局部治疗后的辅助 HPV 疫苗为何如此不确定?积极的统计结果与科学界的疑虑之间的差异能否解决?

IF 3.1 2区 医学 Q3 IMMUNOLOGY Infectious Agents and Cancer Pub Date : 2024-04-04 DOI:10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9
Paolo Giorgi-Rossi, Maria Lina Tornesello, Franco Maria Buonaguro
{"title":"局部治疗后的辅助 HPV 疫苗为何如此不确定?积极的统计结果与科学界的疑虑之间的差异能否解决?","authors":"Paolo Giorgi-Rossi, Maria Lina Tornesello, Franco Maria Buonaguro","doi":"10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>The review article <b>Can prophylactic HPV vaccination reduce the recurrence of cervical lesions after surgery? Review and prospect</b> by Han and Zhang, published on October 29, 2023, highlighted the uncertainty about the efficacy of this intervention [1]. In fact, despite several studies showing consistent results in the direction of efficacy, there is still skepticism in the scientific community about the use of the HPV vaccine as an adjuvant therapy, after local treatment, against relapses. Is there a possibility to reduce the uncertainty? To answer this question we should understand why the available evidence is inconclusive. What should be wise public health decision-making? Should the health systems recommend and pay for this intervention or not?</p><p>In this debate, we identify <b>the discrepancies between the statistical uncertainty and biological plausibility</b> as the main determinant of divergences.</p><p>Several studies have shown a protective efficacy of HPV vaccine, with consistent results ranging from 80 to 50% vaccine efficacy [2,3,4], with few exceptions showing a smaller if any, effect [5, 6]. Most of the studies were under powered [6,7,8], many of them are not randomized [7, 9] or provide indirect evidence because the vaccine was administered before treatment to already infected women [6, 10, 11], finally, the largest study was based on routinely collected data with too few clinical information to exclude major differences between the compared groups [5]. Furthermore, some studies collected different outcomes at different time points making difficult a sound meta-analysis. Nevertheless, the most recent systematic reviews [2,3,4] produced consistent estimates of vaccine efficacy for CIN2 + of 50% or more. The statistical uncertainty about the estimates was small enough to exclude the null hypothesis.</p><p>The immunological and molecular mechanisms behind the protective role of a preventive vaccine against recurrences (after local treatment) is however still a major scientific problem. The time has passed when doubts were raised about the preventive efficacy and duration of anti-HPV vaccines optimized to induce humoral immunity. However, it is now difficult to explain why such a vaccine could even prevent the lesions from recurring.</p><p>Han and Zhang, in addition to the inhibition, by anti-L1 neutralizing antibodies, of the spread of the virus from the removed infected tissue to adjacent cells and/or of new infections due to other cross-reactive HPV genotypes, reconsider the antiviral role of the microenvironment [12, 13]. The surgical intervention and the subsequent anti-inflammatory microenvironment, with a high level of cytokine secretion, could increase the efficacy of post-operative vaccination.</p><p>However, although a post-operative vaccination constitutes an effective preventive strategy for women at high risk of new infection due to their promiscuity or a possible state of immunodeficiency, protection against new infection has not an adjuvant relevance and the interval between surgery and vaccination would not constitute an essential requirement.</p><p>Thus, in this scientific controversy, the absence of comprehension of the biological mechanism introduces an uncertainty that cannot be overcome by the statistical precision of pooled estimates coming from individually inconclusive studies.</p><p>A large randomized trial that can address at the same time efficacy and feasibility, quantify desirable and undesirable effects, as well as costs and implementation requirements will be always claimed. Nevertheless, such a study has not been conducted since the beginning and the ongoing large trials start with a big issue of lack of equipoise. We cannot honestly say that there is genuine uncertainty [14] about the efficacy. We can say that the lack of comprehension about mechanisms prevents us from anticipating the magnitude of the effects, particularly in the long term, but is this sufficient to ethically justify randomization to no vaccine or placebo? Would randomization to an effective intervention or no intervention be justified by the lack of clear recommendations in favor of the intervention? Is it more ethically acceptable in countries where cost effectiveness and sustainability issues prevented for recommending and covering the vaccination? Relativity of ethical issues in clinical research, particularly if justified by lack of resources has been questioned for other interventions [15]. Nevertheless, in preventive interventions the knowledge needs often justify a further gap between the initial proof of efficacy and implementation. In this time elapsing from the evidence of efficacy and public health recommendations, usually we assist to a spread of the intervention following disparate criteria, mostly opportunistic (for example availability of infrastructures or resources) or arbitrary (for example attitude to innovation of local decision makers), but all prone to introduce inequalities. In this landscape would be difficult to say that randomization is a less ethical criterion [16].</p><p>Part of the controversy could have been prevented if the initial studies, which started, as usual and almost necessarily, small and underpowered, were conducted to understand both “if” and “how” the intervention works. This point is essential in prevention, where trials are not a direct empirical test comparing all the consequences, in the life span of the woman, of the intervention with the counterfactual of no intervention. Actually, trials testing preventive interventions usually are only a proof of principle of efficacy, and the understanding of underlying mechanisms is necessary to anticipate long-term effects that cannot be reasonably directly observed in time horizon of a trial.</p><p>Indeed, new studies and possibly further analyses of the biological samples of previous studies should focus on:</p><ol>\n<li>\n<span>1.</span>\n<p>differentiating the short term recurrence and the long term risk of CIN2 +;</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<span>2.</span>\n<p>characterizing the HPV DNA integration into host DNA in treated and recurrent lesions;</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<span>3.</span>\n<p>studying the genotype and the genetic differences between HPV detected in the lesion and during post treatment follow up, including recurrences;</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<span>4.</span>\n<p>evaluating prevalence of latent infections in treated women and vaccine efficacy against these infections;</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<span>5.</span>\n<p>defining occurrence of new infections after conization due to the same virus of the treated infection and vaccine efficacy on these new infections.