将鼠和p50缺损鼠交配,培育出野生型、aly、p50 - /一和aly /p50 - /一。对各种小鼠进行了软X线摄影、骨密度测定及组织学研究·利用FACS分析了胸腺及脾细胞的T、B细胞分化·RANKL脾细胞的刺激,诱导破骨细胞的. aly /p50呈慢性生长障碍和骨硬化症,但骨组织中存在破骨细胞。牙齿虽然萌出了,但是确认了牙髓质形成不全。·B细胞的分化被抑制。RANKL刺激下的破骨细胞形成被完全抑制。破骨细胞分化中存在p100,而不是p52的前体p100。提示了关键。The role of NF κ B on osteoclast differentiation and tooth development EijiroJimi, Wataru Masuda和Sueko Hayashi (Division of M61ecular Biochemistry,Kyushu Dental College) The transcription factor nuclear factor κB participates in Theexpression of a wide variety of gerles that are involved in the regulation of immune andinflammatory responses, proliferation,tumorgenesis and survival . Gene targeting of p50 and p52 subunits of NF一κ B have shown that NF一κBhas a critical role in osteoclast differentiation . However . the molecular mechanism by which NF. rcb