In this manuscript, we study some algebraic and differential properties of matrix orthogonal polynomials with respect to the Laguerre-Sobolev right sesquilinear form defined by ⟨p,q⟩S≔∫0∞p*(x)WLA(x)q(x)dx+M∫0∞(p′(x))*W(x)q′(x)dx,{\langle p,q\rangle }_{{\bf{S}}}:= \underset{0}{\overset{\infty }{\int }}{p}^{* }\left(x){{\bf{W}}}_{{\bf{L}}}^{{\bf{A}}}\left(x)q\left(x){\rm{d}}x+{\bf{M}}\underset{0}{\overset{\infty }{\int }}{(p^{\prime} \left(x))}^{* }{\bf{W}}\left(x)q^{\prime} \left(x){\rm{d}}x, where WLA(x)=e−λxxA{{\bf{W}}}_{{\bf{L}}}^{{\bf{A}}}\left(x)={e}^{-\lambda x}{x}^{{\bf{A}}} is the Laguerre matrix weight, W{\bf{W}} is some matrix weight, pp and qq are the matrix polynomials, M{\bf{M}} and A{\bf{A}} are the matrices such that M{\bf{M}} is non-singular and A{\bf{A}} satisfies a spectral condition, and λ\lambda is a complex number with positive real part.
在本手稿中,我们研究了矩阵正交多项式的一些代数和微分性质,这些矩阵正交多项式与由 ⟨ p , q ⟩ S ≔ ∫ 0 ∞ p * ( x ) W L A ( x ) q ( x ) d x + M ∫ 0 ∞ ( p ′ ( x ) ) 定义的 Laguerre-Sobolev 右倍线性形式有关。 * W ( x ) q ′ ( x ) d x , {\langle p,q\rangle }_{{\bf{S}}}:= \underset{0}{\overset{\infty }{\int }}{p}^{* }\left(x){{\bf{W}}}_{{\bf{L}}}^{{\bf{A}}}\left(x)q\left(x){\rm{d}}x+{\bf{M}}\underset{0}{\overset{\infty}{int }}{(p^{\prime} \left(x))}^{* }{\bf{W}}\left(x)q^{\prime} \left(x){\rm{d}}x、 其中 W L A ( x ) = e - λ x x A {{\bf{W}}}_{{\bf{L}}}^{\bf{A}}}\left(x)={e}^{-\lambda x}{x}^{{\bf{A}}} 是拉盖尔矩阵权重、 W {\bf{W}} 是某个矩阵权重,p p 和 q q 是矩阵多项式,M {\bf{M}} 和 A {\bf{A}} 是矩阵,使得 M {\bf{M}} 是非奇异矩阵,A {\bf{A}} 满足谱条件,λ \lambda 是实部为正的复数。
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