</p>\n</li>\n</ol><p>While waiting for the results of ongoing studies, the health systems and physicians must decide on offering or not the vaccination. Few governmental agencies and scientific societies [4, 17] produced recommendations, ranging from shared decision-making, in the US, to a strong recommendation in favor of public coverage and active offer, in Italy. The inconsistency is the result of different ways to interpret the uncertainty about biological mechanisms and how this uncertainty was integrated in the interpretation of the available evidence. In the most skeptical interpretation, the uncertainty on the mechanism amplified the criticisms about the limits and flows of empirical studies. The panel that recommended the vaccination, instead, considered the consistency between results coming from different studies with different designs (and limits) and between different outcomes measured across the studies as a triangulation sufficient to overcome the lack of biological explanations.</p><p>Preventive interventions often present ethical and epistemological dilemmas, highlighting the need for rethinking the role of trials, including the understanding of underlying mechanisms in their secondary objectives, and the way to use direct and indirect evidence in building recommendations.</p><p>Not applicable.</p><ol data-track-component=\"outbound reference\"><li data-counter=\"1.\"><p>Han L, Zhang B. Can prophylactic HPV vaccination reduce the recurrence of cervical lesions after surgery? Review and prospect. Infect Agent Cancer. 2023;18:66.</p><p>Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"2.\"><p>Lichter K, Krause D, Xu J, Tsai SHL, Hage C, Weston E, Eke A, Levinson K. Adjuvant human papillomavirus vaccine to reduce recurrent cervical dysplasia in Unvaccinated women: a systematic review and Meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2020;135:1070–83.</p><p>Article PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"3.\"><p>Jentschke M, Kampers J, Becker J, Sibbertsen P, Hillemanns P. Prophylactic HPV vaccination after conization: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Vaccine. 2020;38:6402–9.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"4.\"><p>Venturelli F, Group MIGW. HPV vaccination in women treated for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or 3: evidence-based recommendation from the Multisociety Italian guidelines for cervical cancer prevention. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2021;42:1039–47.</p><p>Article Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"5.\"><p>Sand FL, Kjaer SK, Frederiksen K, Dehlendorff C. Risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse after conization in relation to HPV vaccination status. Int J Cancer. 2020;147:641–7.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"6.\"><p>Hildesheim A, Gonzalez P, Kreimer AR, Wacholder S, Schussler J, Rodriguez AC, Porras C, Schiffman M, Sidawy M, Schiller JT et al. Impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 and 18 vaccination on prevalent infections and rates of cervical lesions after excisional treatment. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016, 215:212 e211-212 e215.</p></li><li data-counter=\"7.\"><p>Ghelardi A, Parazzini F, Martella F, Pieralli A, Bay P, Tonetti A, Svelato A, Bertacca G, Lombardi S, Joura EA. SPERANZA project: HPV vaccination after treatment for CIN2. Gynecol Oncol. 2018;151:229–34.</p><p>Article PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"8.\"><p>Pieralli A, Bianchi C, Auzzi N, Fallani MG, Bussani C, Fambrini M, Cariti G, Scarselli G, Petraglia F, Ghelardi A. Indication of prophylactic vaccines as a tool for secondary prevention in HPV-linked disease. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2018;298:1205–10.</p><p>Article PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"9.\"><p>Kang WD, Choi HS, Kim SM. Is vaccination with quadrivalent HPV vaccine after loop electrosurgical excision procedure effective in preventing recurrence in patients with high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2-3)? Gynecol Oncol. 2013;130:264–8.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"10.\"><p>Joura EA, Garland SM, Paavonen J, Ferris DG, Perez G, Ault KA, Huh WK, Sings HL, James MK, Haupt RM, FUTURE I and II Study Group. Effect of the human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine in a subgroup of women with cervical and vulvar disease: retrospective pooled analysis of trial data. BMJ. 2012;344:e1401.</p><p>Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"11.\"><p>Garland SM, Paavonen J, Jaisamrarn U, Naud P, Salmeron J, Chow SN, Apter D, Castellsague X, Teixeira JC, Skinner SR, et al. Prior human papillomavirus-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccination prevents recurrent high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia after definitive surgical therapy: post-hoc analysis from a randomized controlled trial. Int J Cancer. 2016;139:2812–26.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"12.\"><p>Frazer IH. Interaction of human papillomaviruses with the host immune system: a well evolved relationship. Virology. 2009;384:410–4.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"13.\"><p>Saftlas AF, Spracklen CN, Ryckman KK, Stockdale CK, Penrose K, Ault K, Rubenstein LM, Pinto LA. Influence of a loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) on levels of cytokines in cervical secretions. J Reprod Immunol. 2015;109:74–83.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"14.\"><p>Freedman B. Equipoise and the ethics of clinical research. N Engl J Med. 1987;317:141–5.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"15.\"><p>Srinivasan S. Ethics of ‘standard care’ in randomised controlled trials of screening for cervical cancer. Indian J Med Ethics. 2013;10:147–9.</p><p>PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"16.\"><p>Toroyan T, Roberts I, Oakley A. Randomisation and resource allocation: a missed opportunity for evaluating health care and social interventions. J Med Ethics. 2000;26:319–22.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\"17.\"><p>Sharpless KE, Marcus JZ, Kuroki LM, Wiser AL, Flowers L. ASCCP Committee Opinion: Adjuvant Human Papillomavirus Vaccine for patients undergoing treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2023;27:93–6.</p><p>Article PubMed Google Scholar </p></li></ol><p>Download references<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" focusable=\"false\" height=\"16\" role=\"img\" width=\"16\"><use xlink:href=\"#icon-eds-i-download-medium\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"></use></svg></p><p>Not applicable.</p><p>Ministry of Health: Ricerca Corrente 2023–2024.</p><h3>Authors and Affiliations</h3><ol><li><p>Epidemiology Unit, Azienda USL– IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, via Amendola 2, 42122, Reggio Emilia, Italy</p><p>Paolo Giorgi-Rossi</p></li><li><p>Molecular Biology and Viral Oncology Unit, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione G. Pascale, via Mariano Semmola, Napoli, Italy</p><p>Maria Lina Tornesello &amp; Franco Maria Buonaguro</p></li></ol><span>Authors</span><ol><li><span>Paolo Giorgi-Rossi</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Maria Lina Tornesello</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Franco Maria Buonaguro</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li></ol><h3>Contributions</h3><p>PGR and FMB conceived the concept; MLT contributed to the concept; PGR and FMB drafted the manuscript; PGR, FMB and MLT revised the manuscript. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.</p><h3>Corresponding authors</h3><p>Correspondence to Paolo Giorgi-Rossi or Franco Maria Buonaguro.</p><h3>Ethics approval and consent to participate</h3>\n<p>Patients and the public were not involved in this analysis of publicly available databases.</p>\n<h3>Consent for publication</h3>\n<p>Not applicable.