement, The UN Mission has Recorded the Killing of 342 ex-combatants, United Nations Security Council, ‘Report of the Secretary-General on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia S/2022/513’, (accessed June 27, 2022).29 In the most vulnerable territories in the country (called PDET) there is a gap of almost 18 percentage points more than subjective poverty perception, while the national average of multidimensional poverty stood at 16% of the population, in the PDET territories this figure rises to 28%. DANE Multidimensional Poverty Index in PDET, 2021; DANE Monetary poverty with a differential approach 2021 See Tobón Santiago, Chirs Blattman, Gustavo Duncan and Ben Lessing, ‘Gangs of Medellín: How organised crime is organised’, (forthcoming).31 Kathleen M. Jennings, ‘The Struggle to Satisfy: DDR Through the Eyes of Ex-Combatants in Liberia’, International Peacekeeping 14, no. 2 (2007): 204–18. Thania Paffenholz, ‘Unpacking the Local Turn in Peacebuilding: A Critical Assessment Towards an Agenda for Future Research’, Third World Quarterly 36, no. 5 (May 4, 2015): 857–74.; Thania Paffenholz, ‘International Peacebuilding Goes Local: Analysing Lederach’s Conflict Transformation Theory and Its Ambivalent Encounter with 20 Years of Practice’, Peacebuilding 2, no. 1 (January 2, 2014): 11–27.; and Mary Kaldor, Marika Theros and Rim Turkmani, ‘Local Agreements -an Introduction to the Special Issue’, Peacebuilding 10, no. 2 (2022): 107–21. Kristina Daniels and Sabine Kurtenbach, Los Enredos de La Paz. Reflexiones Alrededor Del Largo Camino de La Transformación Del Conflicto Armado En Colombia (Bogotá: FRESCO – Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung en Colombia, 2021).34 One of the most outstanding collective demobilisations in Colombia occurred during 2003–2006 when more than 50.000 combatants from AUC laid down their arms.35 Aileen van Leeuwen, ‘Breaking with the Past, How Colombian Ex-Combatants Reintegrated into a City Dominated by Armed Groups’, PAX et BELLUM Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies 5, no. 1 (2018): 37–56.36 Oliver Kaplan and Enzo Nussio, ‘Explaining Recidivism of Ex-Combatants in Colombia’, Journal of Conflict Resolution 62, no. 1 (April 25, 2018): 64–93. Escobar-Espinoza, Luna-Amador and López-Verhelst, ‘Reintegración Económica: Conceptualización y Estrategias Implementadas En Colombia y Otros Países’, 118–39; and Larissa Rhyn, ‘Overcoming Stigma and Fostering Participation: Mechanisms for Community Reintegration in Colombia’, Conflict, Security and Development 19, no. 2 (2019): 195–222. Laura Andrea Cristancho and Adriana Otálora Buitrago, ‘Inclusión laboral de los desmovilizados del conflicto armado en Colombia’, Revista de Sociología, no. 1 (May 27, 2018): 169–96. María Llorente and María Méndez, La Reincorporación de Las FARC Tres Años Después Desafíos y Propuestas Análisis de Coyuntura (Fundación Ideas para la Paz [FIP], 2019), 22; and Harold Martínez and Iona Lefebvre, La Reincorporación Económica de Los Excombatientes de Las FARC. Retos y Riesgos a Futuro, Vol. 9. (Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para la Paz [FIP], 2019).40 Jorge Armando Cañon, La reincorporación económica de las FARC: entre obstáculos estructurales y apuestas transformadoras de ex Insurgentes (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2021). Oliver Kaplan and Enzo Nussio, ‘Community Counts: The Social Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in Colombia’, Conflict Management and Peace Science 35, no. 2 (April 25, 2015): 1–22.; Javier Alonso Cárdenas Díaz and Nadia Stefanía Pérez Páez, eds. Reintegración Comunitaria de Excombatientes En Colombia: Una Mirada Desde Lo Territorial (Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario, Agencia para la Reincorporación y la Normalización, Presidencia de la República, 2018).; and Angela J. Lederach, ‘Youth Provoking Peace: An Intersectional Approach to Territorial Peacebuilding in Colombia’, Peacebuilding 8, no. 2 (April 2, 2019): 198–217. Valencia, Alexánder Chaverra, Dario Valencia Agudelo, and Alexánder Chaverra Colorado. ‘Cooperativismo y Reincorporación Socioeconómica de Exintegrantes de Las Farc-EP En Colombia’, 227–48.43 Andrés Aunta and Víctor Barrera, Conflictividades y Agendas Territoriales (Publicaciones CINEP, 2016), 11.44 Heriberto Cairo, Ulrich Oslender, Carlo Emilio Piazzini Suárez, Jerónimo Ríos, Sara Koopman, Vladimir Montoya Arango, Flavio Bladimir, Rodríguez Muñoz and Liliana Zambrano Quintero, ‘”Territorial Peace”: The Emergence of a Concept in Colombia’s Peace Negotiations’, Geopolitics 23, no. 2 (2018): 464–88. Arturo Escobar, Encountering Development. The Making and Unmaking of the Third World (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1995).46 Mesa de Género del Consejo Nacional de Reincorporación, Entidad de las Naciones Unidas para la, Igualdad de Género y el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres (ONU Mujeres), Misión de Verificación de las Naciones Unidas en, Colombia, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, and (PNUD), Herramientas Para La Inclusión Del Enfoque de Género En Procesos de Reincorporación Económica (Bogotá, 2019).47 Thania Paffenholz, Mohammed Abu-Nimer and Erin McCandless, ‘Peacebuilding and Development: Integrated Approaches to Evaluation’, Journal of Peacebuilding & Development 2, no. 2 (2005).48 Roger Mac Ginty and Pamina Firchow, ‘Top-down and Bottom-up Narratives of Peace and Conflict’, Politics 36, no. 3 (April 21, 2016): 308–23. Victor W. Turner and Edward M. Bruner, The Anthropology of Experience (Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1986); Rodrigo Díaz Cruz, ‘La Vivencia En Circulación. Una Introducción a La Antropología de La Experiencia’, Alteridades 7 (1997): 5–15.50 Arturo Escobar, ‘Antropología