
IF 0.3 3区 文学 0 HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY Italian Studies Pub Date : 2023-10-23 DOI:10.1080/00751634.2023.2261305
Alessandra Perongini
{"title":"“一个真实的整体”:佛朗哥·福蒂尼的《亚洲马吉奥》中的文本和视觉与他者的相遇。中国的维吉奥","authors":"Alessandra Perongini","doi":"10.1080/00751634.2023.2261305","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACTThe article explores the photo-textual form of Franco Fortini’s Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina, the travel account published in 1956 following the writer’s trip to socialist China in 1955. I will discuss the interaction between the photographs taken by the author during the journey and the text. The issue of the literary genre will also be examined, investigating the nature of the travel journal as a combination of both a descriptive account and an autobiographical diary. I will then discuss how this photo-textual blend functions both theoretically – by analysing the nature of the photographic medium in relation with the text – and practically – by providing examples of the ekphrastic interaction of the two media in Fortini’s icastic depiction of colours and crowds. The allegorical value of the account of socialist China is then brought into question, with particular focus on the use of comparison as an argumentative strategy.KEYWORDS: Franco FortiniPhoto-texttravel literatureallegoryWalter Benjamin AcknowledgmentsThe research for this article took place during a period of study at the University of Cambridge and included a visit to the Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Franco Fortini at the University of Siena in April 2022. Many thanks to Dr. Erica Bellia for the precious advice given to me while working on this essay.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Franco Fortini, Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina (Turin: Einaudi, 1956).2 The process of normalisation of the relationships between Italy and China began shortly after 1949 and culminated in 1970 with the official Italian recognition of the People’s Republic (Carla Meneguzzi Rostagni, ‘Diplomazia a più voci. La questione cinese nella politica estera italiana (1949–1971)’, in La Cina di Mao, l’Italia e l’Europa negli anni della Guerra fredda, ed. by Carla Meneguzzi Rostagni and Guido Samarani Bologna: Il Mulino, 2014, pp. 17–54 (p. 18). For a broader picture of the diplomatic relationships between European countries and the People’s Republic of China during the Cold War years, see Modern Asian Studies 51/1 (2017), special issue ‘Circumventing the Cold War: The parallel diplomacy of economic and cultural exchanges between Western Europe and Socialist China in the 1950s and 1960s’ <http://www.jstor.org/stable/44158308> [accessed 6 June 2023].3 Besides Fortini’s book, other important outcomes of the diplomatic journey were Cassola’s report Viaggio in Cina (1956) and the special issue of Il ponte, the journal founded by Calamandrei in 1945, entitled ‘La Cina d’oggi’ (1956).4 A description of the journey can be found in Michelangelo Cocurullo, La cortina di bambù. La Cina nei reportages italiani della seconda metà del Novecento (Sestri Levante: Gammarò, 2007), p. 16. Cocurullo highlights the highly formalised and controlled nature of such visits: ‘Un dato preliminare comunque da sottolineare è che, come tutti i viaggi organizzati dai Cinesi in gruppi-delegazioni, gli itinerari sono rigorosamente pianificati: alle richieste dei visitatori le autorità cinesi hanno pronte alternative validamente preselezionate e gli eventuali contatti con persone non appartenenti ad istituzioni avvengono esclusivamente sotto stretta autorizzazione’ (Cocurullo, La cortina di bambù, p. 16).5 In April 2022, I visited the photographic archive related to the trip, containing all the photographs that were not selected for the book. The material is stored in the Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Franco Fortini at the University of Siena, Fondo Fortini F6 – Cina – 710-928. Before continuing, a disclaimer must be put forward, outlining the difference in layout between the 1956 original version and the 2007 re-edition of the book: the 1956 print shows the photographs as selected and organised in the book by Fortini himself, whilst the 2007 reprint moves them into a single section in the middle of the book. Furthermore, the main cover of the original edition displays a portrait of an Asian girl taken by Werner Bischof whilst the back cover features a portrait of Fortini in China, both of which are absent from the reprinted version. The theoretical reading of this article, focused on the photo-textual asset of the book, is based on its original 1956 edition. Conversely, the quotations of written text with their related page numbers have been taken from the 2007 edition due to its wider availability, in order to facilitate the reader’s consultation of the cited segments.6 Alfonso Berardinelli, Franco Fortini (Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1973), p. 40.7 Romano Luperini, Il futuro di Fortini (San Cesario di Lecce: Manni, 2007), p. 22. On salaried intellectuals at Olivetti, see Jim Carter, ‘Salaried Intellectuals: Fortini, Giudici, Ottieri, Volponi, and Buzzi at the Olivetti Company’, Italian Culture, 37 (2019), 47–63 <https://doi.org/10.1080/01614622.2019.1601391>. On Fortini’s poetic fracture with his hermetic origins and the subsequent post-war turn and generally for a close comment to Poesia e errore, see Francesco Diaco, Dialettica e speranza. Sulla poesia di Franco Fortini (Macerata: Quodlibet Studio, 2017), pp. 127–181.8 Franco Fortini. Saggi ed epigrammi, ed. by Luca Lenzini (Milan: Mondadori, 2003), p. xcviii.9 Berardinelli, Franco Fortini, p. 45. On the interest of the New Left towards socialist China, see at least Daniele Perotti, ‘Il mito cinese nella nuova sinistra italiana (1960–1970)’, Il Politico, Vol. 46, No. 1/2 (1981), 223–280 <https://www.jstor.org/stable/43097914> [accessed 5 June 2023].10 Franco Fortini, Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina e altri scritti (Rome: Manifestolibri, 2007), p. 28.11 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 28.12 Edoarda Masi, ‘Postfazione’, in Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 259–268 (p. 262).13 See Theodore J. Cachey Jr., ‘An Italian Literary History of Travel’, Annali d’Italianistica, vol. 14 (1996), 55–64 <http://www.jstor.org/stable/24007432> [accessed 4 June 2023], and Loredana Polezzi, Translating Travel: Contemporary Italian Travel Writing in English Translation (London: Routledge, 2001).14 For an overview of the Chinese travel accounts of Italian writers from the fifties to 1980, see again Cocurullo, La cortina di bambù, and Gaia De Pascale, Scrittori in viaggio. Narratori e poeti italiani del Novecento in giro per il mondo (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 2001), pp. 157–185. For a broader picture of the interest of Western intellectuals in socialist countries, see Paul Hollander, Political Pilgrims. Western Intellectuals in Search of the Good Society (London: Routledge, 1981).15 I refer a few times to the concepts of the radical alterity and of the irreducible difference represented by the Chinese Other in relation to Western travellers and writers. The topic of the definition of a Western identity in relation and in