The design of parts and structures in the vehicle development process is highly influenced by strength and stiffness requirements. Under cyclic loading a change in the local stiffness of joints can be observed which motivates analyses in order to tackle stiffness changes in structures. The fatigue and stiffness behaviour has been obtained for several joining techniques and material combinations: spot and seam welds, remote laser welds and high velocity bolting for steel and/or aluminium partner sheets. Specimens under shear and peel loading as well as hat profiles under torsion have been tested under constant amplitude loading. Quasi-static tests and micrographic evaluations have been conducted in order to determine material parameters and the setup of FE models. Online stiffness measurements during fatigue life have been performed. In this paper an approach to describe degradation in specimens representing a joint detail is presented. The stiffness degradation curves for the various joining techniques are compared and a numerical description of the stiffness degradation behaviour for further simulations is derived. The concept of simulating stiffness changes in conventional joining techniques is introduced. First numerical analyses of stiffness changes in spot welded specimens are presented. Several sensitivity analyses, e.g. with regard to R-ratio or loading amplitude, are performed in order to check the numerical stability of the implemented method.