</p>\n<h3>Competing interests</h3>\n<p>The authors declare no financial competing interests. All three coauthors participate to the development of the Italian multi-societies guidelines [4].</p><h3>Publisher’s Note</h3><p>Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.</p><p><b>Open Access</b> This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.</p>\n<p>Reprints and permissions</p><img alt=\"Check for updates. Verify currency and authenticity via CrossMark\" height=\"81\" loading=\"lazy\" src=\"\" width=\"57\"/><h3>Cite this article</h3><p>Giorgi-Rossi, P., Tornesello, M.L. &amp; Buonaguro, F.M. Why so much uncertainty about adjuvant HPV vaccines after local treatment? Can the discrepancy between the positive statistical results and the scientific community doubts be solved?. <i>Infect Agents Cancer</i> <b>19</b>, 11 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9</p><p>Download citation<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" focusable=\"false\" height=\"16\" role=\"img\" width=\"16\"><use xlink:href=\"#icon-eds-i-download-medium\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"></use></svg></p><ul data-test=\"publication-history\"><li><p>Received<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2024-02-29\">29 February 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>Accepted<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2024-03-07\">07 March 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>Published<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2024-04-04\">04 April 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>DOI</abbr><span>: </span><span>https://doi.org/10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9</span></p></li></ul><h3>Share this article</h3><p>Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:</p><button data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"get shareable link\" data-track-external=\"\" data-track-label=\"button\" type=\"button\">Get shareable link</button><p>Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.</p><p data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"select share url\" data-track-label=\"button\"></p><button data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"copy share url\" data-track-external=\"\" data-track-label=\"button\" type=\"button\">Copy to clipboard</button><p> Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative </p>","PeriodicalId":13568,"journal":{"name":"Infectious Agents and Cancer","volume":"300 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":3.1000,"publicationDate":"2024-04-04","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Why so much uncertainty about adjuvant HPV vaccines after local treatment? Can the discrepancy between the positive statistical results and the scientific community doubts be solved?\",\"authors\":\"Paolo Giorgi-Rossi, Maria Lina Tornesello, Franco Maria Buonaguro\",\"doi\":\"10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>The review article <b>Can prophylactic HPV vaccination reduce the recurrence of cervical lesions after surgery? Review and prospect</b> by Han and Zhang, published on October 29, 2023, highlighted the uncertainty about the efficacy of this intervention [1]. In fact, despite several studies showing consistent results in the direction of efficacy, there is still skepticism in the scientific community about the use of the HPV vaccine as an adjuvant therapy, after local treatment, against relapses. Is there a possibility to reduce the uncertainty? To answer this question we should understand why the available evidence is inconclusive. What should be wise public health decision-making? Should the health systems recommend and pay for this intervention or not?</p><p>In this debate, we identify <b>the discrepancies between the statistical uncertainty and biological plausibility</b> as the main determinant of divergences.</p><p>Several studies have shown a protective efficacy of HPV vaccine, with consistent results ranging from 80 to 50% vaccine efficacy [2,3,4], with few exceptions showing a smaller if any, effect [5, 6]. Most of the studies were under powered [6,7,8], many of them are not randomized [7, 9] or provide indirect evidence because the vaccine was administered before treatment to already infected women [6, 10, 11], finally, the largest study was based on routinely collected data with too few clinical information to exclude major differences between the compared groups [5]. Furthermore, some studies collected different outcomes at different time points making difficult a sound meta-analysis. Nevertheless, the most recent systematic reviews [2,3,4] produced consistent estimates of vaccine efficacy for CIN2 + of 50% or more. The statistical uncertainty about the estimates was small enough to exclude the null hypothesis.</p><p>The immunological and molecular mechanisms behind the protective role of a preventive vaccine against recurrences (after local treatment) is however still a major scientific problem. The time has passed when doubts were raised about the preventive efficacy and duration of anti-HPV vaccines optimized to induce humoral immunity. However, it is now difficult to explain why such a vaccine could even prevent the lesions from recurring.</p><p>Han and Zhang, in addition to the inhibition, by anti-L1 neutralizing antibodies, of the spread of the virus from the removed infected tissue to adjacent cells and/or of new infections due to other cross-reactive HPV genotypes, reconsider the antiviral role of the microenvironment [12, 13]. The surgical intervention and the subsequent anti-inflammatory microenvironment, with a high level of cytokine secretion, could increase the efficacy of post-operative vaccination.</p><p>However, although a post-operative vaccination constitutes an effective preventive strategy for women at high risk of new infection due to their promiscuity or a possible state of immunodeficiency, protection against new infection has not an adjuvant relevance and the interval between surgery and vaccination would not constitute an essential requirement.</p><p>Thus, in this scientific controversy, the absence of comprehension of the biological mechanism introduces an uncertainty that cannot be overcome by the statistical precision of pooled estimates coming from individually inconclusive studies.</p><p>A large randomized trial that can address at the same time efficacy and feasibility, quantify desirable and undesirable effects, as well as costs and implementation requirements will be always claimed. Nevertheless, such a study has not been conducted since the beginning and the ongoing large trials start with a big issue of lack of equipoise. We cannot honestly say that there is genuine uncertainty [14] about the efficacy. We can say that the lack of comprehension about mechanisms prevents us from anticipating the magnitude of the effects, particularly in the long term, but is this sufficient to ethically justify randomization to no vaccine or placebo? Would randomization to an effective intervention or no intervention be justified by the lack of clear recommendations in favor of the intervention? Is it more ethically acceptable in countries where cost effectiveness and sustainability issues prevented for recommending and covering the vaccination? Relativity of ethical issues in clinical research, particularly if justified by lack of resources has been questioned for other interventions [15]. Nevertheless, in preventive interventions the knowledge needs often justify a further gap between the initial proof of efficacy and implementation. In this time elapsing from the evidence of efficacy and public health recommendations, usually we assist to a spread of the intervention following disparate criteria, mostly opportunistic (for example availability of infrastructures or resources) or arbitrary (for example attitude to innovation of local decision makers), but all prone to introduce inequalities. In this landscape would be difficult to say that randomization is a less ethical criterion [16].