Preethi Mistri, Silviu Tomescu, Simamkele Bokolo, Alexandra De Nooy, Pedro T Pisa, Skye Grove, Laura Schmucker, Candice Chetty-Makkan, Lawrence Long, Alison Buttenheim, Brendan Maughan-Brown
Preethi Mistri, Silviu Tomescu, Simamkele Bokolo, Alexandra De Nooy, Pedro T Pisa, Skye Grove, Laura Schmucker, Candice Chetty-Makkan, Lawrence Long, Alison Buttenheim, Brendan Maughan-Brown
The journal name relates to Harvard Business School''s understanding of "The Entrepreneurial Venture" (Sahlmann/Stevenson/Roberts/Bhidé), the concept of entrepreneurship not only limited to new ventures/start-ups, but further understood as the concentration of opportunity/growth/value creation regardless of company size, age or kind. Hence, IJEV addresses organisational processes surrounding these concepts: from an idea to an innovation. To bridge the gap between innovation and entrepreneurship research, IJEV emphasises implications of this new knowledge for researchers, managers, public policy makers and business educators. Topics covered include: -Opportunity: identification; recognition; creation; selection; exploitation -Growth: management of rapidly growing enterprises; control -Value creation: for owners; for customers; other stakeholders; society -Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship -New venture creation -Management of technology and innovation -New product development and creativity -SME management -Entrepreneurial and small enterprise finance -Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding -Family business -Gender and diversity -Global entrepreneurship and internationalisation -Public policy, the economy, and the small enterprise -Business and organisational failure