y Desarrollo’, Maguaré 14, (1999): 42–73; and Beatriz Pérez Galán, Antropología y Desarrollo: Discurso, Prácticas y Actores (Madrid: Catarata, 2012).51 E.G. Guba and Y.S. Lincoln, ‘Competing Paradigms in Qualitative Research’, in Handbook of Qualitative Research, eds. N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln. (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 2011); Tobias Denskus and Nikolas Kosmatopoulos, ‘Anthropology & Peacebuilding: An Introduction’, Peacebuilding 3, no. 3 (September 2, 2015): 219–23.; and Birgit Bräuchler, ‘The Cultural Turn in Peace Research: Prospects and Challenges’, Peacebuilding 6, no. 1 (January 2, 2017): 17–33. Angel-B Espina, Manual de Antropología cultural 2aed. (Salamanca: Amarú Ediciones, 1997).53 Samuel Gerald, Matthew Durington and Harjant Gill, ‘Multimodality: An Invitation’, American Anthropologist 119, no. 1 (March 1, 2017): 142–46. See Susanna P. Campbell, ‘Ethics of Research in Conflict Environments’, Journal of Global Security Studies 2, no. 1 (January 2017): 89–101. H. Russell Bernard, Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 6th ed. (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018); Patricia Schettini and Inés Cortazzo, Análisis de Datos Cualitativos En La Investigación Social (La Plata: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (EDULP), 2015).56 Trine Rogg Korsvik and Linda Marie Rustad, ¿Qué Es La Dimensión de Género En El Ámbito de La Investigación? Casos de Estudio En La Investigación Interdisciplinar (Cantabria: Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2021). Alex Broom, ‘Ethical Issues in Social Research’, Complementary Therapies in Medicine 14, no. 2 (June 1, 2006): 151–56.; and N.G. Chirk Jenn, ‘Common Ethical Issues in Research and Publication’, Malaysian Family Physician 1, no. 2–3 (2006): 74. A detailed description of the five phases of fieldwork, data analysis and ‘situated knowledge’ (Donna Haraway) will be included in a forthcoming publication. Findings on gender/sex analysis were also included in a separate article.59 José Ignacio Ruiz, Metodología de la investigación cualitativa. 4a ed. (Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, 2007).60 Ángel Aguirre, Etnografía, Metodología cualitativa en la investigación sociocultural (España: Marcombo Boixareu Universitaria, 1995).61 Rosana Guber, La Etnografía. Método, Campo y Reflexividad (Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2001).62 Heidi Levitt, Michael Bamberg, John Creswell, David Frost, Ruthellen Josselson and Carola Suárez-Orozco, ‘Journal Article Reporting Standards for Qualitative Primary, Qualitative Meta-Analytic, and Mixed Methods Research in Psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board Task Force Report’, American Psychologist 73, no. 1 (2018): 26–46. According to the initial census, the origin of the FARC population is predominantly rural (72%), rural-urban in municipal capitals (17%), and urban in the country’s large capital cities (11%), Universidad Nacional de Colombia. ‘Caracterización Comunidad FARC-EP: Resultados Generales’. Informe de Rendición de Cuentas de La Implementación Del Acuerdo de Paz, 2017.64 Francy Carranza-Franco, Demobilisation and Reintegration in Colombia: Building State and Citizenship (Routledge, 2020).65 María and Méndez, La Reincorporación de Las FARC Tres Años Después Desafíos y Propuestas Análisis de Coyuntura, 22.66 Only 2310 out of 14.000 accredited ex-combatants live in ETCR, United Nations Security Council, ‘Report of the Secretary-General on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia S/2022/513’, (accessed June 27, 2022).67 The UN Verification Mission in Colombia estimates the number at 65, but in interviews, the ex-combatants spoke of 90 NAR.68 The Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC) is a paramilitary group operating in Colombia. They are known for their involvement in various illegal activities and have been associated with violence and threats against communities and individuals, including ex-combatants of the FARC-EP.69 See Tobón et al., (forthcoming). The authors describe how criminal gangs have territorial control over legal economies, shops, removals, housing construction, must pay ‘vacunas’ to operate (i.e. extortion). They impose restrictions on mobility, producing forced confinement or forced displacement.70 Isabel Lopera-Arbeláez, ‘Feminization of Female FARC-EP Combatants: From War Battle to Social-Economical Struggle’, Journal of Peacebuilding & Development. (accessed August 22, 2022).71 Rolf Pendall, Brett Theodos and Kaitlin Franks, ‘Vulnerable People, Precarious Housing, and Regional Resilience: An Exploratory Analysis’, Housing Policy Debate, 22, no. 2 (2012): 271–96. J. Abbott, ‘Community Participation and Its Relationship to Community Development’, Community Development Journal 30, no. 2 (April 1, 1995): 158–68. Rhyn, Larissa, 2019. Jaremey R. McMullin, ‘Integration or Separation? The Stigmatisation of Ex-Combatants after War’, Review of International Studies 39, no. 2 (2013): 385–414. James A. Christenson, ‘Community Development’, Rural Society in the U.S.: Issues for the 1980s, (January 1, 2019): 264–72.