opposition to the non-Western world and the consequent idea of the Eastern world as the embodiment of a radical Other is too vast to be treated here, but it must at least concern Said’s notion of orientalism (Edward W. Said, Orientalism, New York: Pantheon Books, 1978) and the related idea of the Western imperialist construction of a stereotypical representation of Eastern cultures.16 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 30.17 This is also highlighted in the introductory essay by Donatello Santarone to the 2007 edition of Asia Maggiore: ‘“Contraddizioni e identità fra noi”: Fortini e la Cina’, in Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 7–21 (p. 18). The issue of the allegorical value of revolutionary China to Fortini is further discussed in Yang Lin, ‘L’immagine della Cina di Franco Fortini: intellettuale e viaggiatore “allegorista”’, InVerbis, 1/2022, 159–172. In particular, the author underlines the importance to Fortini of Maoist China as a virtuous example of socialist revolution and the allegorical intention of the journey itself.18 See Roland Barthes, Image, Music, Text, trans. and ed. By Stephen Heath (London: Fontana Press, 1977), pp. 15–31.19 Ludovica Del Castillo cites as a quintessential example of the deceitfulness of photography the famous case of the fake cormorant photo from the Gulf War (Ludovica Del Castillo, ‘Il reportage come fotografia in scrittura: la Cina di Roland Barthes, Franco Fortini e Goffredo Parise’, Between Journal, VIII.16 (2018) <https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/3363> (p. 3). A full discussion is beyond the scope of this article, yet it is necessary to mention the reflections made by Bertolt Brecht – a central name in Fortini’s theoretical constellation – on the deceitfulness of photography as seen in Kriegsfibel (War Primer), published for the first time in 1955, one year earlier than Asia Maggiore. Linked to the compositional strategy of War Primer is the idea of the photo-text as a privileged canvas on which the twentieth century’s historical tragedies can be displayed (Michele Cometa, ‘Fototesti. Per una tipologia dell’iconotesto in letteratura’, in La fotografia. Oggetto teorico e pratica sociale. Atti del XXXVIII Congresso AISS, eds. V. Del Marco, I. Pezzini (Rome: Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2011), pp. 63–101 (p. 67).20 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 25.21 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 133. The mentioned essay by Italo Calvino is ‘La follia del mirino’, first published in Il Contemporaneo, 30 April 1955 and now collected in Italo Calvino, Saggi 1945–1985, tomo II, ed. M. Barenghi (Milan: Mondadori, 2001), pp. 2217–19.22 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 133.23 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 225.24 The partiality and the unreliability of the official media and information sources of Mao’s China are discussed by Edoarda Masi in relation to the 1966 Cultural Revolution: Edoarda Masi, La contestazione cinese (Turin: Einaudi, 1969 [1968]), pp. 138–141.25 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 122.26 The back cover portrait of Fortini in China, as mentioned, is only present in the 1956 edition.27 The simultaneous use of text and photographs had been well established in twentieth-century reports on China by professional journalists, from the works of Luigi Barzini, Mario Appelius, and Arnaldo Cipolla in the first half of the century to Corrado Pizzinelli’s Dietro la grande muraglia (Milan: Mondadori, 1956).28 The tension between documentary and narrative aspects of the travel account is discussed in Sergio Bozzola, Retorica e narrazione del viaggio. Diari, relazioni, itinerari fra Quattro e Cinquecento (Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2020), pp. 72–109. On the hybridity of the travel writing genre and its links with the self, see also Casey Blanton, Travel Writing: The Self and the World (London: Routledge, 2002) and Peter Hulme and Tim Youngs (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).29 Giuseppe Carrara, Storie a vista. Retorica e poetiche del fototesto, (Milan: Mimesis, 2020), pp. 194–210 (p. 194).30 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 28–29.31 Giuliana Benvenuti, ‘Il diarismo in «Asia Maggiore» di Fortini’, in Anna Dolfi, Nicola Curi, Rodolfo Sacchettini (eds.), Memorie, autobiografie e diari nella letteratura italiana dell’Ottocento e del Novecento (Pisa: ETS, 2008), pp. 497–505 (p. 498).32 Antonio Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere. Volume terzo. Quaderni 12–29 (Turin: Einaudi, 1977), Quaderno 14 (1), p. 1718.33 The idea of a possible unifying language can be connected to Benjamin’s concept of a pure language emerging from the end of individual languages, which is intrinsic to the issue of translation. For Benjamin’s philosophy of language and his discussion on the nature of translation, see ‘Il compito del traduttore’ in Walter Benjamin, Angelus Novus. Saggi e frammenti, trans. by Renato Solmi (Turin: Einaudi, 1962), pp. 39–52 and Cesare Cases, ‘Walter Benjamin teorico della traduzione’, in Walter Benjamin. Testi e commenti – L’Ospite Ingrato ns 3 (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2013), pp. 233–237. Besides Benjamin’s philosophy of language, Fortini’s theoretical reflections on translation can be inserted into a framework that includes at least the notion of traducibilità in Gramsci (Gramsci, Quaderni, Quaderno 11, par. 46–49).34 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 139.35 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 231.36 Fortini, Asia Maggiore (1956), pp. 64–65.37 Fortini, Asia Maggiore (1956), pp. 64–65.38 Michele Cometa, ‘Forme e retoriche del fototesto letterario’, in Fototesti. Letteratura e cultura visuale, ed. by Michele Cometa and Roberta Coglitore (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2016), pp. 69–115 (p. 89).39 Bozzola, p. 83. The choice of the semantic sphere of colours as the subject of the analysis has been compiled through a first selection of recurring subjects based on a quantitative analysis of their occurrences in the text. I counted a total of 266 chromatic adjectives or specifications throughout the book.40 Carrara, pp. 194–210.41 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 85, 72, 198, 230, 225.42 Ibid., p. 226.43 Ibid., p. 101.44 Ibid., p. 66.45 Ibid., pp. 87, 109.46 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 45. Italics in the source.47 Bozzola, p. 56.48 See Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 44, 47, 84, 88 and the caption to photograph 6 of the 1956 edition.49 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 44, 64, 65, 109, 229, 227, 44, 198, 112.50 See Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 226. Citations: Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 102, 70.51 As with colours, the choice of the topic of crowd has been made based on its frequency in the book. I have counted 112 occurrences of expressions including the word folla or massa or referring in figurative ways to the idea of the crowd.52 Yang Lin also mentions the prominent role of the Chinese crowds in Fortini’s descriptions (Yang Lin, ‘L’immagine della Cina’, pp. 163–164). The author briefly refers to the importance