This paper poses the problem of studying the role of large-scale electric currents propagating in the upper layers of the solar atmosphere in processes of coronal heating of the sun. For detecting and calculating the magnitude of the large-scale electric current, data on the distribution of the components of the magnetic field vector in the photosphere provided by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) were used. Photoheliograms of the sun’s corona in the ultraviolet radiation channels at 131, 171, 193, and 211 Å provided by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA/SDO) were used to estimate the temperature in the corona above active regions (ARs). The dynamics of the large-scale current and the average temperature in 9 regions with different levels of flare activity of the corona above the ARs have been studied and charts of the spatial distribution of the temperature in the corona above the ARs have been constructed. The following results have been obtained: 1. Heating of the coronal matter owing to ohmic dissipation of large-scale electric currents proceeds in a stationary regime. 2. The increase in the average temperature in the corona above an AR during solar flares to \(<\overline{\mathrm{log}T }>=6.3-6.5\) (2.0-3.2 MK) is caused, not only by heating of coronal structures by large-scale electric currents, but also by other processes at coronal elevations. 3. For the NOAA 11899 and 12494 regions a reduction in the average temperature of the corona to \(<\overline{\mathrm{log}T }>=5.7\) (0.5-0.6 MK) was observed with a simultaneous drop in the values of the large-scale electric current to zero. These observations indicate that the mechanism for heating of the corona by ohmic dissipation of electric currents is shut off at zero values (within the computational errors) of the large-scale electric current. 4. In the NOAA regions 12192 and 12371, when constructing charts of the temperature distribution in the corona outside flare events, hot structures with temperatures ≥ 10 MK were observed outside the flare events which appear to mark the location of the channel of a large-scale electric current at coronal elevations. For the NOAA region 12192 this assumption is confirmed by a numerical simulation carried out in 2016.