–30/COMMUNITY-DEVELOPMENT-JAMES-CHRISTENSON.75 Kaplan and Nussio, ‘Community Counts: The Social Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in Colombia’, 1–22.76 ECOMÚN, ‘Economías Sociales Del Común – ECOMUN’, (accessed October 21, 2020).77 ILO – International Labour Organization, Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy (Geneva, 2022),14.78 Depending on the type of participation intra o inter-grupal, they could also be clustered and entrenched social orders, according to Solveig Richter and Laura Camila Barrios Sabogal, ‘Dynamics of Peace or Legacy of Rebel Governance? Patterns of Cooperation between FARC-Ex-Combatants and Conflict-Affected Communities in Colombia’, Small Wars & Insurgencies, (2022). CNR-COMUNES, ‘Equipo Comunitario – CNR Componente COMUNES’, (accessed July 27, 2022).80 See Olga Criollo, ‘Así viven los excombatientes de las Farc en el Valle del Cauca’, El País, (accessed 8 September 2019).81 Özerdem. ‘A Re-Conceptualisation of Ex-Combatant Reintegration’, 51–73.82 Aunta and Víctor, Conflictividades y Agendas Territoriales.83 Eduardo Álvares Vanegas, Daniel Pardo Calderon and Andres Cajiao Vélez. Trayectorias y Dinámicas Territoriales de Las FARC (2018).84 María and Méndez, La Reincorporación de Las FARC Tres Años Después. Desafíos y Propuestas, 22.85 “Social Impact Measurement for the Social and Solidarity Economy: OECD Global Action Promoting Social & Solidarity Economy Ecosystems | OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Papers.86 OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, ‘Social Economy and the COVID-19 Crisis: Current and Future Roles. OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)’, July 30, 2020. ‘Tackling Informality in Colombia with the Social and Solidarity Economy – OECD’, (accessed November 16, 2022); ‘OECD Social Economy and Innovation Unit Centre for Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities Social Protection and Tackling Informality: Building on the Social and Solidarity Economy in Colombia’. OECD Social Economy and Innovation Unit Centre for Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions, and Cities, 2021.88 For Scott, people are not passive recipients of oppression and abuse of power. James Scott, Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985).89 Lederach. The Moral Imagination.90 Erin McFee and Angelika Rettberg, ‘Contexto de Los Desafíos de La Implementación Temprana En Colombia’, in Excombatientes y Acuerdo de Paz Con Las FARC En Colombia: Balance de La Etapa Temprana, eds. Erin McFee and Angelika Rettberg. (Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, 2019). Alonso Cárdenas and Stefanía Pérez Páez, eds. Reintegración Comunitaria de Excombatientes En Colombia.92 See note 89 above.93 Lederach, The Little Book of Conflict Transformation.94 Lederach. The Moral Imagination, 25.95 Saskia Sassen, Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages. Territory, Authority, Rights (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014). See note 89 above.97 Robin Luckham, ‘Whose Violence, Whose Security? Can Violence Reduction and Security Work for Poor, Excluded and Vulnerable People?’ Peacebuilding 5, no. 2 (May 4, 2017): 99–117. Ingrid Robeyns, Wellbeing, Freedom, and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-Examined (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2017). During the 1990s, with the changing role of the State in socio-economic development in favour of for-profit private enterprises, resources allocated to cooperative development declined sharply, ILO 2022, p. 55.100 Dámari Expósito and Jesús Alberto González, ‘Sistematización de Experiencias Como Método de Investigación’, Gaceta Médica Espirituana 19, no. 2 (2017).–89212017000200003; and O. Jara Holliday, ‘Systematization of experiences, research, and evaluation: three different approaches’, International Journal for Global and Development Education Research 1, (2012): 71–84.Additional informationFundingThe work was supported by the Santander Bank Scholarship, bero-Amerikanisches Institut Preußischer Kulturbesitz (IAI) Grant.Notes on contributorsIsabel Lopera-ArbeláezIsabel Lopera-Arbeláez, PhD Candidate in Social Sciences. Magister in Human Development, Universidad EAFIT, Psychologist, University of San Buenaventura. Social researcher focused on peacebuilding and conflict studies. Feminist. The human development paradigm and architecture to social inclusion are themes of her academic work.Francisco López GallegoFrancisco López Gallego, PhD in Management Sciences, Ramón Llull University, Barcelona. Research Sufficiency (DEA), School of Management - ESADE, Barcelona, Spain. Psychologist, University of Antioquia, Colombia. Director of the Doctoral Programme in Administration and of the Ad-Minister Journal, as well as Professor of Organisation and Management, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia, currently full Professor of Senior Management.Solveig RichterSolveig Richter, Heisenberg Professor for International Relations and Transnational Politics at Leipzig University. She worked as a Junior Professor for International Conflict Management at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Erfurt and Senior Researcher at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin. Her research interests cover post- conflict dynamics, non-state actors, external democratisation, civilian peace missions and perspectives from the Global South. She has gained a regional expertise on Eastern Europe, notably the Western Balkans, as well as on Colombia.Ángel Espina BarrioÁngel Espina Barrio, PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, degree in Philosophy, and degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, Spain. Since 1984 professor in the area of Social Anthropology at the same university. Director of the Anthropology line of the PhD in Social Sciences. Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).","PeriodicalId":45555,"journal":{"name":"Peacebuilding","volume":" 10","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":1.4000,"publicationDate":"2023-11-09","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Peacebuilding","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"","RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"社会学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q2","JCRName":"INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


