在非手术患者中,虚弱与院内谵妄之间存在密切联系。身体和认知能力的虚弱与额叶认知领域的衰退和功能障碍有关。虚弱的风险因素与术后谵妄(POD)的风险因素相似。虚弱可通过各种工具和仪器进行筛查和诊断。为了降低 POD 的发生率,已经对不同的麻醉技术进行了研究。然而,目前还没有任何一种麻醉技术被确证可以降低 POD 的风险。痴呆症患者更常出现谵妄,而谵妄与认知能力加速衰退有关。
Clinics in Geriatric Medicine provides the latest diagnostic and therapeutic information in the field of geriatrics. Published four times a year—in February, May, August, and November—each issue covers a single topic in geriatrics, including cardiovascular disease, common geriatric disorders (such as sarcopenia and frailty), dermatology, emergency care, oncology, patient care, psychiatry, and much more.