Abstract This article deals with existence of solutions to the following fractional p p -Laplacian system of equations: (−Δp)su=∣u∣ps*−2u+γαps*∣u∣α−2u∣v∣βinΩ,(−Δp)sv=∣v∣ps*−2v+γβps*∣v∣β−2v∣u∣αinΩ, \left\{\begin{array}{l}{\left(-{\Delta }_{p})}^{s}u={| u| }^{{p}_{s}^{* }-2}u+\frac{\gamma \alpha }{{p}_{s}^{* }}{| u| }^{\alpha -2}u{| v| }^{\beta }\hspace{0.33em}\hspace{0.33em}\hspace{0.1em}\text{in}\hspace{0.1em}\hspace{0.33em}\Omega ,\hspace{1.0em}\\ {\left(-{\Delta }_{p})}^{s}v={| v| }^{{p}_{s}^{* }-2}v+\frac{\gamma \beta }{{p}_{s}^{* }}{| v| }^{\beta -2}v{| u| }^{\alpha }\hspace{0.33em}\hspace{0.33em}\hspace{0.1em}\text{in}\hspace{0.1em}\hspace{0.33em}\Omega ,\hspace{1.0em}\end{array}\right. where s∈(0,1) s\in \left(0,1) , p∈(1,∞) p\in \left(1,\infty ) with N>sp N\gt sp , α,β>1 \alpha ,\beta \gt 1 such that α+β=ps*≔NpN−sp \alpha +\beta ={p}_{s}^{* }:= \frac{Np}{N-sp} and Ω=RN \Omega ={{\mathbb{R}}}^{N} or smooth bounded domains in RN {{\mathbb{R}}}^{N} . When Ω=RN \Omega ={{\mathbb{R}}}^{N} and γ=1 \gamma =1 , we show that any ground state solution of the aforementioned system has the form (λU,τλV) \left(\lambda U,\tau \lambda V) for certain τ>0 \tau \gt 0 and U U and V V are two positive ground state solutions of (−Δp)su=∣u∣ps*−2u {\left(-{\Delta }_{p})}^{s}u={| u| }^{{p}_{s}^{* }-2}u in RN {{\mathbb{R}}}^{N} . For all γ>0 \gamma \gt 0 , we establish existence of a positive radial solution to the aforementioned system in balls. When Ω=RN \Omega ={{\mathbb{R}}}^{N} , we also establish existence of positive radial solutions to the aforementioned system in various ranges of γ \gamma .
摘要 本文论述下列分数 p p -拉普拉斯方程组的解的存在性: ( - Δ p ) s u = ∣ u ∣ p s * - 2 u + γ α p s * ∣ u ∣ α - 2 u ∣ v ∣ β in Ω 、 ( - Δ p ) s v = ∣ v ∣ p s * - 2 v + γ β p s * ∣ v ∣ β - 2 v ∣ u ∣ α in Ω 、 \left(-{Delta }_{p})}^{s}u={| u| }^{p}_{s}^{* }-2}u+frac{gamma \alpha }{p}_{s}^{* }}{ u| }^{\alpha -2}u{| v| }^{beta }\hspace{0.33em}\hspace{0.33em}\hspace{0.1em}\text{in}\hspace{0.1em}\hspace{0.33em}\Omega ,\hspace{1.0em}\ {left(-{\Delta }_{p})}^{s}v={| v| }^{p}_{s}^{* }-2}v+\frac{gamma \beta }{{p}_{s}^{* }}{| v| }^{\beta -2}v{| u| }^{alpha }\hspace{0.33em}\hspace{0.33em}\hspace{0.1em}\text{in}\hspace{0.1em}\hspace{0.33em}\Omega ,\hspace{1.0em}\end{array}\right.其中 s∈ ( 0 , 1 ) s\in \left(0,1) , p∈ ( 1 , ∞ ) p\in \left(1,\infty ) with N > s p N\gt sp , α , β >;1 \alpha ,\beta 1 such that α + β = p s * ≔ N p N - s p \alpha +\beta ={p}_{s}^{* }:= \frac{Np}{N-sp} 和 Ω = R N \Omega ={{mathbb{R}}}^{N} 或 R N 中的光滑有界域 {{mathbb{R}}}^{N} 。当 Ω = R N \Omega ={{\mathbb{R}}}^{N} 且 γ = 1 \gamma =1 时,我们证明在一定的 τ > 条件下,上述系统的任何基态解都具有 ( λ U , τ λ V ) \left(\lambda U,\tau \lambda V) 的形式;0 \tau \gt 0 且 U U 和 V V 是 ( - Δ p ) s u = ∣ u ∣ p s * - 2 u {\left(-{Delta }_{p})}^{s}u={| u| }^{p}_{s}^{* }-2}u in R N {{\mathbb{R}}}^{N} 的两个正基态解。对于所有 γ > 0 \gamma \gt 0,我们确定了上述系统在球中的正径向解的存在性。当 Ω = R N \Omega ={\mathbb{R}}}^{N} 时,我们也建立了上述系统在不同 γ \gamma 范围内的正径向解的存在性。
Advanced Nonlinear Studies is aimed at publishing papers on nonlinear problems, particulalry those involving Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and related areas. It will also publish novel and interesting applications of these areas to problems in engineering and the sciences. Papers submitted to this journal must contain original, timely, and significant results. Articles will generally, but not always, be published in the order when the final copies were received.