ABSTRACTCollective productive projects are an effective strategy to bring reconciliation and development to the most remote parts of the national territory. Incipient rural development was recognised in the peace agreement, signed between the Colombian government and the Armed Forces of Colombia People’s Army (FARC-EP), as one of the causes of the armed conflict. However, social margins and precarious conditions are not exclusive to the countryside; exclusion also occurs in urban centres. Using ethnographic methods, we visited three areas of reincorporation to identify the socio-economic practices of collective productive projects. The findings suggest that the social solidarity economy is a promising alternative led by FARC-EP ex-combatants and host communities to resist socio-economic exclusion.KEYWORDS: Collective turnsocial and solidarity economyhost communityFARC-EPterritorial developmentDDR Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Gobierno de Colombia, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP). Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera (2016). Bogotá November 10, 2021.2 Presidency of the Republic of Colombia, National Planning Department. National Council for Economic and Social Policy. National Policy for the Social and Economic Reincorporation of former FARC-EP members, Pub. L. No. Document CONPES 3931, 1 (2018).3 In the case of the FARC-EP, since it is collective and does not obey a process of surrender, it has been called Reincorporation, although in international literature still named Reintegration.4 Peace Accords Matrix (PAM), Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. Five Years of Peace Agreement Implementation in Colombia: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities to Increase Implementation Levels, December 2016 – October 2021 (2021). ARN – Agencia para la Reincorporación y Normalización. Resolución 4309. Por el cual se establece la Ruta de Reincorporación, Pub. L. No. 4309, 1 (2019). Resoluciones/Resolucion_4309.pdf.6 Gobierno de Colombia, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo, Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera (2016).7 ECOMUN, ‘Economías Sociales Del Común’ Website’, (accessed July 28, 2022).8 Luis Peña, ‘Territorializing Peace: How Do We Make Peacebuilding Territorial?’ Policy Brief, 2022. PRIO and PNUD, Lights and Shadows of the Implementation of the Peace Agreement in Colombia: Attitudes and Perceptions in the PDET Territories (Bogotá, December 9, 2020) John Paul Lederach, The Little Book of Conflict Transformation (The Little Books of Justice & Peacebuilding. Good Books, 2014); John Paul Lederach, Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997); and John Paul Lederach, The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005).11 Oliver Ramsbotham, ‘Tom Wooodhouse, and Hugh Miall’, in Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The Prevention, Management and Transformation of Deadly Conflicts. 4th ed. (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2016), 274.12 Ramsbotham, ‘Tom Wooodhouse, and Hugh Miall’, 276.13 German Dario Valencia, Fredy Alexánder Chaverra, German Dario Valencia Agudelo and Fredy Alexánder Chaverra Colorado, ‘Cooperativismo y Reincorporación Socioeconómica de Exintegrantes de Las Farc-EP En Colombia’, Revista de Paz y Conflictos 12, no. 2 (February 26, 2020): 227–48. Ernesto Cardenas, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch and Luis Carlos Guevara. ‘Network Structure of Insurgent Groups and the Success of DDR Processes in Colombia’, Small Wars and Insurgencies 29, no. 4 (2018).; and McEvoy Kieran and Peter Shirlow, ‘Re-Imagining DDR: Ex-Combatants, Leadership and Moral Agency in Conflict Transformation’, Theoretical Criminology 13, no. 1 (January 14, 2009): 31–59. Andrés Escobar-Espinoza, Jorge Armando Luna-Amador and Nicolas López-Verhelst, ‘Reintegración Económica: Conceptualización y Estrategias Implementadas En Colombia y Otros Países’, Saber, Ciencia y Libertad 14, no. 1 (2019): 118–39.–3240/saber.2019v14n1.5211.16 UN – United Nations Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Resource Centre, ‘The Integrated DDR Standards’, UN. March 25, 2021); and ‘What Is DDR?’, (accessed January 13, 2019).17 Vicenç Fisas, ‘Introducción Al Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR) de Excombatientes’, Quaderns de Construcción de Pau, no. 24 (2011); Guáqueta Alexandra and Gerson Arias, ‘Transitional DDR in Colombia: Useful or Counterproductive?’ (2008); and Theidon Kimberly, ‘Transitional Subjects: The Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Former Combatants in Colombia’, The International Journal of Transitional Justice 1, no. 1 (2007): 66–90. Robert Muggah and Chris O’Donnell, ‘Next Generation Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration’, Stability, (2015): 4. Simon Saldner, ‘Contextualizing Reintegration: Conceptualizing and Measuring Ex-Combatant Reintegration Relative to Civilians’, (2019).20 Saldner, ‘Contextualizing Reintegration’, 2.21 Alpaslan Özerdem, ‘A Re-Conceptualisation of Ex-Combatant Reintegration: ’Social Reintegration’approach’, Conflict, Security and Development 12, no. 1 (March 2012): 51–73. Regional Development Index, ‘IDERE LATAM’,–1.23 See DANE – Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, ‘Empleo y Desempleo’, Bogotá, (accessed November 30, 2020).24 See Monetary and Multidimensional Poverty DANE – Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, ‘Pobreza Monetaria y Multidimensional En Colombia 2019’, (accessed December 31, 2019).25 See Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), ‘Crisis Group’, See Post-Farc Armed Groups, ‘Fundación PARES’ See INDEPAZ, Since the signing of the Final Agreement, The UN Mission has Recorded the Killing of 342 ex-combatants, United Nations Security