Posterior-midgut homogenate from female stable flies prepared at 12 h after feeding hemolyzed erythrocytes from 6 different mammalian species more readily than homogenate prepared at 22 h. A significant correlation was obtained between the per cent sphingomyelin content of the erythrocyte membrane and the time required for lysis by the 12 h homogenate. Erythrocytes with low sphingomyelin content were more sensitive to lysis than cells with high sphingomyelin. No such correlation exists for hemolysis by 22 h homogenate. Mean corpuscular volume and osmotic fragilities of erythrocytes were not related to hemolysis either by 12 or 22 h homogenate. Determination of phospholipase C and sphingomyelinase activities showed that the hydrolysis rate of phospholipase C in homogenates prepared at 12–14 h was almost twice as much as sphingomyelinase activity. Whereas hydrolysis rates in 22–24 h homogenate were not different and markedly reduced compared to the 12–14 h homogenate. The times required for erythrocyte hemolysis related to the phospholipase C and sphingomyelinase activity profiles suggests that these enzyme activities participate in the in vitro hemolysis of red blood cells. Bovine and human erythrocytes change their biconcave contour into a spiculated spherical shape when they are exposed to midgut homogenate. This shape change is interpreted as a detergent induced modification of the red cell membrane which renders the erythrocytes more vulnerable to hemolysis.