of the crowd, especially in Beijing, when discussing the differences that Fortini saw between an ‘old’ China and the ‘new’ and young revolutionary one.53 Benjamin, pp. 89–130.54 Ibid., p. 99.55 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 225, 190, 185.56 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 229, 61.57 Ibid., pp. 221, 191.58 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 44, 127, 152, 224, 133.59 Ibid., p. 185. The image of hands as synecdoches for the bodies of those forgotten or eradicated in history reappear in Fortini’s 1963 essay ‘Le mani di Radek’, in Franco Fortini, Verifica dei poteri. Scritti di critica e di istituzioni letterarie (Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2017), pp. 109–119.60 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.61 Romano Luperini, L’allegoria del moderno (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1990), p. 89.62 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 121–122.63 Ibid., p. 229.64 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 121–122.65 Citation: Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.66 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 43.67 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 55, 133, 77.68 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 137.69 A short but relevant discussion of some of the misinterpretations of the Chinese experience by Western socialist intellectuals can be found in Edoarda Masi’s essay ‘Interpretazioni della politica cinese’, in Masi, La contestazione cinese, pp. 52–57.70 Franco Fortini, Questioni di frontiera. Scritti di politica e di letteratura 1965–1977 (Turin: Einaudi, 1977), p. 192.71 Luperini, L’allegoria del moderno, pp. 46–50. For an overview on the origins of the debate involving Goethe, Schelling, and Romanticism, see Tzvetan Todorov, Teorie del simbolo, trans. by E. Klersy Imberciadori (Milan: Garzanti, 2008), pp. 254–277.72 György Lukács, ‘Allegoria e simbolo’, Belfagor, 24:2, 1969 (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1969), 125–66 (pp. 126 onwards).73 Luperini, L’allegoria, p. 46.74 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 34.75 Luperini, L’allegoria, pp. 62, 29, 26.76 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 66.77 Bozzola, p. 25.78 Eric Leed, The Mind of the Traveller: From Gilgamesh to Global Tourism (New York: Basic Books, 1991), pp. 67–69.79 Franco Fortini, ‘Le chinois, ça s’apprend’, in L’ospite ingrato primo e secondo (Turin: Marietti, 1985), pp. 90–91 (p. 90).80 Fortini, Verifica dei poteri, p. 116.81 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 149, 110, 111.82 Ibid., p. 224.83 See Chaïm Perelman, Il dominio retorico (Turin: Einaudi, 1977), pp. 125 and following, and Bice Mortara Garavelli, Manuale di retorica (Milan: Bompiani, 1988), pp. 100–102.84 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 124.85 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 96.86 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 132.87 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.88 Cometa, ‘Fototesti’, p. 71.","PeriodicalId":44221,"journal":{"name":"Italian Studies","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.3000,"publicationDate":"2023-10-23","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"‘Una verità totale’: The Textual and Visual Encounter With the Other in Franco Fortini’s <i>Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina</i>\",\"authors\":\"Alessandra Perongini\",\"doi\":\"10.1080/00751634.2023.2261305\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"ABSTRACTThe article explores the photo-textual form of Franco Fortini’s Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina, the travel account published in 1956 following the writer’s trip to socialist China in 1955. I will discuss the interaction between the photographs taken by the author during the journey and the text. The issue of the literary genre will also be examined, investigating the nature of the travel journal as a combination of both a descriptive account and an autobiographical diary. I will then discuss how this photo-textual blend functions both theoretically – by analysing the nature of the photographic medium in relation with the text – and practically – by providing examples of the ekphrastic interaction of the two media in Fortini’s icastic depiction of colours and crowds. The allegorical value of the account of socialist China is then brought into question, with particular focus on the use of comparison as an argumentative strategy.KEYWORDS: Franco FortiniPhoto-texttravel literatureallegoryWalter Benjamin AcknowledgmentsThe research for this article took place during a period of study at the University of Cambridge and included a visit to the Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Franco Fortini at the University of Siena in April 2022. Many thanks to Dr. Erica Bellia for the precious advice given to me while working on this essay.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Franco Fortini, Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina (Turin: Einaudi, 1956).2 The process of normalisation of the relationships between Italy and China began shortly after 1949 and culminated in 1970 with the official Italian recognition of the People’s Republic (Carla Meneguzzi Rostagni, ‘Diplomazia a più voci. La questione cinese nella politica estera italiana (1949–1971)’, in La Cina di Mao, l’Italia e l’Europa negli anni della Guerra fredda, ed. by Carla Meneguzzi Rostagni and Guido Samarani Bologna: Il Mulino, 2014, pp. 17–54 (p. 18). For a broader picture of the diplomatic relationships between European countries and the People’s Republic of China during the Cold War years, see Modern Asian Studies 51/1 (2017), special issue ‘Circumventing the Cold War: The parallel diplomacy of economic and cultural exchanges between Western Europe and Socialist China in the 1950s and 1960s’ <http://www.jstor.org/stable/44158308> [accessed 6 June 2023].3 Besides Fortini’s book, other important outcomes of the diplomatic journey were Cassola’s report Viaggio in Cina (1956) and the special issue of Il ponte, the journal founded by Calamandrei in 1945, entitled ‘La Cina d’oggi’ (1956).4 A description of the journey can be found in Michelangelo Cocurullo, La cortina di bambù. La Cina nei reportages italiani della seconda metà del Novecento (Sestri Levante: Gammarò, 2007), p. 16. Cocurullo highlights the highly formalised and controlled nature of such visits: ‘Un dato preliminare comunque da sottolineare è che, come tutti i viaggi organizzati dai Cinesi in gruppi-delegazioni, gli itinerari sono rigorosamente pianificati: alle richieste dei visitatori le autorità cinesi hanno pronte alternative validamente preselezionate e gli eventuali contatti con persone non appartenenti ad istituzioni avvengono esclusivamente sotto stretta autorizzazione’ (Cocurullo, La cortina di bambù, p. 16).5 In April 2022, I visited the photographic archive related to the trip, containing all the photographs that were not selected for the book. The material is stored in the Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Franco Fortini at the University of Siena, Fondo Fortini F6 – Cina – 710-928. Before continuing, a disclaimer must be put forward, outlining the difference in