Older Adults with Ph Negative Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Monocentric Experience on 57 Patients Focusing on Treatment Intensity and Age-Related Prognosis.
Reciprocal interdependence between infectious and hematologic diseases (malignant and non-malignant) is well known. This relationship is particularly evident in Mediterranean countries. Parasitosis as Malaria, Leishmaniosis, B Hookworms, Teniasis, very common in the southeast Mediterranean area, infect about a billion people and manifest prevalently with anemia so that they are usually diagnosed mostly by experienced hematologist on blood or bone marrow smear. On the other hand, infections are also a significant problem in patients affected by hematological malignancies. The blood is the primary vector of HIV infection, which otherwise manifest with symptoms related to a reduction in T lymphocytes. In turn, infections can favor the insurgency of hematological malignancies. The causative relationship between Epstein-Barr virus infection, Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis C virus, HIV and lymphoproliferative diseases is well known.