Solar energy is the energy discharged by the sun in the form of radiation of light which is then utilized by human beings using a diversity of method such as photovoltaic cells. It is unlimited source of energy such as solar energy does not belongs to anybody and so it is at no cost. The quantity of solar energy acknowledged by the world was considered to be 3000–50,000 EJ, which is much superior to the total world energy utilization of 600 EJ. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) can be integrated in controlling charge and further used to take out highest extractable and obtainable output from photovoltaic cells depending on few circumstances. The particular input for Photovoltaic module is capable of generating highest possible output power is called MPP (Maximum power point) or highest voltage. Maximum power changes with Sun's energy parameter of required temperature of PV module. Along with dissimilar tracking technique with P-O methods etc. Furthermore, several components were used to compute input parameters which had their own uncertainty. This uncertainty was removed by using devices equipped with sensors comprising of industry 4.0 techniques. The values were delivered back by sensors enabling error free solar energy estimation. This delivers admirable outcome and hence are employed. This system can be developed for charge controller by employing a microcontroller-based circuit for DC-DC buck converter and introducing MPPT.