Abstract: Accessibility is an important indicator for evaluating the efficiency of transportation infrastructure. Accurately measuring the accessibility of rail stations can help further optimize station service facilities and connecting environments Starting from the definition of accessibility of urban rail stations, establish a multiple logit model for selecting rail station connection modes, and determine the radiation range of each type of station for different connection modes Establish a accessibility model for rail stations based on radiation range, considering the built environment and travel costs around the stations Taking Xi'an City, China as an example, calculate the accessibility of walking, cycling, and bus connections at rail stations, as well as station accessibility The results indicate that the accessibility of orbital stations shows a decreasing pattern in space from the center to the periphery in a "circle like" pattern The accessibility values of various transfer stations are at a high level, while the starting and ending stations are at a lower level The accessibility of intermediate stations varies depending on their location. The closer they are to the starting and ending stations, the lower the accessibility, while the closer they are to transfer stations and city centers, the higher the accessibility Keywords: transportation planning and management; Accessibility; Urban rail stations; Radiation range; Connection method; The classification number of the multiple logit model is U491, and the reference code is A doi: 10 3724/SP J. 1249 2022. 03296