</p><p>Part of the controversy could have been prevented if the initial studies, which started, as usual and almost necessarily, small and underpowered, were conducted to understand both “if” and “how” the intervention works. This point is essential in prevention, where trials are not a direct empirical test comparing all the consequences, in the life span of the woman, of the intervention with the counterfactual of no intervention. Actually, trials testing preventive interventions usually are only a proof of principle of efficacy, and the understanding of underlying mechanisms is necessary to anticipate long-term effects that cannot be reasonably directly observed in time horizon of a trial.</p><p>Indeed, new studies and possibly further analyses of the biological samples of previous studies should focus on:</p><ol>\\n<li>\\n<span>1.</span>\\n<p>differentiating the short term recurrence and the long term risk of CIN2 +;</p>\\n</li>\\n<li>\\n<span>2.</span>\\n<p>characterizing the HPV DNA integration into host DNA in treated and recurrent lesions;</p>\\n</li>\\n<li>\\n<span>3.</span>\\n<p>studying the genotype and the genetic differences between HPV detected in the lesion and during post treatment follow up, including recurrences;</p>\\n</li>\\n<li>\\n<span>4.</span>\\n<p>evaluating prevalence of latent infections in treated women and vaccine efficacy against these infections;</p>\\n</li>\\n<li>\\n<span>5.</span>\\n<p>defining occurrence of new infections after conization due to the same virus of the treated infection and vaccine efficacy on these new infections.</p>\\n</li>\\n</ol><p>While waiting for the results of ongoing studies, the health systems and physicians must decide on offering or not the vaccination. Few governmental agencies and scientific societies [4, 17] produced recommendations, ranging from shared decision-making, in the US, to a strong recommendation in favor of public coverage and active offer, in Italy. The inconsistency is the result of different ways to interpret the uncertainty about biological mechanisms and how this uncertainty was integrated in the interpretation of the available evidence. In the most skeptical interpretation, the uncertainty on the mechanism amplified the criticisms about the limits and flows of empirical studies. The panel that recommended the vaccination, instead, considered the consistency between results coming from different studies with different designs (and limits) and between different outcomes measured across the studies as a triangulation sufficient to overcome the lack of biological explanations.</p><p>Preventive interventions often present ethical and epistemological dilemmas, highlighting the need for rethinking the role of trials, including the understanding of underlying mechanisms in their secondary objectives, and the way to use direct and indirect evidence in building recommendations.</p><p>Not applicable.</p><ol data-track-component=\\\"outbound reference\\\"><li data-counter=\\\"1.\\\"><p>Han L, Zhang B. Can prophylactic HPV vaccination reduce the recurrence of cervical lesions after surgery? Review and prospect. Infect Agent Cancer. 2023;18:66.</p><p>Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"2.\\\"><p>Lichter K, Krause D, Xu J, Tsai SHL, Hage C, Weston E, Eke A, Levinson K. Adjuvant human papillomavirus vaccine to reduce recurrent cervical dysplasia in Unvaccinated women: a systematic review and Meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2020;135:1070–83.</p><p>Article PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"3.\\\"><p>Jentschke M, Kampers J, Becker J, Sibbertsen P, Hillemanns P. Prophylactic HPV vaccination after conization: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Vaccine. 2020;38:6402–9.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"4.\\\"><p>Venturelli F, Group MIGW. HPV vaccination in women treated for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or 3: evidence-based recommendation from the Multisociety Italian guidelines for cervical cancer prevention. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 2021;42:1039–47.</p><p>Article Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"5.\\\"><p>Sand FL, Kjaer SK, Frederiksen K, Dehlendorff C. Risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse after conization in relation to HPV vaccination status. Int J Cancer. 2020;147:641–7.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"6.\\\"><p>Hildesheim A, Gonzalez P, Kreimer AR, Wacholder S, Schussler J, Rodriguez AC, Porras C, Schiffman M, Sidawy M, Schiller JT et al. Impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 and 18 vaccination on prevalent infections and rates of cervical lesions after excisional treatment. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016, 215:212 e211-212 e215.</p></li><li data-counter=\\\"7.\\\"><p>Ghelardi A, Parazzini F, Martella F, Pieralli A, Bay P, Tonetti A, Svelato A, Bertacca G, Lombardi S, Joura EA. SPERANZA project: HPV vaccination after treatment for CIN2. Gynecol Oncol. 2018;151:229–34.</p><p>Article PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"8.\\\"><p>Pieralli A, Bianchi C, Auzzi N, Fallani MG, Bussani C, Fambrini M, Cariti G, Scarselli G, Petraglia F, Ghelardi A. Indication of prophylactic vaccines as a tool for secondary prevention in HPV-linked disease. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2018;298:1205–10.</p><p>Article PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"9.\\\"><p>Kang WD, Choi HS, Kim SM. Is vaccination with quadrivalent HPV vaccine after loop electrosurgical excision procedure effective in preventing recurrence in patients with high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2-3)? Gynecol Oncol. 2013;130:264–8.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"10.\\\"><p>Joura EA, Garland SM, Paavonen J, Ferris DG, Perez G, Ault KA, Huh WK, Sings HL, James MK, Haupt RM, FUTURE I and II Study Group. Effect of the human papillomavirus (HPV) quadrivalent vaccine in a subgroup of women with cervical and vulvar disease: retrospective pooled analysis of trial data. BMJ. 2012;344:e1401.</p><p>Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"11.\\\"><p>Garland SM, Paavonen J, Jaisamrarn U, Naud P, Salmeron J, Chow SN, Apter D, Castellsague X, Teixeira JC, Skinner SR, et al. Prior human papillomavirus-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccination prevents recurrent high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia after definitive surgical therapy: post-hoc analysis from a randomized controlled trial. Int J Cancer. 2016;139:2812–26.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"12.\\\"><p>Frazer IH. Interaction of human papillomaviruses with the host immune system: a well evolved relationship. Virology. 2009;384:410–4.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"13.\\\"><p>Saftlas AF, Spracklen CN, Ryckman KK, Stockdale CK, Penrose K, Ault K, Rubenstein LM, Pinto LA. Influence of a loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) on levels of cytokines in cervical secretions. J Reprod Immunol. 2015;109:74–83.