Distributing Potentiality. Post-capitalist Economies and the Generative Time Regime
Author(s): Davor Löffler
Title (English): Distributing Potentiality. Post-capitalist Economies and the Generative Time Regime
Journal Reference: Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 15, No. 1-2 (Summer 2018)
Publisher: Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje
Page Range: 8-44
Page Count: 37
Citation (English): Davor Löffler, “Distributing Potentiality. Post-capitalist Economies and the Generative Time Regime,” Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 15, No. 1-2 (Summer 2018): 8-44.
Identities explores the relationship of racial, ethnic and national identities and power hierarchies within national and global arenas. It examines the collective representations of social, political, economic and cultural boundaries as aspects of processes of domination, struggle and resistance, and it probes the unidentified and unarticulated class structures and gender relations that remain integral to both maintaining and challenging subordination. Identities responds to the paradox of our time: the growth of a global economy and transnational movements of populations produce or perpetuate distinctive cultural practices and differentiated identities.