Image-based multiplex immune profiling of cancer tissues: translational implications. A report of the International Immuno-oncology Biomarker Working Group on Breast Cancer
Chowdhury Arif Jahangir, David B Page, Glenn Broeckx, Claudia A Gonzalez, Caoimbhe Burke, Clodagh Murphy, Jorge S Reis-Filho, Amy Ly, Paul W Harms, Rajarsi R Gupta, Michael Vieth, Akira I Hida, Mohamed Kahila, Zuzana Kos, Paul J van Diest, Sara Verbandt, Jeppe Thagaard, Reena Khiroya, Khalid Abduljabbar, Gabriela Acosta Haab, Balazs Acs, Sylvia Adams, Jonas S Almeida, Isabel Alvarado-Cabrero, Farid Azmoudeh-Ardalan, Sunil Badve, Nurkhairul Bariyah Baharun, Enrique R Bellolio, Vydehi Bheemaraju, Kim RM Blenman, Luciana Botinelly Mendonça Fujimoto, Octavio Burgues, Alexandros Chardas, Maggie Chon U Cheang, Francesco Ciompi, Lee AD Cooper, An Coosemans, Germán Corredor, Flavio Luis Dantas Portela, Frederik Deman, Sandra Demaria, Sarah N Dudgeon, Mahmoud Elghazawy, Claudio Fernandez-Martín, Susan Fineberg, Stephen B Fox, Jennifer M Giltnane, Sacha Gnjatic, Paula I Gonzalez-Ericsson, Anita Grigoriadis, Niels Halama, Matthew G Hanna, Aparna Harbhajanka, Steven N Hart, Johan Hartman, Stephen Hewitt, Hugo M Horlings, Zaheed Husain, Sheeba Irshad, Emiel AM Janssen, Tatsuki R Kataoka, Kosuke Kawaguchi, Andrey I Khramtsov, Umay Kiraz, Pawan Kirtani, Liudmila L Kodach, Konstanty Korski, Guray Akturk, Ely Scott, Anikó Kovács, Anne-Vibeke Lænkholm, Corinna Lang-Schwarz, Denis Larsimont, Jochen K Lennerz, Marvin Lerousseau, Xiaoxian Li, Anant Madabhushi, Sai K Maley, Vidya Manur Narasimhamurthy, Douglas K Marks, Elizabeth S McDonald, Ravi Mehrotra, Stefan Michiels, Durga Kharidehal, Fayyaz ul Amir Afsar Minhas, Shachi Mittal, David A Moore, Shamim Mushtaq, Hussain Nighat, Thomas Papathomas, Frederique Penault-Llorca, Rashindrie D Perera, Christopher J Pinard, Juan Carlos Pinto-Cardenas, Giancarlo Pruneri, Lajos Pusztai, Nasir Mahmood Rajpoot, Bernardo Leon Rapoport, Tilman T Rau, Joana M Ribeiro, David Rimm, Anne Vincent-Salomon, Joel Saltz, Shahin Sayed, Evangelos Hytopoulos, Sarah Mahon, Kalliopi P Siziopikou, Christos Sotiriou, Albrecht Stenzinger, Maher A Sughayer, Daniel Sur, Fraser Symmans, Sunao Tanaka, Timothy Taxter, Sabine Tejpar, Jonas Teuwen, E Aubrey Thompson, Trine Tramm, William T Tran, Jeroen van der Laak, Gregory E Verghese, Giuseppe Viale, Noorul Wahab, Thomas Walter, Yannick Waumans, Hannah Y Wen, Wentao Yang, Yinyin Yuan, John Bartlett, Sibylle Loibl, Carsten Denkert, Peter Savas, Sherene Loi, Elisabeth Specht Stovgaard, Roberto Salgado, William M Gallagher, Arman Rahman
免疫肿瘤学领域的最新进展为癌症患者的治疗带来了变革。人们发现,肿瘤的免疫特征在预测各种癌症的预后和治疗反应方面具有重要价值。多重免疫组化和免疫荧光已成为在单个组织切片中同时检测多种蛋白质生物标记物的有效工具,从而在保留组织样本的同时扩大了分子和免疫特征描述的机会。通过确定分布在混合细胞群中的单个肿瘤细胞的表型,利用肿瘤样本的高通量多重免疫表型鉴定临床相关的生物标记物,具有指导适当治疗选择的巨大潜力。此外,新型多标志物成像方法的出现可提供前所未有的肿瘤微环境洞察力,包括各种细胞类型之间的潜在相互作用。然而,在日常研究和临床实践中广泛应用这些技术还面临着巨大的挑战。本综述将从监管和临床试验的角度,在一个结构化的行动框架内探讨这些挑战和潜在的解决方案。此外,还介绍了使用多重组织成像平台和相关数字病理学进行免疫分型领域的新进展,特别关注不同亚型癌症的转化影响。版权归作者所有。病理学杂志》由 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 代表大不列颠及爱尔兰病理学会出版。
The Journal of Pathology aims to serve as a translational bridge between basic biomedical science and clinical medicine with particular emphasis on, but not restricted to, tissue based studies. The main interests of the Journal lie in publishing studies that further our understanding the pathophysiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of human disease.
The Journal of Pathology welcomes investigative studies on human tissues, in vitro and in vivo experimental studies, and investigations based on animal models with a clear relevance to human disease, including transgenic systems.
As well as original research papers, the Journal seeks to provide rapid publication in a variety of other formats, including editorials, review articles, commentaries and perspectives and other features, both contributed and solicited.