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"14.\\\"><p>Freedman B. Equipoise and the ethics of clinical research. N Engl J Med. 1987;317:141–5.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"15.\\\"><p>Srinivasan S. Ethics of ‘standard care’ in randomised controlled trials of screening for cervical cancer. Indian J Med Ethics. 2013;10:147–9.</p><p>PubMed Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"16.\\\"><p>Toroyan T, Roberts I, Oakley A. Randomisation and resource allocation: a missed opportunity for evaluating health care and social interventions. J Med Ethics. 2000;26:319–22.</p><p>Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar </p></li><li data-counter=\\\"17.\\\"><p>Sharpless KE, Marcus JZ, Kuroki LM, Wiser AL, Flowers L. ASCCP Committee Opinion: Adjuvant Human Papillomavirus Vaccine for patients undergoing treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2023;27:93–6.</p><p>Article PubMed Google Scholar </p></li></ol><p>Download references<svg aria-hidden=\\\"true\\\" focusable=\\\"false\\\" height=\\\"16\\\" role=\\\"img\\\" width=\\\"16\\\"><use xlink:href=\\\"#icon-eds-i-download-medium\\\" xmlns:xlink=\\\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\\\"></use></svg></p><p>Not applicable.</p><p>Ministry of Health: Ricerca Corrente 2023–2024.</p><h3>Authors and Affiliations</h3><ol><li><p>Epidemiology Unit, Azienda USL– IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, via Amendola 2, 42122, Reggio Emilia, Italy</p><p>Paolo Giorgi-Rossi</p></li><li><p>Molecular Biology and Viral Oncology Unit, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione G. Pascale, via Mariano Semmola, Napoli, Italy</p><p>Maria Lina Tornesello &amp; Franco Maria Buonaguro</p></li></ol><span>Authors</span><ol><li><span>Paolo Giorgi-Rossi</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Maria Lina Tornesello</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li><li><span>Franco Maria Buonaguro</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li></ol><h3>Contributions</h3><p>PGR and FMB conceived the concept; MLT contributed to the concept; PGR and FMB drafted the manuscript; PGR, FMB and MLT revised the manuscript. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.</p><h3>Corresponding authors</h3><p>Correspondence to Paolo Giorgi-Rossi or Franco Maria Buonaguro.</p><h3>Ethics approval and consent to participate</h3>\\n<p>Patients and the public were not involved in this analysis of publicly available databases.</p>\\n<h3>Consent for publication</h3>\\n<p>Not applicable.</p>\\n<h3>Competing interests</h3>\\n<p>The authors declare no financial competing interests. All three coauthors participate to the development of the Italian multi-societies guidelines [4].</p><h3>Publisher’s Note</h3><p>Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.</p><p><b>Open Access</b> This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.</p>\\n<p>Reprints and permissions</p><img alt=\\\"Check for updates. Verify currency and authenticity via CrossMark\\\" height=\\\"81\\\" loading=\\\"lazy\\\" src=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"57\\\"/><h3>Cite this article</h3><p>Giorgi-Rossi, P., Tornesello, M.L. &amp; Buonaguro, F.M. Why so much uncertainty about adjuvant HPV vaccines after local treatment? Can the discrepancy between the positive statistical results and the scientific community doubts be solved?. <i>Infect Agents Cancer</i> <b>19</b>, 11 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9</p><p>Download citation<svg aria-hidden=\\\"true\\\" focusable=\\\"false\\\" height=\\\"16\\\" role=\\\"img\\\" width=\\\"16\\\"><use xlink:href=\\\"#icon-eds-i-download-medium\\\" xmlns:xlink=\\\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\\\"></use></svg></p><ul data-test=\\\"publication-history\\\"><li><p>Received<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\\\"2024-02-29\\\">29 February 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>Accepted<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\\\"2024-03-07\\\">07 March 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>Published<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\\\"2024-04-04\\\">04 April 2024</time></span></p></li><li><p>DOI</abbr><span>: </span><span>https://doi.org/10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9</span></p></li></ul><h3>Share this article</h3><p>Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:</p><button data-track=\\\"click\\\" data-track-action=\\\"get shareable link\\\" data-track-external=\\\"\\\" data-track-label=\\\"button\\\" type=\\\"button\\\">Get shareable link</button><p>Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.</p><p data-track=\\\"click\\\" data-track-action=\\\"select share url\\\" data-track-label=\\\"button\\\"></p><button data-track=\\\"click\\\" data-track-action=\\\"copy share url\\\" data-track-external=\\\"\\\" data-track-label=\\\"button\\\" type=\\\"button\\\">Copy to clipboard</button><p> Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative </p>\",\"PeriodicalId\":13568,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"Infectious Agents and Cancer\",\"volume\":\"300 1\",\"pages\":\"\"},\"PeriodicalIF\":3.1000,\"publicationDate\":\"2024-04-04\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"\",\"citationCount\":\"0\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"Infectious Agents and Cancer\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"3\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://doi.org/10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9\",\"RegionNum\":2,\"RegionCategory\":\"医学\",\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"Q3\",\"JCRName\":\"IMMUNOLOGY\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Infectious Agents and Cancer","FirstCategoryId":"3","ListUrlMain":"https://doi.org/10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9","RegionNum":2,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q3","JCRName":"IMMUNOLOGY","Score":null,"Total":0}
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韩和张于 2023 年 10 月 29 日发表的综述文章《预防性接种 HPV 疫苗能否减少宫颈病变术后复发?的综述和展望,强调了这一干预措施疗效的不确定性[1]。事实上,尽管几项研究显示了一致的疗效结果,但科学界对使用 HPV 疫苗作为局部治疗后的辅助疗法来预防复发仍持怀疑态度。是否有可能减少这种不确定性?要回答这个问题,我们应该了解现有证据尚无定论的原因。明智的公共卫生决策应该是什么?在这场辩论中,我们认为统计不确定性和生物学可信性之间的差异是造成分歧的主要决定因素。有几项研究显示了 HPV 疫苗的保护效力,结果一致,疫苗效力从 80%到 50%不等 [2,3,4],只有少数例外情况显示了较小的效力(如果有的话) [5,6]。大多数研究的研究动力不足[6,7,8],许多研究不是随机进行的[7,9],或者提供了间接证据,因为疫苗是在治疗前给已经感染的妇女注射的[6,10,11],最后,最大的一项研究是基于常规收集的数据,临床信息太少,无法排除比较组之间的重大差异[5]。此外,一些研究在不同的时间点收集了不同的结果,因此很难进行合理的荟萃分析。尽管如此,最近的系统综述[2,3,4]对 CIN2 + 疫苗疗效的估计值一致,都在 50%或以上。然而,预防性疫苗对复发(局部治疗后)的保护作用背后的免疫学和分子机制仍然是一个重大的科学问题。人们曾对以诱导体液免疫为目的的抗 HPV 疫苗的预防效果和持续时间表示怀疑。除了通过抗 L1 中和抗体抑制病毒从切除的感染组织向邻近细胞扩散和/或抑制其他交叉反应 HPV 基因型引起的新感染外,韩和张还重新考虑了微环境的抗病毒作用[12, 13]。手术干预和随后的抗炎微环境(细胞因子分泌水平较高)可能会提高术后疫苗接种的效果。然而,尽管术后疫苗接种对于因性乱或可能的免疫缺陷状态而面临新感染高风险的女性来说是一种有效的预防策略,但对新感染的保护并不具有佐剂的意义,而且手术与疫苗接种之间的间隔时间并不构成必要条件。因此,在这一科学争议中,由于缺乏对生物机制的了解,因此产生了一种不确定性,而这种不确定性是无法通过对个别无定论的研究得出的综合估计值进行精确统计来克服的。然而,这样的研究从一开始就没有进行过,而且正在进行的大型试验一开始就存在着缺乏均衡性的大问题。我们不能坦率地说,疗效确实存在不确定性[14]。我们可以说,由于缺乏对机制的了解,我们无法预测疗效的大小,尤其是长期疗效,但这是否足以从道德上证明随机接种无疫苗或安慰剂是合理的?在缺乏明确建议支持干预措施的情况下,随机选择有效干预措施或不采取干预措施是否合理?在因成本效益和可持续性问题而无法推荐和覆盖疫苗接种的国家,这种做法在伦理上是否更容易被接受?临床研究中伦理问题的相对性,尤其是以缺乏资源为理由的临床研究,在其他干预措施中也受到质疑 [15]。然而,在预防性干预措施中,知识需求往往证明在最初的疗效证明与实施之间还有一段间隔。在疗效证据和公共卫生建议之间的这段时间里,我们通常会协助按照不同的标准推广干预措施,这些标准大多是机会性的(例如基础设施或资源的可用性)或任意性的(例如当地决策者对创新的态度),但都容易造成不平等。
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Why so much uncertainty about adjuvant HPV vaccines after local treatment? Can the discrepancy between the positive statistical results and the scientific community doubts be solved?

