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Moodus Noises
David Epstein
Machemoodus, Native American term meaning "thegreat noise of the earth"; thus, the town named Moodus,Connecticut, near where a geological feature has given riseto spontaneous chthonic sounds.
All solutions have long since taken their graves.An elemental howl in the dark: behind your spectral dam,angst accumulates. In southeastern Connecticut
you traipse miles of forest, gliding the contours,tracing altitude: stalking the vertiginous plane of white pine,visiting empty mobile homes, retreating to trees,
watching opossums and thinking howthe cost of self-awareness brings with itincongruence. You reach into your ghost's throat and,
constricting your erstwhile larynx, produce a sound.Such battering of the air has been likenedto a pair of empty steel tanks attempting union,
or to the distant keening of the earth itself. Once,a couple lingered in the woods, contemplating post-high school ennui,while their hands plied each other's corporeal liens.
In the gray pre-dawn, along the beaten track of your wanderings,you pursued what passes now for mystery,as if, after centuries, you still had it in you to care. [End Page 112]