Council, ‘Report of the Secretary-General on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia S/2022/513’, (accessed June 27, 2022).29 In the most vulnerable territories in the country (called PDET) there is a gap of almost 18 percentage points more than subjective poverty perception, while the national average of multidimensional poverty stood at 16% of the population, in the PDET territories this figure rises to 28%. DANE Multidimensional Poverty Index in PDET, 2021; DANE Monetary poverty with a differential approach 2021 See Tobón Santiago, Chirs Blattman, Gustavo Duncan and Ben Lessing, ‘Gangs of Medellín: How organised crime is organised’, (forthcoming).31 Kathleen M. Jennings, ‘The Struggle to Satisfy: DDR Through the Eyes of Ex-Combatants in Liberia’, International Peacekeeping 14, no. 2 (2007): 204–18. Thania Paffenholz, ‘Unpacking the Local Turn in Peacebuilding: A Critical Assessment Towards an Agenda for Future Research’, Third World Quarterly 36, no. 5 (May 4, 2015): 857–74.; Thania Paffenholz, ‘International Peacebuilding Goes Local: Analysing Lederach’s Conflict Transformation Theory and Its Ambivalent Encounter with 20 Years of Practice’, Peacebuilding 2, no. 1 (January 2, 2014): 11–27.; and Mary Kaldor, Marika Theros and Rim Turkmani, ‘Local Agreements -an Introduction to the Special Issue’, Peacebuilding 10, no. 2 (2022): 107–21. Kristina Daniels and Sabine Kurtenbach, Los Enredos de La Paz. Reflexiones Alrededor Del Largo Camino de La Transformación Del Conflicto Armado En Colombia (Bogotá: FRESCO – Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung en Colombia, 2021).34 One of the most outstanding collective demobilisations in Colombia occurred during 2003–2006 when more than 50.000 combatants from AUC laid down their arms.35 Aileen van Leeuwen, ‘Breaking with the Past, How Colombian Ex-Combatants Reintegrated into a City Dominated by Armed Groups’, PAX et BELLUM Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies 5, no. 1 (2018): 37–56.36 Oliver Kaplan and Enzo Nussio, ‘Explaining Recidivism of Ex-Combatants in Colombia’, Journal of Conflict Resolution 62, no. 1 (April 25, 2018): 64–93. Escobar-Espinoza, Luna-Amador and López-Verhelst, ‘Reintegración Económica: Conceptualización y Estrategias Implementadas En Colombia y Otros Países’, 118–39; and Larissa Rhyn, ‘Overcoming Stigma and Fostering Participation: Mechanisms for Community Reintegration in Colombia’, Conflict, Security and Development 19, no. 2 (2019): 195–222. Laura Andrea Cristancho and Adriana Otálora Buitrago, ‘Inclusión laboral de los desmovilizados del conflicto armado en Colombia’, Revista de Sociología, no. 1 (May 27, 2018): 169–96. María Llorente and María Méndez, La Reincorporación de Las FARC Tres Años Después Desafíos y Propuestas Análisis de Coyuntura (Fundación Ideas para la Paz [FIP], 2019), 22; and Harold Martínez and Iona Lefebvre, La Reincorporación Económica de Los Excombatientes de Las FARC. Retos y Riesgos a Futuro, Vol. 9. (Bogotá: Fundación Ideas para la Paz [FIP], 2019).40 Jorge Armando Cañon, La reincorporación económica de las FARC: entre obstáculos estructurales y apuestas transformadoras de ex Insurgentes (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2021). Oliver Kaplan and Enzo Nussio, ‘Community Counts: The Social Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in Colombia’, Conflict Management and Peace Science 35, no. 2 (April 25, 2015): 1–22.; Javier Alonso Cárdenas Díaz and Nadia Stefanía Pérez Páez, eds. Reintegración Comunitaria de Excombatientes En Colombia: Una Mirada Desde Lo Territorial (Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario, Agencia para la Reincorporación y la Normalización, Presidencia de la República, 2018).; and Angela J. Lederach, ‘Youth Provoking Peace: An Intersectional Approach to Territorial Peacebuilding in Colombia’, Peacebuilding 8, no. 2 (April 2, 2019): 198–217. Valencia, Alexánder Chaverra, Dario Valencia Agudelo, and Alexánder Chaverra Colorado. ‘Cooperativismo y Reincorporación Socioeconómica de Exintegrantes de Las Farc-EP En Colombia’, 227–48.43 Andrés Aunta and Víctor Barrera, Conflictividades y Agendas Territoriales (Publicaciones CINEP, 2016), 11.44 Heriberto Cairo, Ulrich Oslender, Carlo Emilio Piazzini Suárez, Jerónimo Ríos, Sara Koopman, Vladimir Montoya Arango, Flavio Bladimir, Rodríguez Muñoz and Liliana Zambrano Quintero, ‘”Territorial Peace”: The Emergence of a Concept in Colombia’s Peace Negotiations’, Geopolitics 23, no. 2 (2018): 464–88. Arturo Escobar, Encountering Development. The Making and Unmaking of the Third World (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1995).46 Mesa de Género del Consejo Nacional de Reincorporación, Entidad de las Naciones Unidas para la, Igualdad de Género y el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres (ONU Mujeres), Misión de Verificación de las Naciones Unidas en, Colombia, Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, and (PNUD), Herramientas Para La Inclusión Del Enfoque de Género En Procesos de Reincorporación Económica (Bogotá, 2019).47 Thania Paffenholz, Mohammed Abu-Nimer and Erin McCandless, ‘Peacebuilding and Development: Integrated Approaches to Evaluation’, Journal of Peacebuilding & Development 2, no. 2 (2005).48 Roger Mac Ginty and Pamina Firchow, ‘Top-down and Bottom-up Narratives of Peace and Conflict’, Politics 36, no. 3 (April 21, 2016): 308–23. Victor W. Turner and Edward M. Bruner, The Anthropology of Experience (Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1986); Rodrigo Díaz Cruz, ‘La Vivencia En Circulación. Una Introducción a La Antropología de La Experiencia’, Alteridades 7 (1997): 5–15.50 Arturo Escobar, ‘Antropología y Desarrollo’, Maguaré 14, (1999): 42–73; and Beatriz Pérez Galán, Antropología y Desarrollo: Discurso, Prácticas y Actores (Madrid: Catarata, 2012).51 E.G. Guba and Y.S. Lincoln, ‘Competing Paradigms in Qualitative Research’, in Handbook of Qualitative Research, eds. N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln. (Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 2011); Tobias Denskus and Nikolas Kosmatopoulos, ‘Anthropology & Peacebuilding: An Introduction’, Peacebuilding 3, no. 3 (September 2, 2015): 219–23.; and Birgit Bräuchler, ‘The Cultural Turn in Peace Research: Prospects and Challenges’, Peacebuilding 6, no. 1 (January 2, 2017): 17–33. Angel-B Espina, Manual de Antropología cultural 2aed. (Salamanca: Amarú Ediciones, 1997).53 Samuel Gerald, Matthew Durington and Harjant Gill, ‘Multimodality: An Invitation’, American Anthropologist 119, no. 1 (March 1, 2017): 142–46. See Susanna P. Campbell, ‘Ethics of Research in Conflict Environments’, Journal of Global Security Studies 2, no. 1 (January 2017): 89–101. H. Russell Bernard, Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 6th ed. (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018); Patricia Schettini and Inés Cortazzo, Análisis de Datos Cualitativos En La Investigación Social (La Plata: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (EDULP), 2015).56 Trine Rogg Korsvik and Linda Marie Rustad, ¿Qué Es La Dimensión de Género En El Ámbito de La Investigación? Casos de Estudio En La Investigación Interdisciplinar (Cantabria: Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2021). Alex Broom, ‘Ethical Issues in Social Research’, Complementary Therapies in Medicine 14, no. 2 (June 1, 2006): 151–56.; and N.G. Chirk Jenn, ‘Common Ethical Issues in Research and Publication’, Malaysian Family Physician 1, no. 2–3 (2006): 74. A detailed description of the five phases of fieldwork, data analysis and ‘situated knowledge’ (Donna Haraway) will be included in a forthcoming publication. Findings on gender/sex analysis were also included in a separate article.59 José Ignacio Ruiz, Metodología de la investigación cualitativa. 4a ed. (Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, 2007).60 Ángel Aguirre, Etnografía, Metodología cualitativa en la investigación sociocultural (España: Marcombo Boixareu Universitaria, 1995).61 Rosana Guber, La Etnografía. Método, Campo y Reflexividad (Buenos Aires: Grupo Editorial Norma, 2001).62 Heidi Levitt, Michael Bamberg, John Creswell, David Frost, Ruthellen Josselson and Carola Suárez-Orozco, ‘Journal Article Reporting Standards for Qualitative Primary, Qualitative Meta-Analytic, and Mixed Methods Research in Psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board Task Force Report’, American Psychologist 73, no. 1 (2018): 26–46. According to the initial census, the origin of the FARC population is predominantly rural (72%), rural-urban in municipal capitals (17%), and urban in the country’s large capital cities (11%), Universidad Nacional de Colombia. ‘Caracterización Comunidad FARC-EP: Resultados Generales’. Informe de Rendición de Cuentas de La Implementación Del Acuerdo de Paz, 2017.64 Francy Carranza-Franco, Demobilisation and Reintegration in Colombia: Building State and Citizenship (Routledge, 2020).65 María and Méndez, La Reincorporación de Las FARC Tres Años Después Desafíos y Propuestas Análisis de Coyuntura, 22.66 Only 2310 out of 14.000 accredited ex-combatants live in ETCR, United Nations Security Council, ‘Report of the Secretary-General on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia S/2022/513’, (accessed June 27, 2022).67 The UN Verification Mission in Colombia estimates the number at 65, but in interviews, the ex-combatants spoke of 90 NAR.68 The Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC) is a paramilitary group operating in Colombia. They are known for their involvement in various illegal activities and have been associated with violence and threats against communities and individuals, including ex-combatants of the FARC-EP.69 See Tobón et al., (forthcoming). The authors describe how criminal gangs have territorial control over legal economies, shops, removals, housing construction, must pay ‘vacunas’ to operate (i.e. extortion). They impose restrictions on mobility, producing forced confinement or forced displacement.70 Isabel Lopera-Arbeláez, ‘Feminization of Female FARC-EP Combatants: From War Battle to Social-Economical Struggle’, Journal of Peacebuilding & Development. (accessed August 22, 2022).71 Rolf Pendall, Brett Theodos and Kaitlin Franks, ‘Vulnerable People, Precarious Housing, and Regional Resilience: An Exploratory Analysis’, Housing Policy Debate, 22, no. 2 (2012): 271–96. J. Abbott, ‘Community Participation and Its Relationship to Community Development’, Community Development Journal 30, no. 2 (April 1, 1995): 158–68. Rhyn, Larissa, 2019. Jaremey R. McMullin, ‘Integration or Separation? The Stigmatisation of Ex-Combatants after War’, Review of International Studies 39, no. 2 (2013): 385–414. James A. Christenson, ‘Community Development’, Rural Society in the U.S.: Issues for the 1980s, (January 1, 2019): 264–72.