The review article Can prophylactic HPV vaccination reduce the recurrence of cervical lesions after surgery? Review and prospect by Han and Zhang, published on October 29, 2023, highlighted the uncertainty about the efficacy of this intervention [1]. In fact, despite several studies showing consistent results in the direction of efficacy, there is still skepticism in the scientific community about the use of the HPV vaccine as an adjuvant therapy, after local treatment, against relapses. Is there a possibility to reduce the uncertainty? To answer this question we should understand why the available evidence is inconclusive. What should be wise public health decision-making? Should the health systems recommend and pay for this intervention or not?

In this debate, we identify the discrepancies between the statistical uncertainty and biological plausibility as the main determinant of divergences.

Several studies have shown a protective efficacy of HPV vaccine, with consistent results ranging from 80 to 50% vaccine efficacy [2,3,4], with few exceptions showing a smaller if any, effect [5, 6]. Most of the studies were under powered [6,7,8], many of them are not randomized [7, 9] or provide indirect evidence because the vaccine was administered before treatment to already infected women [6, 10, 11], finally, the largest study was based on routinely collected data with too few clinical information to exclude major differences between the compared groups [5]. Furthermore, some studies collected different outcomes at different time points making difficult a sound meta-analysis. Nevertheless, the most recent systematic reviews [2,3,4] produced consistent estimates of vaccine efficacy for CIN2 + of 50% or more. The statistical uncertainty about the estimates was small enough to exclude the null hypothesis.