layout between the 1956 original version and the 2007 re-edition of the book: the 1956 print shows the photographs as selected and organised in the book by Fortini himself, whilst the 2007 reprint moves them into a single section in the middle of the book. Furthermore, the main cover of the original edition displays a portrait of an Asian girl taken by Werner Bischof whilst the back cover features a portrait of Fortini in China, both of which are absent from the reprinted version. The theoretical reading of this article, focused on the photo-textual asset of the book, is based on its original 1956 edition. Conversely, the quotations of written text with their related page numbers have been taken from the 2007 edition due to its wider availability, in order to facilitate the reader’s consultation of the cited segments.6 Alfonso Berardinelli, Franco Fortini (Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1973), p. 40.7 Romano Luperini, Il futuro di Fortini (San Cesario di Lecce: Manni, 2007), p. 22. On salaried intellectuals at Olivetti, see Jim Carter, ‘Salaried Intellectuals: Fortini, Giudici, Ottieri, Volponi, and Buzzi at the Olivetti Company’, Italian Culture, 37 (2019), 47–63 <https://doi.org/10.1080/01614622.2019.1601391>. On Fortini’s poetic fracture with his hermetic origins and the subsequent post-war turn and generally for a close comment to Poesia e errore, see Francesco Diaco, Dialettica e speranza. Sulla poesia di Franco Fortini (Macerata: Quodlibet Studio, 2017), pp. 127–181.8 Franco Fortini. Saggi ed epigrammi, ed. by Luca Lenzini (Milan: Mondadori, 2003), p. xcviii.9 Berardinelli, Franco Fortini, p. 45. On the interest of the New Left towards socialist China, see at least Daniele Perotti, ‘Il mito cinese nella nuova sinistra italiana (1960–1970)’, Il Politico, Vol. 46, No. 1/2 (1981), 223–280 <https://www.jstor.org/stable/43097914> [accessed 5 June 2023].10 Franco Fortini, Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina e altri scritti (Rome: Manifestolibri, 2007), p. 28.11 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 28.12 Edoarda Masi, ‘Postfazione’, in Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 259–268 (p. 262).13 See Theodore J. Cachey Jr., ‘An Italian Literary History of Travel’, Annali d’Italianistica, vol. 14 (1996), 55–64 <http://www.jstor.org/stable/24007432> [accessed 4 June 2023], and Loredana Polezzi, Translating Travel: Contemporary Italian Travel Writing in English Translation (London: Routledge, 2001).14 For an overview of the Chinese travel accounts of Italian writers from the fifties to 1980, see again Cocurullo, La cortina di bambù, and Gaia De Pascale, Scrittori in viaggio. Narratori e poeti italiani del Novecento in giro per il mondo (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 2001), pp. 157–185. For a broader picture of the interest of Western intellectuals in socialist countries, see Paul Hollander, Political Pilgrims. Western Intellectuals in Search of the Good Society (London: Routledge, 1981).15 I refer a few times to the concepts of the radical alterity and of the irreducible difference represented by the Chinese Other in relation to Western travellers and writers. The topic of the definition of a Western identity in relation and in opposition to the non-Western world and the consequent idea of the Eastern world as the embodiment of a radical Other is too vast to be treated here, but it must at least concern Said’s notion of orientalism (Edward W. Said, Orientalism, New York: Pantheon Books, 1978) and the related idea of the Western imperialist construction of a stereotypical representation of Eastern cultures.16 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 30.17 This is also highlighted in the introductory essay by Donatello Santarone to the 2007 edition of Asia Maggiore: ‘“Contraddizioni e identità fra noi”: Fortini e la Cina’, in Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 7–21 (p. 18). The issue of the allegorical value of revolutionary China to Fortini is further discussed in Yang Lin, ‘L’immagine della Cina di Franco Fortini: intellettuale e viaggiatore “allegorista”’, InVerbis, 1/2022, 159–172. In particular, the author underlines the importance to Fortini of Maoist China as a virtuous example of socialist revolution and the allegorical intention of the journey itself.18 See Roland Barthes, Image, Music, Text, trans. and ed. By Stephen Heath (London: Fontana Press, 1977), pp. 15–31.19 Ludovica Del Castillo cites as a quintessential example of the deceitfulness of photography the famous case of the fake cormorant photo from the Gulf War (Ludovica Del Castillo, ‘Il reportage come fotografia in scrittura: la Cina di Roland Barthes, Franco Fortini e Goffredo Parise’, Between Journal, VIII.16 (2018) <https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/3363> (p. 3). A full discussion is beyond the scope of this article, yet it is necessary to mention the reflections made by Bertolt Brecht – a central name in Fortini’s theoretical constellation – on the deceitfulness of photography as seen in Kriegsfibel (War Primer), published for the first time in 1955, one year earlier than Asia Maggiore. Linked to the compositional strategy of War Primer is the idea of the photo-text as a privileged canvas on which the twentieth century’s historical tragedies can be displayed (Michele Cometa, ‘Fototesti. Per una tipologia dell’iconotesto in letteratura’, in La fotografia. Oggetto teorico e pratica sociale. Atti del XXXVIII Congresso AISS, eds. V. Del Marco, I. Pezzini (Rome: Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2011), pp. 63–101 (p. 67).20 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 25.21 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 133. The mentioned essay by Italo Calvino is ‘La follia del mirino’, first published in Il Contemporaneo, 30 April 1955 and now collected in Italo Calvino, Saggi 1945–1985, tomo II, ed. M. Barenghi (Milan: Mondadori, 2001), pp. 2217–19.22 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 133.23 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 225.24 The partiality and the unreliability of the official media and information sources of Mao’s China are discussed by Edoarda Masi in relation to the 1966 Cultural Revolution: Edoarda Masi, La contestazione cinese (Turin: Einaudi, 1969 [1968]), pp. 138–141.25 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 122.26 The back cover portrait of Fortini in China, as mentioned, is only present in the 1956 edition.27 The simultaneous use of text and photographs had been well established in twentieth-century reports on China by professional journalists, from the works of Luigi Barzini, Mario Appelius, and Arnaldo Cipolla in the first half of the century to Corrado Pizzinelli’s Dietro la grande muraglia (Milan: Mondadori, 1956).28 The tension between documentary and narrative aspects of the travel account is discussed in Sergio Bozzola, Retorica e narrazione del viaggio. Diari, relazioni, itinerari fra Quattro e Cinquecento (Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2020), pp. 72–109. On the hybridity of the travel writing genre and its links with the self, see also Casey Blanton, Travel Writing: The Self and the World (London: Routledge, 2002) and Peter Hulme and Tim Youngs (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).29 