Since its inception, the journal "Chinese Primary Medicine" has adhered to the development strategy of "based in China, serving the grassroots, and facing the world" as its publishing concept, reporting a large amount of the latest medical information at home and abroad, prospering the academic field of primary medicine, and is praised by readers as a medical encyclopedia that updates knowledge. It is a core journal in China's medical and health field, and its influence index (CI) ranks Q2 in China's academic journals in 2022. It was included in the American Chemical Abstracts in 2008, the World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Medical Index (WPRIM) in 2009, and the Japan Science and Technology Agency Database (JST) and Scopus Database in 2018, and was included in the Wanfang Data-China Digital Journal Group and the China Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database.
《中国基层医药》杂志创刊于1994年7月(月刊,中国标准连续出版物号ISSN 1008-6706、CN 34-1190/R,大16开本,160页,彩色胶印),国家卫生健康委员会主管、中华医学会主办的中华医学会系列杂志。是原国家新闻出版广电总局首批认定的A类学术期刊。编委会由近百名有影响的知名专家组成,现有5位中国科学院、中国工程院院士。