The immunological and molecular mechanisms behind the protective role of a preventive vaccine against recurrences (after local treatment) is however still a major scientific problem. The time has passed when doubts were raised about the preventive efficacy and duration of anti-HPV vaccines optimized to induce humoral immunity. However, it is now difficult to explain why such a vaccine could even prevent the lesions from recurring.

Han and Zhang, in addition to the inhibition, by anti-L1 neutralizing antibodies, of the spread of the virus from the removed infected tissue to adjacent cells and/or of new infections due to other cross-reactive HPV genotypes, reconsider the antiviral role of the microenvironment [12, 13]. The surgical intervention and the subsequent anti-inflammatory microenvironment, with a high level of cytokine secretion, could increase the efficacy of post-operative vaccination.

However, although a post-operative vaccination constitutes an effective preventive strategy for women at high risk of new infection due to their promiscuity or a possible state of immunodeficiency, protection against new infection has not an adjuvant relevance and the interval between surgery and vaccination would not constitute an essential requirement.

Thus, in this scientific controversy, the absence of comprehension of the biological mechanism introduces an uncertainty that cannot be overcome by the statistical precision of pooled estimates coming from individually inconclusive studies.

A large randomized trial that can address at the same time efficacy and feasibility, quantify desirable and undesirable effects, as well as costs and implementation requirements will be always claimed. Nevertheless, such a study has not been conducted since the beginning and the ongoing large trials start with a big issue of lack of equipoise. We cannot honestly say that there is genuine uncertainty [14] about the efficacy. We can say that the lack of comprehension about mechanisms prevents us from anticipating the magnitude of the effects, particularly in the long term, but is this sufficient to ethically justify randomization to no vaccine or placebo? Would randomization to an effective intervention or no intervention be justified by the lack of clear recommendations in favor of the intervention? Is it more ethically acceptable in countries where cost effectiveness and sustainability issues prevented for recommending and covering the vaccination? Relativity of ethical issues in clinical research, particularly if justified by lack of resources has been questioned for other interventions [15]. Nevertheless, in preventive interventions the knowledge needs often justify a further gap between the initial proof of efficacy and implementation. In this time elapsing from the evidence of efficacy and public health recommendations, usually we assist to a spread of the intervention following disparate criteria, mostly opportunistic (for example availability of infrastructures or resources) or arbitrary (for example attitude to innovation of local decision makers), but all prone to introduce inequalities. In this landscape would be difficult to say that randomization is a less ethical criterion [16].