Giuseppe Carrara, Storie a vista. Retorica e poetiche del fototesto, (Milan: Mimesis, 2020), pp. 194–210 (p. 194).30 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 28–29.31 Giuliana Benvenuti, ‘Il diarismo in «Asia Maggiore» di Fortini’, in Anna Dolfi, Nicola Curi, Rodolfo Sacchettini (eds.), Memorie, autobiografie e diari nella letteratura italiana dell’Ottocento e del Novecento (Pisa: ETS, 2008), pp. 497–505 (p. 498).32 Antonio Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere. Volume terzo. Quaderni 12–29 (Turin: Einaudi, 1977), Quaderno 14 (1), p. 1718.33 The idea of a possible unifying language can be connected to Benjamin’s concept of a pure language emerging from the end of individual languages, which is intrinsic to the issue of translation. For Benjamin’s philosophy of language and his discussion on the nature of translation, see ‘Il compito del traduttore’ in Walter Benjamin, Angelus Novus. Saggi e frammenti, trans. by Renato Solmi (Turin: Einaudi, 1962), pp. 39–52 and Cesare Cases, ‘Walter Benjamin teorico della traduzione’, in Walter Benjamin. Testi e commenti – L’Ospite Ingrato ns 3 (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2013), pp. 233–237. Besides Benjamin’s philosophy of language, Fortini’s theoretical reflections on translation can be inserted into a framework that includes at least the notion of traducibilità in Gramsci (Gramsci, Quaderni, Quaderno 11, par. 46–49).34 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 139.35 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 231.36 Fortini, Asia Maggiore (1956), pp. 64–65.37 Fortini, Asia Maggiore (1956), pp. 64–65.38 Michele Cometa, ‘Forme e retoriche del fototesto letterario’, in Fototesti. Letteratura e cultura visuale, ed. by Michele Cometa and Roberta Coglitore (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2016), pp. 69–115 (p. 89).39 Bozzola, p. 83. The choice of the semantic sphere of colours as the subject of the analysis has been compiled through a first selection of recurring subjects based on a quantitative analysis of their occurrences in the text. I counted a total of 266 chromatic adjectives or specifications throughout the book.40 Carrara, pp. 194–210.41 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 85, 72, 198, 230, 225.42 Ibid., p. 226.43 Ibid., p. 101.44 Ibid., p. 66.45 Ibid., pp. 87, 109.46 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 45. Italics in the source.47 Bozzola, p. 56.48 See Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 44, 47, 84, 88 and the caption to photograph 6 of the 1956 edition.49 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 44, 64, 65, 109, 229, 227, 44, 198, 112.50 See Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 226. Citations: Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 102, 70.51 As with colours, the choice of the topic of crowd has been made based on its frequency in the book. I have counted 112 occurrences of expressions including the word folla or massa or referring in figurative ways to the idea of the crowd.52 Yang Lin also mentions the prominent role of the Chinese crowds in Fortini’s descriptions (Yang Lin, ‘L’immagine della Cina’, pp. 163–164). The author briefly refers to the importance of the crowd, especially in Beijing, when discussing the differences that Fortini saw between an ‘old’ China and the ‘new’ and young revolutionary one.53 Benjamin, pp. 89–130.54 Ibid., p. 99.55 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 225, 190, 185.56 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 229, 61.57 Ibid., pp. 221, 191.58 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 44, 127, 152, 224, 133.59 Ibid., p. 185. The image of hands as synecdoches for the bodies of those forgotten or eradicated in history reappear in Fortini’s 1963 essay ‘Le mani di Radek’, in Franco Fortini, Verifica dei poteri. Scritti di critica e di istituzioni letterarie (Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2017), pp. 109–119.60 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.61 Romano Luperini, L’allegoria del moderno (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1990), p. 89.62 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 121–122.63 Ibid., p. 229.64 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 121–122.65 Citation: Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.66 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 43.67 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 55, 133, 77.68 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 137.69 A short but relevant discussion of some of the misinterpretations of the Chinese experience by Western socialist intellectuals can be found in Edoarda Masi’s essay ‘Interpretazioni della politica cinese’, in Masi, La contestazione cinese, pp. 52–57.70 Franco Fortini, Questioni di frontiera. Scritti di politica e di letteratura 1965–1977 (Turin: Einaudi, 1977), p. 192.71 Luperini, L’allegoria del moderno, pp. 46–50. For an overview on the origins of the debate involving Goethe, Schelling, and Romanticism, see Tzvetan Todorov, Teorie del simbolo, trans. by E. Klersy Imberciadori (Milan: Garzanti, 2008), pp. 254–277.72 György Lukács, ‘Allegoria e simbolo’, Belfagor, 24:2, 1969 (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1969), 125–66 (pp. 126 onwards).73 Luperini, L’allegoria, p. 46.74 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 34.75 Luperini, L’allegoria, pp. 62, 29, 26.76 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 66.77 Bozzola, p. 25.78 Eric Leed, The Mind of the Traveller: From Gilgamesh to Global Tourism (New York: Basic Books, 1991), pp. 67–69.79 Franco Fortini, ‘Le chinois, ça s’apprend’, in L’ospite ingrato primo e secondo (Turin: Marietti, 1985), pp. 90–91 (p. 90).80 Fortini, Verifica dei poteri, p. 116.81 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 149, 110, 111.82 Ibid., p. 224.83 See Chaïm Perelman, Il dominio retorico (Turin: Einaudi, 1977), pp. 125 and following, and Bice Mortara Garavelli, Manuale di retorica (Milan: Bompiani, 1988), pp. 100–102.84 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 124.85 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 96.86 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 132.87 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.88 Cometa, ‘Fototesti’, p. 71.\",\"PeriodicalId\":44221,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"Italian Studies\",\"volume\":null,\"pages\":null},\"PeriodicalIF\":0.3000,\"publicationDate\":\"2023-10-23\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"\",\"citationCount\":\"0\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"Italian Studies\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"1085\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://doi.org/10.1080/00751634.2023.2261305\",\"RegionNum\":3,\"RegionCategory\":\"文学\",\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"0\",\"JCRName\":\"HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Italian Studies","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"https://doi.org/10.1080/00751634.2023.2261305","RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"文学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"0","JCRName":"HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY","Score":null,"Total":0}
