Background: VPS13A disease is an ultra-rare disorder caused by loss of function mutations in VPS13A characterized by striatal degeneration and by red blood cell (RBC) acanthocytosis. VPS13A is a bridge-like protein mediating lipid transfer at membrane contact sites.
Objectives: To assess the lipid composition of patient-derived RBCs.
Methods: RBCs collected from 5 VPS13A disease patients and 12 control subjects were analyzed by mass spectrometry (lipidomics).
Results: While we found no significant differences in the overall lipid class level, alterations in certain species were detected: phosphatidylethanolamine species with both longer chain length and higher unsaturation were increased in VPS13A disease samples. Specific ceramide, phosphatidylcholine, and sphingomyelin species were also altered.
Movement Disorders publishes a variety of content types including Reviews, Viewpoints, Full Length Articles, Historical Reports, Brief Reports, and Letters. The journal considers original manuscripts on topics related to the diagnosis, therapeutics, pharmacology, biochemistry, physiology, etiology, genetics, and epidemiology of movement disorders. Appropriate topics include Parkinsonism, Chorea, Tremors, Dystonia, Myoclonus, Tics, Tardive Dyskinesia, Spasticity, and Ataxia.