Part of the controversy could have been prevented if the initial studies, which started, as usual and almost necessarily, small and underpowered, were conducted to understand both “if” and “how” the intervention works. This point is essential in prevention, where trials are not a direct empirical test comparing all the consequences, in the life span of the woman, of the intervention with the counterfactual of no intervention. Actually, trials testing preventive interventions usually are only a proof of principle of efficacy, and the understanding of underlying mechanisms is necessary to anticipate long-term effects that cannot be reasonably directly observed in time horizon of a trial.

Indeed, new studies and possibly further analyses of the biological samples of previous studies should focus on:

  1. 1.

    differentiating the short term recurrence and the long term risk of CIN2 +;

  2. 2.

    characterizing the HPV DNA integration into host DNA in treated and recurrent lesions;

  3. 3.

    studying the genotype and the genetic differences between HPV detected in the lesion and during post treatment follow up, including recurrences;

  4. 4.

    evaluating prevalence of latent infections in treated women and vaccine efficacy against these infections;

  5. 5.

    defining occurrence of new infections after conization due to the same virus of the treated infection and vaccine efficacy on these new infections.

While waiting for the results of ongoing studies, the health systems and physicians must decide on offering or not the vaccination. Few governmental agencies and scientific societies [4, 17] produced recommendations, ranging from shared decision-making, in the US, to a strong recommendation in favor of public coverage and active offer, in Italy. The inconsistency is the result of different ways to interpret the uncertainty about biological mechanisms and how this uncertainty was integrated in the interpretation of the available evidence. In the most skeptical interpretation, the uncertainty on the mechanism amplified the criticisms about the limits and flows of empirical studies. The panel that recommended the vaccination, instead, considered the consistency between results coming from different studies with different designs (and limits) and between different outcomes measured across the studies as a triangulation sufficient to overcome the lack of biological explanations.

Preventive interventions often present ethical and epistemological dilemmas, highlighting the need for rethinking the role of trials, including the understanding of underlying mechanisms in their secondary objectives, and the way to use direct and indirect evidence in building recommendations.

Not applicable.

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  14. Freedman B. Equipoise and the ethics of clinical research. N Engl J Med. 1987;317:141–5.

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  16. Toroyan T, Roberts I, Oakley A. Randomisation and resource allocation: a missed opportunity for evaluating health care and social interventions. J Med Ethics. 2000;26:319–22.

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  17. Sharpless KE, Marcus JZ, Kuroki LM, Wiser AL, Flowers L. ASCCP Committee Opinion: Adjuvant Human Papillomavirus Vaccine for patients undergoing treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2023;27:93–6.

    Article PubMed Google Scholar

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Ministry of Health: Ricerca Corrente 2023–2024.

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Epidemiology Unit, Azienda USL– IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, via Amendola 2, 42122, Reggio Emilia, Italy

    Paolo Giorgi-Rossi

  2. Molecular Biology and Viral Oncology Unit, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione G. Pascale, via Mariano Semmola, Napoli, Italy

    Maria Lina Tornesello & Franco Maria Buonaguro

  1. Paolo Giorgi-RossiView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  2. Maria Lina TorneselloView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  3. Franco Maria BuonaguroView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar


PGR and FMB conceived the concept; MLT contributed to the concept; PGR and FMB drafted the manuscript; PGR, FMB and MLT revised the manuscript. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Paolo Giorgi-Rossi or Franco Maria Buonaguro.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

Patients and the public were not involved in this analysis of publicly available databases.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare no financial competing interests. All three coauthors participate to the development of the Italian multi-societies guidelines [4].

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Giorgi-Rossi, P., Tornesello, M.L. & Buonaguro, F.M. Why so much uncertainty about adjuvant HPV vaccines after local treatment? Can the discrepancy between the positive statistical results and the scientific community doubts be solved?. Infect Agents Cancer 19, 11 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13027-024-00572-9

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Infectious Agents and Cancer
Infectious Agents and Cancer ONCOLOGY-IMMUNOLOGY
期刊介绍: Infectious Agents and Cancer is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of basic, clinical, epidemiological and translational research providing an insight into the association between chronic infections and cancer. The journal welcomes submissions in the pathogen-related cancer areas and other related topics, in particular: • HPV and anogenital cancers, as well as head and neck cancers; • EBV and Burkitt lymphoma; • HCV/HBV and hepatocellular carcinoma as well as lymphoproliferative diseases; • HHV8 and Kaposi sarcoma; • HTLV and leukemia; • Cancers in Low- and Middle-income countries. The link between infection and cancer has become well established over the past 50 years, and infection-associated cancer contribute up to 16% of cancers in developed countries and 33% in less developed countries. Preventive vaccines have been developed for only two cancer-causing viruses, highlighting both the opportunity to prevent infection-associated cancers by vaccination and the gaps that remain before vaccines can be developed for other cancer-causing agents. These gaps are due to incomplete understanding of the basic biology, natural history, epidemiology of many of the pathogens that cause cancer, the mechanisms they exploit to cause cancer, and how to interrupt progression to cancer in human populations. Early diagnosis or identification of lesions at high risk of progression represent the current most critical research area of the field supported by recent advances in genomics and proteomics technologies.
Additive interaction between hepatitis B virus infection and tobacco smoking on the risk of gastric cancer in a Chinese population. A comparative analysis of somatic mutational profiles according to HIV status among women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 3 (CIN3): a focus on hotspots in TP53, PIK3CA, PTEN, and EGFR. Precision therapeutic targets for HPV-positive cancers: an overview and new insights. Prophylactic vaccines against HPV-caused cervical cancer: novel vaccines are still demanded. Development and validation of a multiplex qPCR method for identification of high-risk genotypes of human papillomavirus.
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