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从20世纪上半叶路易吉·巴西尼、马里奥·阿佩利乌斯和阿纳尔多·齐波拉的作品到科拉多·皮齐内利的《大穆拉格利亚的生活》(米兰:蒙达多利出版社,1956年),在20世纪专业记者对中国的报道中,文字和照片的同时使用已经得到了很好的确立塞尔吉奥·博佐拉(Sergio Bozzola)在《旅行的叙述》(reica e narrazione del viaggio)一书中讨论了旅行记录的纪录片和叙事方面的紧张关系。Diari, relazioni, itinerari fra Quattro e Cinquecento(罗马:Salerno Editrice, 2020), pp. 72-109。关于旅行写作类型的混杂性及其与自我的联系,也见凯西·布兰顿,旅行写作:自我与世界(伦敦:劳特利奇,2002年)和彼得·休姆和蒂姆·扬斯(编辑),剑桥旅行写作指南(剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2002年)朱塞佩·卡拉拉,故事远景。(米兰:Mimesis, 2020),第194 - 210页(第194页).30Giuliana Benvenuti, ' Il diarismo in«Asia Maggiore»di Fortini ', in Anna Dolfi, Nicola Curi, Rodolfo Sacchettini(编),memories,自传e diari nella letteratura italiana dell ' ottocento e del Novecento (Pisa: ETS, 2008), pp. 497-505 (p. 498).32安东尼奥·葛兰西,《关怀的四年》terzo体积。Quaderni 12-29(都灵:Einaudi, 1977), Quaderno 14 (1), p. 1718.33关于一种可能的统一语言的想法可以与本雅明关于从个体语言的终结中产生的纯粹语言的概念联系起来,这是翻译问题所固有的。关于本雅明的语言哲学和他对翻译本质的讨论,请参见本雅明《新Angelus Novus》中的“Il comito del traduttore”。Saggi框架,译。作者:Renato Solmi(都灵:Einaudi, 1962),第39-52页;Cesare Cases,“Walter Benjamin teorico della traduzione”,《Walter Benjamin》。[评][L 'Ospite Ingrato]第3期(Macerata: Quodlibet, 2013),第233-237页。]除了本雅明的语言哲学之外,福尔蒂尼对翻译的理论思考至少可以插入葛兰西的可翻译性概念的框架中(葛兰西,Quaderni, Quaderno 11,第46-49页)Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 139.35 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 231.36 Fortini, Asia Maggiore (1956), pp. 64-65.37 Fortini, Asia Maggiore (1956), pp. 64-65.38 Michele Cometa,“Forme reiche del fototesto letterario”,in Fototesti。《视觉文化》,米歇尔·科梅塔和罗伯塔·科格里托雷主编(Macerata: Quodlibet, 2016),第69-115页(第89页)Bozzola,第83页。颜色的语义范围作为分析的主题的选择已经通过基于它们在文本中出现的定量分析的反复出现的主题的第一个选择进行了编译。我数了一下,全书共有266个半音形容词或说明Fortini, Asia Maggiore,第85、72、198、230、225.42页同上,第226.43页同上,第101.44页同上,第66.45页同上,第87、109.46页。来源中的斜体见Fortini, Asia Maggiore,第44、47、84、88页和1956年版第6张照片的说明Fortini, Asia Maggiore,第44、64、65、109、229、227、44、198、112.50页。引用:Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 102, 70.51与颜色一样,人群主题的选择是根据其在书中的频率而做出的。我统计了112次出现的表达,包括folla或massa,或以比喻的方式指人群的想法杨琳还提到了中国人群在福蒂尼的描述中的突出作用(杨琳,“L ' imagine della china”,第163-164页)。在讨论福尔蒂尼所看到的“旧”中国与“新”和年轻的革命中国之间的差异时,作者简要地提到了人群的重要性,特别是在北京本杰明,第89-130.54页同上,第99.55页福尔蒂尼,亚洲马吉奥雷,第225,190,185.56福尔蒂尼,亚洲马吉奥雷,第229,61.57同上,第221,191.58福尔蒂尼,亚洲马吉奥雷,第44,127,152,224,133.59同上,第185页。手的形象作为历史上被遗忘或被根除的人的身体的喻喻,再次出现在福蒂尼1963年的文章“Le mani di Radek”中,在佛朗哥·福蒂尼的《poteri Verifica dei poteri》中。Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.61 Romano Luperini, L 'allegoria del moderno (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1990), p. 89.62 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 121-122.63同上,p. 229.64 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 121-122.65引文:Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.66 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 43.67 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 55, 133, 77.68 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 137。 《西方社会主义知识分子对中国的一些误解》可以在爱德华达·马西的《中国政治解释》中找到。政治和文学著作1965 - 1977(都灵:Einaudi, 1977),第192 - 71页,《现代寓言》,第46 - 50页。《歌德》、《谢林》、《浪漫主义》、《Tzvetan Todorov》、《象征理论》、《trans》的原著。由E . Klersy Imberciadori(米兰:分之,2008年),第254—277页。72戈瑞örgy Luká政务司司长,‘lorenzetti和simbolo’Belfagor 24:2, 1969年(1969年弗洛伦斯·S .: Leo Olschki) 125、126—66 (pp . onwards 73)。Luperini, L’allegoria,第46页。74堡垒,亚洲更大,第34页。75 Luperini, L’allegoria, pp . 62、26、29。76莫,亚洲更大,第66页。77 Bozzola,第25页。78 Eric发,The Mind of The旅行者:从Gilgamesh到环球旅游(纽约:Basic Books, 1991年),pp . 67—69。79çFranco堡垒,‘日报在宿主的第一和第二(s’apprend’气味:pozzi), 1985年,第90页80—91(第90页)。莫勒核查,第116页。81堡垒、亚洲更大,第149、110、111页。同上,第224页。83ïm Perelman,修辞统治的欧洲经济区(气味:Einaudi, 1977), pp . 125和出现,与Bice Mortara Garavelli,修辞手册(米兰:Bompiani, 1988), pp . 100—102 . 84堡垒,亚洲更大,第124页。85堡垒,亚洲更大,第96页。86堡垒,亚洲更大,第132页。87堡垒,亚洲更大,p . 44 . 88颗彗星,‘Fototesti’,第71页。
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‘Una verità totale’: The Textual and Visual Encounter With the Other in Franco Fortini’s Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina
ABSTRACTThe article explores the photo-textual form of Franco Fortini’s Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina, the travel account published in 1956 following the writer’s trip to socialist China in 1955. I will discuss the interaction between the photographs taken by the author during the journey and the text. The issue of the literary genre will also be examined, investigating the nature of the travel journal as a combination of both a descriptive account and an autobiographical diary. I will then discuss how this photo-textual blend functions both theoretically – by analysing the nature of the photographic medium in relation with the text – and practically – by providing examples of the ekphrastic interaction of the two media in Fortini’s icastic depiction of colours and crowds. The allegorical value of the account of socialist China is then brought into question, with particular focus on the use of comparison as an argumentative strategy.KEYWORDS: Franco FortiniPhoto-texttravel literatureallegoryWalter Benjamin AcknowledgmentsThe research for this article took place during a period of study at the University of Cambridge and included a visit to the Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Franco Fortini at the University of Siena in April 2022. Many thanks to Dr. Erica Bellia for the precious advice given to me while working on this essay.Disclosure StatementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1 Franco Fortini, Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina (Turin: Einaudi, 1956).2 The process of normalisation of the relationships between Italy and China began shortly after 1949 and culminated in 1970 with the official Italian recognition of the People’s Republic (Carla Meneguzzi Rostagni, ‘Diplomazia a più voci. La questione cinese nella politica estera italiana (1949–1971)’, in La Cina di Mao, l’Italia e l’Europa negli anni della Guerra fredda, ed. by Carla Meneguzzi Rostagni and Guido Samarani Bologna: Il Mulino, 2014, pp. 17–54 (p. 18). For a broader picture of the diplomatic relationships between European countries and the People’s Republic of China during the Cold War years, see Modern Asian Studies 51/1 (2017), special issue ‘Circumventing the Cold War: The parallel diplomacy of economic and cultural exchanges between Western Europe and Socialist China in the 1950s and 1960s’ [accessed 6 June 2023].3 Besides Fortini’s book, other important outcomes of the diplomatic journey were Cassola’s report Viaggio in Cina (1956) and the special issue of Il ponte, the journal founded by Calamandrei in 1945, entitled ‘La Cina d’oggi’ (1956).4 A description of the journey can be found in Michelangelo Cocurullo, La cortina di bambù. La Cina nei reportages italiani della seconda metà del Novecento (Sestri Levante: Gammarò, 2007), p. 16. Cocurullo highlights the highly formalised and controlled nature of such visits: ‘Un dato preliminare comunque da sottolineare è che, come tutti i viaggi organizzati dai Cinesi in gruppi-delegazioni, gli itinerari sono rigorosamente pianificati: alle richieste dei visitatori le autorità cinesi hanno pronte alternative validamente preselezionate e gli eventuali contatti con persone non appartenenti ad istituzioni avvengono esclusivamente sotto stretta autorizzazione’ (Cocurullo, La cortina di bambù, p. 16).5 In