–30/COMMUNITY-DEVELOPMENT-JAMES-CHRISTENSON.75 Kaplan and Nussio, ‘Community Counts: The Social Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in Colombia’, 1–22.76 ECOMÚN, ‘Economías Sociales Del Común – ECOMUN’, (accessed October 21, 2020).77 ILO – International Labour Organization, Decent Work and the Social and Solidarity Economy (Geneva, 2022),14.78 Depending on the type of participation intra o inter-grupal, they could also be clustered and entrenched social orders, according to Solveig Richter and Laura Camila Barrios Sabogal, ‘Dynamics of Peace or Legacy of Rebel Governance? Patterns of Cooperation between FARC-Ex-Combatants and Conflict-Affected Communities in Colombia’, Small Wars & Insurgencies, (2022). CNR-COMUNES, ‘Equipo Comunitario – CNR Componente COMUNES’, (accessed July 27, 2022).80 See Olga Criollo, ‘Así viven los excombatientes de las Farc en el Valle del Cauca’, El País, (accessed 8 September 2019).81 Özerdem. ‘A Re-Conceptualisation of Ex-Combatant Reintegration’, 51–73.82 Aunta and Víctor, Conflictividades y Agendas Territoriales.83 Eduardo Álvares Vanegas, Daniel Pardo Calderon and Andres Cajiao Vélez. Trayectorias y Dinámicas Territoriales de Las FARC (2018).84 María and Méndez, La Reincorporación de Las FARC Tres Años Después. Desafíos y Propuestas, 22.85 “Social Impact Measurement for the Social and Solidarity Economy: OECD Global Action Promoting Social & Solidarity Economy Ecosystems | OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Papers.86 OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, ‘Social Economy and the COVID-19 Crisis: Current and Future Roles. OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19)’, July 30, 2020. ‘Tackling Informality in Colombia with the Social and Solidarity Economy – OECD’, (accessed November 16, 2022); ‘OECD Social Economy and Innovation Unit Centre for Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities Social Protection and Tackling Informality: Building on the Social and Solidarity Economy in Colombia’. OECD Social Economy and Innovation Unit Centre for Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions, and Cities, 2021.88 For Scott, people are not passive recipients of oppression and abuse of power. James Scott, Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985).89 Lederach. The Moral Imagination.90 Erin McFee and Angelika Rettberg, ‘Contexto de Los Desafíos de La Implementación Temprana En Colombia’, in Excombatientes y Acuerdo de Paz Con Las FARC En Colombia: Balance de La Etapa Temprana, eds. Erin McFee and Angelika Rettberg. (Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, 2019). Alonso Cárdenas and Stefanía Pérez Páez, eds. Reintegración Comunitaria de Excombatientes En Colombia.92 See note 89 above.93 Lederach, The Little Book of Conflict Transformation.94 Lederach. The Moral Imagination, 25.95 Saskia Sassen, Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages. Territory, Authority, Rights (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014). See note 89 above.97 Robin Luckham, ‘Whose Violence, Whose Security? Can Violence Reduction and Security Work for Poor, Excluded and Vulnerable People?’ Peacebuilding 5, no. 2 (May 4, 2017): 99–117. Ingrid Robeyns, Wellbeing, Freedom, and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-Examined (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2017). During the 1990s, with the changing role of the State in socio-economic development in favour of for-profit private enterprises, resources allocated to cooperative development declined sharply, ILO 2022, p. 55.100 Dámari Expósito and Jesús Alberto González, ‘Sistematización de Experiencias Como Método de Investigación’, Gaceta Médica Espirituana 19, no. 2 (2017).–89212017000200003; and O. Jara Holliday, ‘Systematization of experiences, research, and evaluation: three different approaches’, International Journal for Global and Development Education Research 1, (2012): 71–84.Additional informationFundingThe work was supported by the Santander Bank Scholarship, bero-Amerikanisches Institut Preußischer Kulturbesitz (IAI) Grant.Notes on contributorsIsabel Lopera-ArbeláezIsabel Lopera-Arbeláez, PhD Candidate in Social Sciences. Magister in Human Development, Universidad EAFIT, Psychologist, University of San Buenaventura. Social researcher focused on peacebuilding and conflict studies. Feminist. The human development paradigm and architecture to social inclusion are themes of her academic work.Francisco López GallegoFrancisco López Gallego, PhD in Management Sciences, Ramón Llull University, Barcelona. Research Sufficiency (DEA), School of Management - ESADE, Barcelona, Spain. Psychologist, University of Antioquia, Colombia. Director of the Doctoral Programme in Administration and of the Ad-Minister Journal, as well as Professor of Organisation and Management, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia, currently full Professor of Senior Management.Solveig RichterSolveig Richter, Heisenberg Professor for International Relations and Transnational Politics at Leipzig University. She worked as a Junior Professor for International Conflict Management at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Erfurt and Senior Researcher at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin. Her research interests cover post- conflict dynamics, non-state actors, external democratisation, civilian peace missions and perspectives from the Global South. She has gained a regional expertise on Eastern Europe, notably the Western Balkans, as well as on Colombia.Ángel Espina BarrioÁngel Espina Barrio, PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, degree in Philosophy, and degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca, Spain. Since 1984 professor in the area of Social Anthropology at the same university. Director of the Anthropology line of the PhD in Social Sciences. Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).
