Die neue „heimliche Ressource der Sozialpolitik“? Soziales Engagement als geschlechterpolitisch ambivalenter Möglichkeitsraum im Community Kapitalismus
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie (ÖZS) – Austrian Journal of Sociology was founded in 1976 by the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ÖGS) (“Austrian Sociological Association”).
The ÖZS is an academic journal aiming at promoting current debates as well as the exchange of new developments and insights in sociological and social-science research. Its contributions cover the entire range of sociological issues and approaches, including interdisciplinary ones. It is managed by an independent editorial team guaranteeing its autonomy with an international Advisory Board.
The ÖZS publishes double-blind peer-reviewed original research articles in German and English from all areas of sociology, including theoretical, empirical, and methodological articles. Research notes (short representations of unpublished, completed projects of broad interest), book reviews, and contributions in response to previous publications in the ÖZS complement each of the four annual issues.
Every second issue contains publications on a topical focus. In addition, supplements are published on specific topics on the initiative of sociologists who are not necessarily members of the editorial board. The planning and publication of these special issues are carried out in cooperation with the editors, who also check the issue’s compliance with quality standards.
The journal’s target audience encompasses sociologists and social scientists in related fields. The editors support early career sociologists through preliminary evaluation of submitted manuscripts.