April 2022, I visited the photographic archive related to the trip, containing all the photographs that were not selected for the book. The material is stored in the Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Franco Fortini at the University of Siena, Fondo Fortini F6 – Cina – 710-928. Before continuing, a disclaimer must be put forward, outlining the difference in layout between the 1956 original version and the 2007 re-edition of the book: the 1956 print shows the photographs as selected and organised in the book by Fortini himself, whilst the 2007 reprint moves them into a single section in the middle of the book. Furthermore, the main cover of the original edition displays a portrait of an Asian girl taken by Werner Bischof whilst the back cover features a portrait of Fortini in China, both of which are absent from the reprinted version. The theoretical reading of this article, focused on the photo-textual asset of the book, is based on its original 1956 edition. Conversely, the quotations of written text with their related page numbers have been taken from the 2007 edition due to its wider availability, in order to facilitate the reader’s consultation of the cited segments.6 Alfonso Berardinelli, Franco Fortini (Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1973), p. 40.7 Romano Luperini, Il futuro di Fortini (San Cesario di Lecce: Manni, 2007), p. 22. On salaried intellectuals at Olivetti, see Jim Carter, ‘Salaried Intellectuals: Fortini, Giudici, Ottieri, Volponi, and Buzzi at the Olivetti Company’, Italian Culture, 37 (2019), 47–63 . On Fortini’s poetic fracture with his hermetic origins and the subsequent post-war turn and generally for a close comment to Poesia e errore, see Francesco Diaco, Dialettica e speranza. Sulla poesia di Franco Fortini (Macerata: Quodlibet Studio, 2017), pp. 127–181.8 Franco Fortini. Saggi ed epigrammi, ed. by Luca Lenzini (Milan: Mondadori, 2003), p. xcviii.9 Berardinelli, Franco Fortini, p. 45. On the interest of the New Left towards socialist China, see at least Daniele Perotti, ‘Il mito cinese nella nuova sinistra italiana (1960–1970)’, Il Politico, Vol. 46, No. 1/2 (1981), 223–280 [accessed 5 June 2023].10 Franco Fortini, Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina e altri scritti (Rome: Manifestolibri, 2007), p. 28.11 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 28.12 Edoarda Masi, ‘Postfazione’, in Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 259–268 (p. 262).13 See Theodore J. Cachey Jr., ‘An Italian Literary History of Travel’, Annali d’Italianistica, vol. 14 (1996), 55–64 [accessed 4 June 2023], and Loredana Polezzi, Translating Travel: Contemporary Italian Travel Writing in English Translation (London: Routledge, 2001).14 For an overview of the Chinese travel accounts of Italian writers from the fifties to 1980, see again Cocurullo, La cortina di bambù, and Gaia De Pascale, Scrittori in viaggio. Narratori e poeti italiani del Novecento in giro per il mondo (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 2001), pp. 157–185. For a broader picture of the interest of Western intellectuals in socialist countries, see Paul Hollander, Political Pilgrims. Western Intellectuals in Search of the Good Society (London: Routledge, 1981).15 I refer a few times to the concepts of the radical alterity and of the irreducible difference represented by the Chinese Other in relation to Western travellers and writers. The topic of the definition of a Western identity in relation and in opposition to the non-Western world and the consequent idea of the Eastern world as the embodiment of a radical Other is too vast to be treated here, but it must at least concern Said’s notion of orientalism (Edward W. Said, Orientalism, New York: Pantheon Books, 1978) and the related idea of the Western imperialist construction of a stereotypical representation of Eastern cultures.16 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 30.17 This is also highlighted in the introductory essay by Donatello Santarone to the 2007 edition of Asia Maggiore: ‘“Contraddizioni e identità fra noi”: Fortini e la Cina’, in Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 7–21 (p. 18). The issue of the allegorical value of revolutionary China to Fortini is further discussed in Yang Lin, ‘L’immagine della Cina di Franco Fortini: intellettuale e viaggiatore “allegorista”’, InVerbis, 1/2022, 159–172. In particular, the author underlines the importance to Fortini of Maoist China as a virtuous example of socialist revolution and the allegorical intention of the journey itself.18 See Roland Barthes, Image, Music, Text, trans. and ed. By Stephen Heath (London: Fontana Press, 1977), pp. 15–31.19 Ludovica Del Castillo cites as a quintessential example of the deceitfulness of photography the famous case of the fake cormorant photo from the Gulf War (Ludovica Del Castillo, ‘Il reportage come fotografia in scrittura: la Cina di Roland Barthes, Franco Fortini e Goffredo Parise’, Between Journal, VIII.16 (2018) (p. 3). A full discussion is beyond the scope of this article, yet it is necessary to mention the reflections made by Bertolt Brecht – a central name in Fortini’s theoretical constellation – on the deceitfulness of photography as seen in Kriegsfibel (War Primer), published for the first time in 1955, one year earlier than Asia Maggiore. Linked to the compositional strategy of War Primer is the idea of the photo-text as a privileged canvas on which the twentieth century’s historical tragedies can be displayed (Michele Cometa, ‘Fototesti. Per una tipologia dell’iconotesto in letteratura’, in La fotografia. Oggetto teorico e pratica sociale. Atti del XXXVIII Congresso AISS, eds. V. Del Marco, I. Pezzini (Rome: Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2011), pp. 63–101 (p. 67).20 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 25.21 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 133. The mentioned essay by Italo Calvino is ‘La follia del mirino’, first published in Il Contemporaneo, 30 April 1955 and now collected in Italo Calvino, Saggi 1945–1985, tomo II, ed. M. Barenghi (Milan: Mondadori, 2001), pp. 2217–19.22 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 133.23 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 225.24 The partiality and the unreliability of the official media and information sources of Mao’s China are discussed by Edoarda Masi in relation to the 1966 Cultural Revolution: Edoarda Masi, La contestazione cinese (Turin: Einaudi, 1969 [1968]), pp. 138–141.25 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 122.26 The back cover portrait of Fortini in China, as mentioned, is only present in the 1956 edition.27 The simultaneous use of text and photographs had been well established in twentieth-century reports on China by professional journalists, from the works of Luigi Barzini, Mario Appelius, and Arnaldo Cipolla in the first half of the century to Corrado Pizzinelli’s Dietro la grande muraglia (Milan: Mondadori, 1956).28 The tension between documentary and narrative aspects of the travel account is discussed in Sergio Bozzola, Retorica e narrazione del viaggio. Diari, relazioni, itinerari fra Quattro e Cinquecento (Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2020), pp. 72–109. On the hybridity of the travel writing genre