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17 Vicenç Fisas, ' Introducción Al Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR) de Excombatientes ', Quaderns de Construcción de Pau, no。24 (2011);Guáqueta Alexandra和Gerson Arias,《哥伦比亚过渡期民主制度:有用还是适得其反?》”(2008);和Theidon Kimberly,“过渡主题:哥伦比亚前战斗人员的解除武装、复员和重返社会”,《国际过渡时期司法杂志》第1期,第2期。1(2007): 66-90。罗伯特·穆加和克里斯·奥唐奈,“下一代解除武装、复员和重返社会”,《稳定》,(2015):4。 Simon Saldner,“情境化重返社会:概念化和衡量前战斗人员相对于平民的重返社会”,(2019).20Saldner,“情境化重返社会”,2.21 Alpaslan Özerdem,“前战斗人员重返社会的重新概念化:“社会重返社会”方法”,冲突,安全和发展12,第2期。1(2012年3月):51-73。区域发展指数,“IDERE LATAM”, - 1.23见DANE -国家行政部门Estadística,“就业与就业”,波哥大<e:1>,查阅于2020年11月30日)25 .见货币与多维贫困丹麦国家行政部门Estadística,《2019年哥伦比亚多维贫困政策》,年12月31日访问)见ejacricito Liberación national (ELN),“危机组织”,见farc后武装团体,Fundación PARES见INDEPAZ,《最后协定》签署以来,29 .联合国特派团记录了342名前战斗人员被杀的情况,联合国安全理事会,“秘书长关于联合国哥伦比亚核查团的报告S/2022/513”(查阅于2022年6月27日)在该国最脆弱的地区(称为PDET),这一差距比主观贫困认知高出近18个百分点,而多维贫困的全国平均水平为人口的16%,在PDET地区,这一数字上升到28%。丹麦多维贫困指数在PDET, 2021;DANE货币贫困与差异方法2021见Tobón Santiago, Chirs Blattman, Gustavo Duncan和Ben Lessing,“Medellín的帮派:如何有组织犯罪是有组织的”,(即将出版).31凯瑟琳·m·詹宁斯,《满足的斗争:利比里亚前战斗人员眼中的民主重建》,《国际维和》第14期,第2期。2(2007): 204-18。 Thania Paffenholz,“在和平建设中打开地方转向:对未来研究议程的关键评估”,第三世界季刊,第36期。5(2015年5月4日):857-74。;Thania Paffenholz,“国际建设和平走向地方:分析Lederach的冲突转换理论及其与20年实践的矛盾遭遇”,《建设和平》第2期,第2期。1(2014年1月2日):11-27。;Mary Kaldor、Marika Theros和Rim Turkmani,《地方协议——特刊简介》,《建设和平》第10期。2(2022): 107-21。 christina Daniels和Sabine Kurtenbach, Los Enredos de La Paz。34 . Reflexiones Alrededor Del Largo Camino de La Transformación Del Conflicto Armado En Colombia(波哥大<e:1>: FRESCO - Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung En Colombia, 2021)哥伦比亚最杰出的集体复员之一发生在2003-2006年期间,当时有5万多名中非共和国武装部队战斗人员放下了武器Aileen van Leeuwen,“打破过去,哥伦比亚前战斗人员如何重新融入武装团体主导的城市”,PAX et BELLUM和平与冲突研究杂志,第5期。Oliver Kaplan和Enzo Nussio,“解释哥伦比亚前战斗人员的累犯行为”,《冲突解决杂志》第62期。1(2018年4月25日):64-93。。 H. Russell Bernard,《人类学研究方法:定性和定量方法》,第6版(Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018);Patricia Schettini和ines Cortazzo,社会研究中的定性数据分析(拉普拉塔:拉普拉塔国立大学出版社(EDULP), 2015)Trine Rogg Korsvik和Linda Marie Rustad,什么是研究中的性别维度?跨学科研究案例研究(坎塔布里亚:坎塔布里亚大学出版社,2021年)。 Alex !‘社会研究方面的伦理问题,补充Therapies in Medicine) 14、没有。= =地理= =根据美国人口普查,这个县的总面积是,其中土地和(5.083平方公里)水。;= =地理= =根据美国人口普查,这个县的面积为,其中土地面积为。= =地理= =根据美国人口普查,这个县的总面积是,其中土地和(5.064平方公里)水。关于实地工作、数据分析和“态势知识”五个阶段的详细说明(Donna Haraway)将列入即将出版的出版物。关于性别/性别分析的调查结果也列入另一条。59本研究的目的是分析定性研究的方法论。第四版(毕尔巴鄂:Deusto大学,2007)angel Aguirre,人种学,社会文化研究的定性方法论(西班牙:Marcombo Boixareu大学,1995)罗莎娜·古伯,人种学。方法、领域和反思性(布宜诺斯艾利斯:Grupo Editorial Norma, 2001)Heidi Levitt, Michael Bamberg, John Creswell, David Frost, Ruthellen Josselson和Carola suarez - orozco,《心理学研究中定性初级、定性元分析和混合方法的期刊文章报道标准:APA出版物和传播委员会工作组报告》,美国心理学家73号,no。他的父亲是一名律师,母亲是一名律师。根据最初的人口普查,哥伦比亚革命武装力量人口的来源主要是农村(72%),城市的农村-城市(17%)和国家的大城市的城市(11%),哥伦比亚国立大学。“哥伦比亚革命武装力量-人民军社区特征:总体结果”。Francy Carranza-Franco,《哥伦比亚的Demobilisation and Reintegration: Building State and Citizenship》(Routledge, 2020) 65玛丽亚和mendez,三年后重返FARC挑战和建议联合分析,22.66 Only 2310 out of 14000 accredited ex-combatants live in ETCR,联合国安全理事会,“Report of the秘书长on the UN核查访问哥伦比亚S / 2022/513,月27日,2022)查阅.67联合国驻哥伦比亚核查特派团估计数字为65人,但在采访中,前战斗人员说有90人。68哥伦比亚Gaitanistas Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC)是一个在哥伦比亚活动的准军事组织。他们因参与各种非法活动而臭名昭著,并与针对社区和个人的暴力和威胁有关,包括farc - ep的前战斗人员参见托邦等人(即将出版)。作者描述了犯罪团伙如何对合法经济、商店、搬迁、住房建设进行领土控制,必须支付“疫苗”才能运作(即敲诈勒索)。它们对移动施加限制,产生强制限制或强制移动Isabel lopera - arbelaez,“哥伦比亚革命武装力量-人民军女战士的女性化:从战争到社会经济斗争”,《和平建设与发展杂志》。他的父亲是一名律师,母亲是一名律师。Rolf Pendall, Brett Theodos和Kaitlin Franks,“弱势群体、不稳定的住房和区域弹性:探索分析”,住房政策辩论,22,no。= =地理= =根据美国人口普查,这个县的总面积是,其中土地和(5.064平方公里)水。《社区参与及其与社区发展的关系》,《社区发展杂志》第30期,第1期。= =地理= =根据美国人口普查,这个县的总面积是,其中土地和(3.064平方公里)水。 Larissa Rhyn, 2019。他的父亲是一名律师,母亲是一名律师。The Stigmatisation of Ex-Combatants after War”,Review of International Studies 39岁,没有。= =地理= =根据美国人口普查,该地区的总面积为,其中土地和(2.641平方公里)水。James A. Christenson,《美国农村社会:20世纪80年代的问题》,(2019年1月1日):264 - 72。卡普兰和努西奥,“社区Counts:哥伦比亚前战斗人员的社会重新融合”,1 - 22.76 ECOMUN,“economiques Sociales Del comun - ECOMUN”,。(2020年10月21日访问)国际劳工组织,体面工作与社会和团结经济(日内瓦,2022年),14。 根据索尔维格·里希特和劳拉·卡米拉·巴里奥斯·萨布加尔在《和平的动力还是反叛统治的遗产?》哥伦比亚革命武装力量前战斗人员与受冲突影响社区之间的合作模式”,小型战争与叛乱,(2022)。 CNR-COMUNES,“Equipo comunario - CNR Componente COMUNES”,访问日期为2022年7月27日)见Olga Criollo,“Así viven los excombatientes de las Farc en el Valle del Cauca”,el País,见2019年9月8日)。81 Ozerdem。“前战斗人员重返社会的重新概念化”,51-73.82 autana和Víctor,领土议程中的冲突。83 Eduardo Álvares Vanegas, Daniel Pardo Calderon和Andres Cajiao vacriz。[84]哥伦比亚革命武装力量(2018)María和msamudez, La Reincorporación de Las FARC Tres Años despusamudez。Desafíos y Propuestas, 22.85“社会和团结经济的社会影响测量:经合组织促进社会和团结经济生态系统的全球行动b|经合组织地方经济和就业发展(LEED)文件。86经合组织-经济合作与发展组织,“社会经济和COVID-19危机:当前和未来的角色。”《经合组织应对冠状病毒(COVID-19)政策》,2020年7月30日。“通过社会和团结经济解决哥伦比亚的非正式问题——经合组织”,访问日期为2022年11月16日);“经济合作与发展组织社会经济和创新股创业、中小企业、地区和城市中心社会保护和解决非正规问题:建立在哥伦比亚社会和团结经济的基础上”。经济合作与发展组织社会经济和创新单位中心创业,中小企业,地区和城市中心,2021.88对斯科特来说,人们不是压迫和滥用权力的被动接受者。詹姆斯·斯科特,《弱者的武器:农民的日常形态》(纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社,1985)。89Lederach。《道德想象》,Erin McFee和Angelika Rettberg,“context to de Los Desafíos de La Implementación Temprana En Colombia”,摘自《Excombatientes y Acuerdo de Paz Con Las FARC En Colombia: Balance de La Etapa Temprana》,编。艾琳·麦克菲和安吉丽卡·瑞特伯格。(波哥大<e:1>:洛斯安第斯大学,2019)。阿隆索Cárdenas和Stefanía psamez Páez,编辑。Reintegración哥伦比亚战斗共同体。92见上文说明89。93《冲突转换的小书》[m]。道德想象,25.95 Saskia Sassen,领土,权威,权利:从中世纪到全球集合。领土,权威,权利(普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社,2014)。见上面说明89。97罗宾·卢克汉《谁的暴力,谁的安全?》减少暴力和保障对贫困、被排斥和弱势群体有效吗?“建设和平,不。[2](2017年5月4日):99-117。英格丽德·罗宾斯,《幸福、自由和社会正义:能力方法的重新审视》(剑桥:开放图书出版社,2017)。 1990年代期间,随着国家在社会经济发展中的作用向有利于营利的私营企业转变,分配给合作发展的资源急剧减少,劳工组织2022年,第55.100页Dámari Expósito和Jesús Alberto González,“Sistematización关于经验的研究”,《Gaceta m录影带的精神》19号。2(2017)。 - 89212017000200003;和O. Jara Holliday,“经验、研究和评估的系统化:三种不同的方法”,《国际全球与发展教育研究》第1期,(2012):71-84。这项工作得到了桑坦德银行奖学金、美国文化研究所(IAI)补助金的支持。作者简介:abel Lopera-ArbeláezIsabel Lopera-Arbeláez,社会科学博士候选人。EAFIT大学人类发展主任,圣布埃纳文图拉大学心理学家。社会研究员专注于和平建设和冲突研究。女权主义者。人类发展范式和社会包容的建筑是她学术工作的主题。Francisco López GallegoFrancisco López Gallego,管理科学博士,Ramón巴塞罗那Llull大学。研究充分性(DEA),西班牙巴塞罗那ESADE管理学院。哥伦比亚安蒂奥基亚大学心理学家。 哥伦比亚EAFIT大学行政博士课程主任、行政部长期刊主任、组织与管理学教授,现任高级管理学全职教授。Solveig Richter,莱比锡大学国际关系和跨国政治海森堡教授。她曾在埃尔福特的威利勃兰特公共政策学院担任国际冲突管理初级教授,并在柏林的德国国际与安全事务研究所担任高级研究员。她的研究兴趣包括冲突后动态、非国家行为体、外部民主化、平民和平使命和全球南方的观点。她在东欧,特别是西巴尔干地区以及哥伦比亚方面获得了区域专业知识。Ángel Espina BarrioÁngel Espina Barrio,西班牙萨拉曼卡大学哲学和教育科学博士,哲学学位和心理学学位。自1984年起在同一所大学担任社会人类学教授。社会科学博士人类学系主任。皇家欧洲医师学会(RAED)成员。
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