Purpose: Recently we found that the early onset of regular tobacco use is as predictive of lifetime drug use and depressive disorders as it is of alcohol use disorders [Alcohol.: Clin. Exp. Res. 23 (1999) 513.]. This finding, which paralleled findings regarding early onset of alcohol use [J. Subst. Abuse 10 (1998) 59.], suggested that early regular use of any drug might simply be an indicator of risk for a constellation of problem behaviors. The purpose of the present study is to test this hypothesis as well as to study the strength and patterns of associations among these problem behaviors already present among youth. The results will permit description of more precise profiles to identify groups of children at risk. Methods: Using data for respondents aged 12–16 from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), descriptive statistics were calculated and logistic regression models were estimated. Results: Descriptive analyses indicated that in comparison with those who never smoked, or who simply experimented, early-onset regular smokers, both those who began at age 13 or younger and those who did so between 14 and 16, were those most likely to use alcohol and other drugs as well as have school problems and early sexual experiences culminating in pregnancy. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess the associations among these high-risk behaviors. Implications: These results support the hypothesis that early onset of smoking is but an indicator of a syndrome of problem behaviors already in place during childhood. They also suggest that the significance of an age onset variable may differ depending on the age of the sample used. As follow-up data are collected, we expect to learn much about the natural course of the distinct risk groups identified in the analyses by studying longitudinally this nationally representative group of early adolescents.