and its links with the self, see also Casey Blanton, Travel Writing: The Self and the World (London: Routledge, 2002) and Peter Hulme and Tim Youngs (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).29 Giuseppe Carrara, Storie a vista. Retorica e poetiche del fototesto, (Milan: Mimesis, 2020), pp. 194–210 (p. 194).30 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 28–29.31 Giuliana Benvenuti, ‘Il diarismo in «Asia Maggiore» di Fortini’, in Anna Dolfi, Nicola Curi, Rodolfo Sacchettini (eds.), Memorie, autobiografie e diari nella letteratura italiana dell’Ottocento e del Novecento (Pisa: ETS, 2008), pp. 497–505 (p. 498).32 Antonio Gramsci, Quaderni del carcere. Volume terzo. Quaderni 12–29 (Turin: Einaudi, 1977), Quaderno 14 (1), p. 1718.33 The idea of a possible unifying language can be connected to Benjamin’s concept of a pure language emerging from the end of individual languages, which is intrinsic to the issue of translation. For Benjamin’s philosophy of language and his discussion on the nature of translation, see ‘Il compito del traduttore’ in Walter Benjamin, Angelus Novus. Saggi e frammenti, trans. by Renato Solmi (Turin: Einaudi, 1962), pp. 39–52 and Cesare Cases, ‘Walter Benjamin teorico della traduzione’, in Walter Benjamin. Testi e commenti – L’Ospite Ingrato ns 3 (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2013), pp. 233–237. Besides Benjamin’s philosophy of language, Fortini’s theoretical reflections on translation can be inserted into a framework that includes at least the notion of traducibilità in Gramsci (Gramsci, Quaderni, Quaderno 11, par. 46–49).34 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 139.35 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 231.36 Fortini, Asia Maggiore (1956), pp. 64–65.37 Fortini, Asia Maggiore (1956), pp. 64–65.38 Michele Cometa, ‘Forme e retoriche del fototesto letterario’, in Fototesti. Letteratura e cultura visuale, ed. by Michele Cometa and Roberta Coglitore (Macerata: Quodlibet, 2016), pp. 69–115 (p. 89).39 Bozzola, p. 83. The choice of the semantic sphere of colours as the subject of the analysis has been compiled through a first selection of recurring subjects based on a quantitative analysis of their occurrences in the text. I counted a total of 266 chromatic adjectives or specifications throughout the book.40 Carrara, pp. 194–210.41 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 85, 72, 198, 230, 225.42 Ibid., p. 226.43 Ibid., p. 101.44 Ibid., p. 66.45 Ibid., pp. 87, 109.46 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 45. Italics in the source.47 Bozzola, p. 56.48 See Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 44, 47, 84, 88 and the caption to photograph 6 of the 1956 edition.49 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 44, 64, 65, 109, 229, 227, 44, 198, 112.50 See Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 226. Citations: Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 102, 70.51 As with colours, the choice of the topic of crowd has been made based on its frequency in the book. I have counted 112 occurrences of expressions including the word folla or massa or referring in figurative ways to the idea of the crowd.52 Yang Lin also mentions the prominent role of the Chinese crowds in Fortini’s descriptions (Yang Lin, ‘L’immagine della Cina’, pp. 163–164). The author briefly refers to the importance of the crowd, especially in Beijing, when discussing the differences that Fortini saw between an ‘old’ China and the ‘new’ and young revolutionary one.53 Benjamin, pp. 89–130.54 Ibid., p. 99.55 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 225, 190, 185.56 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 229, 61.57 Ibid., pp. 221, 191.58 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 44, 127, 152, 224, 133.59 Ibid., p. 185. The image of hands as synecdoches for the bodies of those forgotten or eradicated in history reappear in Fortini’s 1963 essay ‘Le mani di Radek’, in Franco Fortini, Verifica dei poteri. Scritti di critica e di istituzioni letterarie (Milan: Il Saggiatore, 2017), pp. 109–119.60 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.61 Romano Luperini, L’allegoria del moderno (Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1990), p. 89.62 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 121–122.63 Ibid., p. 229.64 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 121–122.65 Citation: Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.66 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 43.67 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 55, 133, 77.68 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 137.69 A short but relevant discussion of some of the misinterpretations of the Chinese experience by Western socialist intellectuals can be found in Edoarda Masi’s essay ‘Interpretazioni della politica cinese’, in Masi, La contestazione cinese, pp. 52–57.70 Franco Fortini, Questioni di frontiera. Scritti di politica e di letteratura 1965–1977 (Turin: Einaudi, 1977), p. 192.71 Luperini, L’allegoria del moderno, pp. 46–50. For an overview on the origins of the debate involving Goethe, Schelling, and Romanticism, see Tzvetan Todorov, Teorie del simbolo, trans. by E. Klersy Imberciadori (Milan: Garzanti, 2008), pp. 254–277.72 György Lukács, ‘Allegoria e simbolo’, Belfagor, 24:2, 1969 (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1969), 125–66 (pp. 126 onwards).73 Luperini, L’allegoria, p. 46.74 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 34.75 Luperini, L’allegoria, pp. 62, 29, 26.76 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 66.77 Bozzola, p. 25.78 Eric Leed, The Mind of the Traveller: From Gilgamesh to Global Tourism (New York: Basic Books, 1991), pp. 67–69.79 Franco Fortini, ‘Le chinois, ça s’apprend’, in L’ospite ingrato primo e secondo (Turin: Marietti, 1985), pp. 90–91 (p. 90).80 Fortini, Verifica dei poteri, p. 116.81 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, pp. 149, 110, 111.82 Ibid., p. 224.83 See Chaïm Perelman, Il dominio retorico (Turin: Einaudi, 1977), pp. 125 and following, and Bice Mortara Garavelli, Manuale di retorica (Milan: Bompiani, 1988), pp. 100–102.84 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 124.85 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 96.86 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 132.87 Fortini, Asia Maggiore, p. 44.88 Cometa, ‘Fototesti’, p. 71.
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期刊介绍: Italian Studies has a national and international reputation for academic and scholarly excellence, publishing original articles (in Italian or English) on a wide range of Italian cultural concerns from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era. The journal warmly welcomes submissions covering a range of disciplines and inter-disciplinary subjects from scholarly and critical work on Italy"s literary culture and linguistics to Italian history and politics, film and art history, and gender and cultural studies. It publishes two issues per year, normally including one special themed issue and occasional interviews with leading scholars.The reviews section in the journal includes articles and short reviews on a broad spectrum of recent works of scholarship.
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